View Full Version : Dirge Radio... back on line

September 7th, 2005, 05:58 PM
Update for Dirge.

My house smells like rotten cow arse. I am back in my house in Gretna. This place is locked down tighter than Fort Knox. I literally had some NG run in front of my truck to stop me from entering Gretna. Anyway, the house is still fine, no looting. I have spent about 1 1/2 hours trying to clean out the fridge. I have four trash bags out on the sidewalk which must have about a zillion flies flying around them. To combat the lingering smell, I have used half a bottle of clorox, fantastic, and lysol. Oh, and I have about 8 candles burning in the kitchen right now. It's very romantic.

All in all, this place is funked up. My p[art of town is actually one of the better off in the entire metro area. Metairie, where we were to have the LAN does not *how should I say* look good. The smell from the flooded side of the city drifts across the river from time to time and it smells almost as bad as my fridge did.

The good news: Robby is back guarding his home, working at my nearby BellSouth office. And I have 23 gallons of fuel i nthe back of my truck and 3 cases of beer in my formerly grand fridge.

Oh yeah, DirecTv rocks as I still have something to watch. Only bad thing is I can't drink the water. Good thing I bought some beer.

peace people, keep praying for us while we start rebuilding.

September 7th, 2005, 06:02 PM
yo dirgy,

i just got back from metry today. i talked to my neighbor, the guy with home land sucurity. he told me that yesterday alone the gretna cops/swat, and some NG's killed 37 "looters" in gretna. he also said they took a prisoner. lol, the prisoner was the guy who lived from the gun fight, wounded.

anyway if u wanna know the the prisoner said to my neighbor during an "interogation" pm me, as the info will offend some peeps.

September 7th, 2005, 06:10 PM
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that my key to the front door doesn't work snymore. I think someone tried to open the lock and got something stuck. Also, at my work we have two guards roaming the halls and grounds with a pump shotty and a sidearm. Scared me at first coming out of the dark hall, but I am glad they are there.

Now I lay me down to sleep, Winchester pump shotty laid next to my feet...

September 7th, 2005, 06:32 PM
Now I lay me down to sleep, Winchester pump shotty laid next to my feet...

If I should get looted before I wake

I pray 1 round is all it'll take!


September 7th, 2005, 08:08 PM

September 8th, 2005, 07:49 AM
lol I love it.

Glad to see your in good spirits though Dirge. And very good news about DirecTV still working, cuz the season starts tonight :D

September 8th, 2005, 08:25 PM
']anyway if u wanna know the the prisoner said to my neighbor during an "interogation" pm me, as the info will offend some peeps.

Ohhhh that's not right........

You can't tell a story like that and not give us the ending. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v246/mindwerks/emotes/rant2.gif

September 8th, 2005, 10:15 PM
Yeah Biggs. PM me with the low down. Also Robby, you make enough money now you should step up and get yourself a Benelli Nova pump. I love Winchester, Remington, and especially Browning shotguns but hands down the Benelli is the Best. I told you about the fridge thing. I was without power lest year from Hurricane Ivan for almost 6 days almost like you and the fridge was a nightmare. I'm glad I moved out of that house. I have skinned and cleaned all sorts of animals. I have been around and seen some putrid things. But cleaning out my fridge after that tested even my nerve. I have one word for you. PUKE!, lol. Glad to see you up and running. So when do you want to start the repair work. I'm free for the next couple of years since the wife has put her foot down on travel from the damn gas prices and my ownly pass is one to come help you guys.

September 9th, 2005, 06:05 AM

Anyd, I haven't got a Benelli yet because duck hunting has sucked so much arse the last few years. Can you say "too dang hot"? lol Andy, as soon they let people back into Jefferson Parish and I can guarantee a day off of work, I will get you a BOM.

It's funny how you take baby steps to make your home home again. Yesterday, I dug out the mop to clean up under the fridge, where some stuff from the freezer had formed an aspic-like mass that was the source of much bad smelling. Also, I had to run a line along the grass to my pond fountain pump to try and re-juvenate the water (It was starting to turn black). I think today I will unpack the patio furniture. Sunday is the day for cutting the foot high grass in the backyard. Anyway, every little bit helps make it feel like home. Why just last night while watching the game, I could slip away and forget that outside was teeming with chopper *****s. ;)

September 9th, 2005, 06:59 AM
lol Poor you, Andy. It must be horrible to have a domineering, demanding wife. Oh, wait a minute......*looks at self* lololol.

I can't wait to see you guys again. I was going to miss out on the Labor Day lan, because of the kids being back in school and needing to be here to take care of them. I may go AWOL when we finally schedule the next one....I need to pass out some hugz! :ldm

September 9th, 2005, 07:18 AM
Watch out guys. Sam is on the prowl. I remeber haveing to run for cover at the last LAN with Sam in hot pursuit. In the end my shear size worked against me as I tried to elude her with a quick sidestep under one of the table. Only problem was my large body didn't fit, lol. And yes sweets I live with a domineering woman. I don't remeber haveing a choice in the matter.

September 9th, 2005, 07:29 AM
LMAO! You're too cute, Andy!!

Ouch, I had carpet burn on my knees FOR A WEEK after chasing you!! LOL We even managed to disconnect somebody's computer while they were in the middle of playing BFV! ahaha Ahhh, nothing like a little carpet burn and "power chord in the back" among friends!

September 9th, 2005, 07:51 AM
Yeah, sweets had carpet burns on her knees... Yankee had a "power cord" in his back.. And all I got was my comp unplugged while pilotting a jet at the enemy! :doh LMAO

September 9th, 2005, 08:15 AM
hey dirge i saw in a ducks unlimited magazine that there were 833,000 ducks killed in Louisiana. i was like wow. then i saw where this number was down 39%. That is a big decrease.

September 9th, 2005, 09:12 AM
yeah, the duck hunting has gone to crap over the last few years. They're starting to think there has been a light shift in the flyways. :( I would be happy if they pushed the season back a few weeks. I HATE wearing short sleeves while duck hunting. That means the mosquitos are out in force, and mosquitos LOVE me.

September 9th, 2005, 09:38 AM

September 9th, 2005, 11:57 AM
I tried giving you some loving Robby and you built a wall of pillows and shut me out. Sam and Reed know what its like to snuggle among friends, hehehehehehehe. Speaking of Alabama teal season opens in a week. Time to see if those ducks shifted over here towards the Bay, woohoo.

September 9th, 2005, 12:21 PM
just when you start to feel secure, some friggin' reject starts shooting towards the back of your building. Kinda starnge to be hunkered down at your desk while a blackhawk is circling your building and armed police sweep the grounds. bah

September 9th, 2005, 01:40 PM
Damn, Dirge...that's scary! I can just imagine you "hunkered down at your desk"....squatting....what a mental picture! *poke poke* Seriously, scary stuff.

Hey, to get your mind on something else.............what place did we get those frozen daiquiris when we were @ the Lan? It came in that HUGE Mardi Gras cup that flashes!! They loaded it down with liquor too!! Man, I wish I could have one of those right now......all I have is the cup. =(

September 9th, 2005, 02:57 PM

check for one by you. http://www.fat-tuesday.com/site23.php

I really wish one was open by my right now. lol

Oh, and at least I had a fan by desk. :/

September 9th, 2005, 08:24 PM
Dammit, not a one located in Texas!!! HAX!!!

September 9th, 2005, 08:42 PM
Oh, and at least I had a fan by desk. :/

Need that fan to air out all those air biscuits you release :stick

September 10th, 2005, 06:21 AM
LOL! You guys are a riot! Glad that everything is OK at the digs Dirge!

September 10th, 2005, 10:59 AM
Need that fan to air out all those air biscuits you release :stick

Well, no one else being in the office at this time does allow for one to test the echo capability if this room. lol I just have to remember to stop when people come back in here... lol

September 11th, 2005, 08:39 AM
Yeah Dirge you wouldn't want it to echo too loud you might get shot by the national guardsmen

September 11th, 2005, 10:31 AM
Freindly fire must be turned on
