View Full Version : went to NOLA, left NOLA, not going back

September 4th, 2005, 08:09 PM
went to NOLA and in my opinion the area will need military troops gaurding the civilians for years. it wont be safe to leave ur house for months. i believe the area will be a dangerous place to do any of the things we take for granted in our normal lives for at least a year.

if you go back and stay, like my family will be, make sure u carry a gun where ever u go and not be affraid to kill some one. the difference between life and death will be u shooting the other guy first.

most neighborhoods will not be safe until the "refugees" are removed and relocated.

we arent gonna go back until the place is safer. our neighborhood has electricty and some water pressure. most dont. well, we will make trips to check on things and stay the night.

trust me when i say it aint safe. everyone i know has a pistol on their belt and a shotgun/assualt rifle on his back.

geessh, its so surreal. seems like tommorrow morning i will wake up and it will all be different.

cya u guys on the battlefield while will try to ignore the truth about our "new lives"

September 5th, 2005, 12:44 PM
when i was down there it was like being in War with all the blackhawks and Troops around. Just to go around helpin ppl u had to have 2 NG Troops with u and they were loaded to the Teeth its was scary i shot one of the NG's M-16 and that dam things shots so smooth lol backto the Task at hand i agree with Biggs its to dam scary there i will try to go back this week agian to do what i can but its really scary
