View Full Version : AWOL

October 19th, 2005, 07:11 AM
Article from Gunnery Seargent Andyconda

October 19th, 2005
I woke this morning as I would any Wednesday morning. Warm shower and a hot breakfast were first on the to do list. As I showered off I realized I had gone to sleep extremely early the night before. I actually fell asleep before my one year old was put to bed. This would be at 1900 hours. My usual time for getting shut eye is 2400 hours. Sometimes later (or actually earlier depending on your time refernce). Some how I had hibernated through the entire afternoon and night. I felt saddened that I did not get to play my usual couple of hours or more of BF2. I felt ashamed. I felt depressed. Now I had to go to work for 9 more hours before I would get the chance to help my commrades take CP's. Then I felt worse. This is becuase I started to think of the fellow squad members that had to go it alone last night without my support. I felt like a deserter. I was AWOL. I thought about Goose sitting in the gunner chair in a Cobra helo saying "Andy where are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" or Diesel with the Marine sneaking up on his back with a knife to cut him and me not being there to DAO the punk in the back trying to sneak up on my squad memeber. Or Katherine not having a target to kill when she came back to rearm in the plane not realizing, "Hey, I'm on your side". I will muddle through the day in shame until tonight when I can redeem myself and add support to the MERC Squad and help it aquire best squad. I will be back.

Gunnery Seargent Andyconda (AWOL)

October 19th, 2005, 07:28 AM
My usual time for getting shut eye is 2400 hours.

That's zero-hundred hours.

I thought about Goose sitting in the gunner chair in a Cobra helo saying "Andy where are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I fly a helo from the dam to the airfield ONCE and this is what I'm remembered for - man, am I in trouble or what?

I too was AWOL last night, I had other arrangments (aka wife hax)

October 19th, 2005, 09:00 AM
Np Gunny we had a small group of super secret haxorz (Onji Outlaws) on a super secret insertion last night, the rest of us had a R&R session.

Your superior

October 19th, 2005, 09:08 AM
yeah i was awol as well last night, but tonight is on!

im gonna hop on ts around 7ish and get some hardcore bf2 in. oh and i just got my new vid card in so.......woot. i hope i have time to install it before tonight though.

i also have to say....that when i play bf2 alone it flat out sucs. i really engjoy playing with the squad. thats what makes the game awesome. man, i love flying around and trying to let you guys know whats headin ur way or take it our before it gets close to yall. i dont have as much fun when i fly unless i have a ground squad (merc's) to back up. and when i am in armor.....i enjoy the awesome team play with u guys. we all seem to know what our teammates are going to do next!

i think we work awesome together, and when we get on a server, we truly pwn! if we ever get into some competitions....dude.....we will rock!

everybdies superior.......ahahaha i got u on that diesel

October 19th, 2005, 09:49 AM
I wanted to play, but was having SERIOUS connection problems. Uninstalled and reinstalled BF2 and it works now. Tonight, it's on!

PS: Don't press ESC while connecting to an internet game...it hoses the install somehow.

October 19th, 2005, 10:48 AM
Sittin staring sadly at the glass box called BF2 waiting for the day that he may one day join the ranks of the "few, the proud, the mercrines."

One day boys, one day thee_rook will rise out of the ashes to pwn in BF2ville.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
October 19th, 2005, 11:48 AM
And then we'll get on the server and really show you how to pwn at BF2 thee_rook.

LOL, can't wait for another person to join up. Playing BF2 with 10 or 12 people at a time is about the best thing since sliced bread.

October 19th, 2005, 04:58 PM
omg wootage!

i installed the new vid card. and jesus! my ability to fly will drastically increase now! i can see targets and hit crap the size of a football now. wootagesssssss!!!!

October 19th, 2005, 05:50 PM
Brent now you see why my helo skills at the gun chair increased so dramatically. Being able to see is a good thing. Can't wait to see how you can possible pown any more than you already do in the planes.

October 19th, 2005, 06:10 PM
Ah the force is strong in that one!!!

October 20th, 2005, 10:17 AM
Where were all you boons. I got on a little pass 9 and only toe tag, roselind, and goose , where there to charge the line with me.

October 20th, 2005, 10:35 AM
And I didn't do much charging, but I did do a lot of dying.

October 20th, 2005, 11:17 AM
I was having issues. I'll be there at 9pm EST tonight!

October 20th, 2005, 12:51 PM
i was on ts from 7 till 9......i had an early bed time, sry.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
October 20th, 2005, 07:28 PM
I get up at 4am est so I'm in bed pretty early. I think I played until 9:30 last night but didn't make it on tonight. Hopefully I'll get to play a little this weekend but my brother is coming to visit and my son has a football game Saturday.
