View Full Version : noob needs help

October 5th, 2005, 12:45 PM
Ok, I've started playing BF2 - did not play any of the previous versions of Battlefield. The entire setup is totally new to me and I am having a hard time finding a kit that I am comfortable with and I am having trouble getting kills in general (getting killed comes naturally). I am asking those that have many many hours and many many kills to tell me what kits / options and such would a noob be most comfortable with and try to get some kills?

October 5th, 2005, 02:36 PM
I would say look for me, but I don't play BF2 yet. :dunno

October 5th, 2005, 03:08 PM
assault, if you are on foot...but stick with the squad leader, also have Andy/biggs ferry you around in the heli is usually great.
But I think the assault weaponry with the granade launchers are lethal in the right enviornments, but the special forces units are very versitle, but mostly you just like CS you have to get used to the guns, as unlike cs if you spray you will die more times than not, especially while moving.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
October 5th, 2005, 05:28 PM
Just get good in the vehicals and be an engineer, elimanates all your problems.

It really depends on what your goal is on the map, if you want points you probably want to be support so you can resupply everyone and get points. Trick is the gun sucks bad, so you won't get many kills. I used to play a lot of medic so I could heal people for points and also to revive people for points, guns aren't bad for medic either. But now I'm mostly an engineer so I can repair all the commanders stuff, vehicals, and bridges. Plus if I'm an engineer I'm usually trying to roll in a tank, which will pwn most of the people on any map, just keep your eyes open for C4. Assault is good for kills and ground pounding, but I try to stay away from that crap. Spec Ops lets you help your team by blowing up the other commanders stuff, arty, uav, radar. It also allows you to place C4 on any and everything out there and blow yourself up with it. Lastly, Anti-tank good for taking out armor and helicoptors but the mp5 sucks royally for anything more than 10 feet from you.

Then you can adjust which kit you play depending on what other kits your squad has, or needs to complete it's mission. So you'd have to talk to your squad leader to determine what would help your squad the most.

I suggust you learn to drive the vehicals, tanks, helis, and jets, being the ones that matter the most. That way you can throw down some serious pwnage on virtually every map and most opponents.

October 6th, 2005, 07:20 AM
I think I had the most fun last night as a medic - well, with the exception of using the sniper rifle that someone else dropped and I capped two or three from LONG range. I know one thing though, and I think Andy is with me on this, that Wake Island map is fun for about one maybe two rounds, but after that, it gets kind of old.

October 6th, 2005, 11:56 AM
The map is beautiful but how many ways can a man get his arse handed to him. On a positive note goos I finally played a few rounds where my team owned and it way more fun. I actually played for like 3 hours last night. Much better on the winning side, Woohoo!
