View Full Version : Hello all!!

September 16th, 2005, 05:19 PM
Finally back in my own home and online!! Its been a roguh and crazy few weeks peeps. Been all over the gulf coast stayin at various places but My crib is up and mostly functional
Got a bunch o good looks at the destruction that was N.O. It is eary. Got government passes to clear police and military road blocks..... the city looks like the aftermath of a nuclear attack. All the grass is dead and the water left sand and mud so the entire ground surface is chalky white and gray. No sound at all....no cats, dogs people, or even birds. Only the occasional chopper overhead or fully armed soldier on patrol. It is eary, like some horror movie or sumthin. St bernard parish (chalmette) is completely covered with about 4 inches of thick mud. Airline highway in the city has a water line of 5 foot, anyone who knows the city at all knows that is unfathomable. And the whole are smells like rotten eggs or worse in some parts. Any vehicles that werent sunk were gutted and destroyed by looters and joy-ridin vandals. School buses ran into garbage dumpsters, coke machines bashed into pieces, job trailers completley cleaned out and destroyed. Kenner had about 60% of all telephone poles down when we first got back.... all fixed up now. Anyway.... Alan_1 is back online and Ill see you guys around. :survivor1

September 16th, 2005, 07:09 PM
Glad to see you made it through ok. Thanks for the update.

September 16th, 2005, 07:20 PM
Any vehicles that werent sunk were gutted and destroyed by looters and joy-ridin vandals. School buses ran into garbage dumpsters, coke machines bashed into pieces, job trailers completley cleaned out and destroyed.

Alan good to here your OK, I hope you get back to "Normal" as soon as possible.

But what you said is the one thing that the DAMM media wont talk about....
ALL THESE SO CALLED VICTIMS, that acidently drove a bus into a dumpster
OR the acidently broke the window on a car and drove it into a building...
OR the doors on the JOB SITE container that just opened up like moses did the red sea and spilled out all valualble materials...

Nope no crimnals here, just Victims.

September 16th, 2005, 07:30 PM
Glad your ok ALan and good to have you back.

September 16th, 2005, 09:44 PM
Nice you see you're OK. The smell is the worst thing right now if you go around that water. Man, I'd hate to have that in my house.

Little Birdy
September 17th, 2005, 02:50 PM
how are the mosquitos... I haven't noticed too many after the storm! Lol, I'm in Lafayette right now for college. but love bugs are a pain... always makin' love in your face and stuff, Get a room you darn bugs! Anyways... seriously, How are the mosquitos?

September 17th, 2005, 03:01 PM
In a word... BAD Don't go outside at dusk!

September 17th, 2005, 07:38 PM
I live in a suburb just west of New Orleans now. Havent really been outside at night with the curfew and all, but have'nt really noticed any astronomical increase in normal mosquito activity. There are jets that fly by at low altitude spraying pesticides and the normal trucks that spray also. Its gonna take a long time but New Orleans will be back. Hope we set up a make up date for the LAN sometime soon, I was really lookin forward to experiencing it and meeting you guys face to face. Anyway, Ill be online at night when Im not working. Later guys.

September 17th, 2005, 09:10 PM
yeah, i hope we can maybe get a reschedule going for the lan. maybe once everybody gets settled and back to normal it might be possible.

September 19th, 2005, 10:51 AM
Good to see you back on line bro! We have the network up and running at work so I can post a little. No internet at the apartment until saturday. So no games 4 me. Keep an eye on my house and answer your damn cell phone.
