View Full Version : thee_rook..here plz

September 14th, 2005, 02:15 PM
d00d....quit surfing the forums and try and do some work. Dont make me block your internet access from your work station. :stick

September 14th, 2005, 02:16 PM

September 14th, 2005, 02:19 PM
My work here is done. I think I am going to take a half day!

September 14th, 2005, 02:21 PM
hope this helps..

Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something.

A job; employment: looking for work.
A trade, profession, or other means of livelihood.

Something that one is doing, making, or performing, especially as an occupation or undertaking; a duty or task: begin the day's work.
An amount of such activity either done or required: a week's work.

The part of a day devoted to an occupation or undertaking: met her after work.
One's place of employment: Should I call you at home or at work?

Something that has been produced or accomplished through the effort, activity, or agency of a person or thing: This story is the work of an active imagination. Erosion is the work of wind, water, and time.
Full action or effect of an agency: The sleeping pills did their work.
An act; a deed: “I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 1:14).

An artistic creation, such as a painting, sculpture, or literary or musical composition; a work of art.
works The output of a writer, artist, or musician considered or collected as a whole: the works of Shakespeare.

works Engineering structures, such as bridges or dams.
A fortified structure, such as a trench or fortress.

Needlework, weaving, lacemaking, or a similar textile art.
A piece of such textile art.
A material or piece of material being processed in a machine during manufacture: work to be turned in the lathe.
works (used with a sing. or pl. verb) A factory, plant, or similar building or complex of buildings where a specific type of business or industry is carried on. Often used in combination: a steelworks.
works Internal mechanism: the works of a watch.
The manner, style, or quality of working or treatment; workmanship.
Abbr. w Physics. The transfer of energy from one physical system to another, especially the transfer of energy to a body by the application of a force that moves the body in the direction of the force. It is calculated as the product of the force and the distance through which the body moves and is expressed in joules, ergs, and foot-pounds.
works Moral or righteous acts or deeds: salvation by faith rather than works.
Informal. The full range of possibilities; everything. Used with the: ordered a pizza with the works.
Slang. A thorough beating or other severe treatment. Used with the: took him outside and gave him the works.

Of, relating to, designed for, or engaged in work.

v. worked, also wrought (rôt) work·ing, works
v. intr.
To exert oneself physically or mentally in order to do, make, or accomplish something.
To be employed; have a job.

To function; operate: How does this latch work?
To function or operate in the desired or required way: The telephone hasn't worked since the thunderstorm.

To have a given effect or outcome: Our friendship works best when we speak our minds.
To have the desired effect or outcome; prove successful: This recipe seems to work.
To exert an influence. Used with on or upon: worked on her to join the group.
To arrive at a specified condition through gradual or repeated movement: The stitches worked loose.
To proceed or progress slowly and laboriously: worked through the underbrush; worked through my problems in therapy.
To move in an agitated manner, as with emotion: Her mouth worked with fear.
To behave in a specified way when handled or processed: Not all metals work easily.
To ferment.
To strain in heavy seas so that the joints give slightly and the fastenings become slack. Used of a boat or ship.
To sail against the wind.
To undergo small motions that result in friction and wear: The gears work against each other.

v. tr.
To cause or effect; bring about: working miracles.
To cause to operate or function; actuate, use, or manage: worked the controls; can work a lathe.
To shape or forge: “Each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor” (Edgar Allan Poe).
To make or decorate by needlework: work a sampler.
To solve (a problem) by calculation and reasoning.
To knead, stir, or otherwise manipulate in preparation: Work the dough before shaping it.
To bring to a specified condition by gradual or repeated effort or work: finally worked the window open; worked the slaves to death.
To make, achieve, or pay for by work or effort: worked her way to the top; worked his passage on the ship.
Informal. To arrange or contrive. Often used with it: worked it so that her weekends are free.
To make productive; cultivate: work a farm.
To cause to work: works his laborers hard.
To excite or provoke: worked the mob into a frenzy.
To gratify, cajole, or enchant artfully, especially for the purpose of influencing: The politician worked the crowd. The comedian worked the room with flawless rhythm.
To use or manipulate to one's own advantage; exploit: learned how to work the system; worked his relatives for sympathy.
To carry on an operation or function in or through: the agent who works that area; working the phones for donations.
To ferment (liquor, for example).

September 14th, 2005, 02:39 PM
lmao....you been haxed!
