View Full Version : just a question

September 21st, 2005, 08:24 PM
hey guys,

i know we had some kinda plans for a server. i also know that we had an advertisement bar as well. i cant find that bar anymore, i guess im a tard.

just curious if we need money or something, cause i can put up some on a monthly basis. no one has asked me and i just wanna know.

any way, i know we all have been taxed lately with the storm and all, but i just wanted to see where we all stand on this.

September 21st, 2005, 08:30 PM
']i also know that we had an advertisement bar as well. i cant find that bar anymore, i guess im a tard.

Nope, Google had issues with the way the web pages refreshed every 30 seconds and pulled our account.

I don't think we have discussed it much since then. I'm not playing BF2 yet but I'd be willing to throw $10 - $20 a month to play on a 'MERC' server once I start.

September 22nd, 2005, 01:31 PM
so can we get one of those bars in the future?

September 22nd, 2005, 03:49 PM
i did a little research and i have found that 32 man ranked servers go for around 150. that is from trinity.

i know some of u guys may know of cheaper places to go so please post them. maybe a discussion would be a good idea.

anyway if we eventually do get a server. if we can get 10 guys to put up, then that would be about 15 bucks a person.

let me now what u guys think about this. maybe we could search for a sponser? or maybe get FEMA to pay for the server, lol.

please post ur thoughts.

September 22nd, 2005, 04:58 PM
If I ever get into BF2 I would be willing to put in some donation. I hear it is a fun game. Getting into it would require new vid card and purchase again I believe.
