View Full Version : looters

September 1st, 2005, 03:10 PM
I see on the news and the web that looters have broken into the Oakwood Mall (about 2.5-3 miles from my house). That's not bad enough, they set it on fire in multiple locations and the fire department can't put it out. I want them all to die. I hope they gorge themselves on liquor and berr and dehydrate in the hot sunshine or get caught in the sights of a National Guard M4.

Now, I'm starting to get worried because the looters are getting close to our homes...

Please pray that they are stopped before they start breaking into homes. I can't imagine the rage I will feel towards any government handout types if they were to loot/burn my house after it survived the hurricane.

September 1st, 2005, 03:42 PM
Its driving me nuts too. I'd love to be there with my MP5 and a few thousand rounds of 9mm. They need to die...be cut out of society like a cancer.

September 1st, 2005, 04:04 PM
Supposed to be alot of national guard troops there by the end of this week dirge, hoping that tame those.....er....this situation. Last summer about this time i was working on the top of the oakwood mall. I thought they had the problems contained in the city of new orleans, i wasn't aware it had spread over to the westbank.

September 1st, 2005, 04:50 PM
Man, that chaps my ass. I hope your house is spared Robby. Seems like I need to make a trip to Gretna this weekend to house sit for you.

September 1st, 2005, 04:59 PM
I cant even say anything without being called racist.

|Team Moped| Kripto
September 1st, 2005, 05:24 PM
This is one of those situations where you don't know what to say. How do we console somebody when they are going through something that we will never experience? I, and many others, can not claim to know what you're going through. Just know that, whatever happens down there in the next few months, we got your back.

This experience is getting to people, the government is moving too slow and it looks like a 3rd world country on T.V. It shames the whole country when somebody abuses the right to bare arms by shooting at emergency medical staff trying to evacuate the sick from the hospital. It shames the country to watch greedy Americans fight over gas at a gas station resulting in a death. We are a God Damn SUPERPOWER and we can’t evacuate 30,000 people in one area because frustrated Americans are shooting at the very people who are trying to save them.

The Money is flooding in, the aid is on its way, and people want to help. I hope to God that we get the supplies to the people that need it before it's too late. If there is anything that you guys need I can guarantee that every single regular that visits this clan would jump to get the chance to help.

I won't claim to know what you are going though, but I will do anything I can to help.

September 1st, 2005, 05:57 PM
yeah hope all goes well. the looters that are taking food i feel sorry for but all you see on tv is people taking toys tvs radios and guns. just stealing is all it is and i hope (which is impossible ) that they catch them all and burn them

September 1st, 2005, 06:23 PM
From what I just heard, in Gautier, if someone is stealing from you, you have the right to shoot them right now. So yeah, I'm coming strapped.

September 1st, 2005, 06:33 PM
What's bad is that the mayor of NOLA broadcast that people could cross the bridge to the westbank to get help. Well the thugs found out it was dry and headed over to see what they could find. Now they're fighting with the thugs from the Westbank while the police and fire departments try to defend their turfs! GRRR

From what I hear and see on some city forums, the Gretna troops have been successful keeping them out. Go GO Gretna Green! I hope and pray at least.

September 1st, 2005, 06:48 PM
One thing that really pisses me off: I just saw on TV this maniac-looking guy leading a bunch of people in a chant that went "We want help."

My first thought was: "Do you SERIOUSLY think that people aren't TRYING to help? They are being held up by OTHER people who are shooting at them...how nice is that?!"

Then I calm myself down and I think rationally: "I don't recall seeing anyone in Indonesia leading anyone else in a chant demanding help."

And we call ourselves civilized.

|Team Moped| Kripto
September 1st, 2005, 07:01 PM
That's the difference,

They accepeted help...

We expect it

September 1st, 2005, 07:58 PM
That's the difference,

They accepeted help...

We expect it

Well said.

September 1st, 2005, 08:32 PM
you see on tv is people taking toys tvs radios and guns

Stealing TVs, what good is that gonna do without power? Which isn't gonna be available for like 2 months. They showed one video alot of some looting. One woman was carrying 2 suitcases of beer and other bottles of liquor. I mean i'm all for boozing, but in a situation like that, I'd fend for my life, not be boozing.

September 1st, 2005, 09:04 PM
we all know who is doing the looting and what they look like. call me racist or whatever u want but if i see that sort of people near my house when we get in there this weekend i am shooting. i am gonna kill me some mf'rs. god damit. we got good honest people in there trying to help and we got ignorant project monkeys trying to kill people.

f it. let me tell u something else. in baton rouge the stupid reufgees are stealling cars and trying to break in stores. god dam coons. kill em all.

they say hard times are supposed to bring people togther, well not these low class idiots.

call me racist and evil but look at the pics of the ars holes doing the looting.

and yes looting for food and water is fine, but just stealing from people and shooting at people is ridiculous.

god dam it. u will probably see my arse on the news next week for killing some mf'rs.

f'in god dam **** crap.

ok rational now, i have calmed down......i am still gonna kill those who "look" like they dont belong in my neighborhood.

September 1st, 2005, 09:24 PM
Lol, Brent. Sometimes a man just needs to vent. We can definately lend an ear to a stressed out comrade. I too am not racist at all but damn that is a class of things (I won't even discrace the human name with them) that just needs to be shot. I'm sorry the majority of them have dark skin. That's just how it worked out. If they were white, yellow, pink, or orange they would still be as equally worthless. Move over Brent I need some room on that soap box. I mean Fuk, one woman was biotching that MRE's were not worth eating and she was dicusted that all they would give her is water. Shut the **** up, how about you ****ing die of thirst and see how that tastes. Ungrateful spear chunking porch monkey.

September 1st, 2005, 09:49 PM
lmao..andy and brent....

you guys are saying what I'm thinking and probably what most of america is thinking....it doesn't matter what color skin these people have, they are all scum dwellers and deserve to be shot dead IMO. I personally would have no problem doing so....and you all know I'm against guns in the home....this is one instance when they do come in quite handy. I would use it in a second if one of them came anywhere near my yard.

September 1st, 2005, 09:56 PM
Talked to a guy today in Lafayette that was on a S&R team and personally saw this...
two guys in a boat pull up to a house with four black guys on the roof. 1st black guy jumps in the boat and stabs the driver, 2nd black on the roof shoots and the other white guy and just hits the boat 6Xs (he jumps overboard). The thugs hop in the boat and start to drive off when a nationalguardsmen pops up from another boat and mows them down with his M-16. All four of them, thank god. He also told me they are giving the OK to the law enforcement to shoot as needed now and that many guys are not going back cuz of this.

September 1st, 2005, 10:10 PM
omg to shadow's story...

As for the rest of it... kill 'em if they are being like that.

Complaining about MRE's...?!?!?! Tuesday afternoon I was thanking God I had some MRE's. I had a chalky taste in my mouth, but goshdangit my belly stopped growling.

September 1st, 2005, 10:15 PM
another thing... babies and elderly are DYING in the convention center because bus drivers refuse to drive in because of safety concerns. WTF the same small percentage of f'in losers are responsible for those deaths. Does any one else need jsutification for them being taken out?

September 1st, 2005, 10:15 PM
robby - how are you managing to be on the 'net through all of this?

September 1st, 2005, 10:23 PM
he's in shreveport Max.....

September 1st, 2005, 10:28 PM
Max, I left NOLA Wednesday afternoon. I had just helped evacuate the BellSouth Emergency Operation Center from downtown NOLA. When I got back to my office, we had lost internet, had two days of generator feul left and a stream of malcontents crossing the bridge towards an unsecured location so we got the heck out of dodge. I drove back to Shreveport and am waiting for the call to go back. The worst part is knowing I have co-workers stranded in the city now for days and not being able to do anything about it. Since you're a History major, I guess I could say that I feel like McArthur laving Manilla.

September 1st, 2005, 10:29 PM
I just heard on the news that a National Guardsman was shot in the leg(today or yesterday) at the Superdome. 40,000 NG supposed to be in New Orleans soon... yeah this **** is gonna stop, and soon. ****ing ******s have no respect for anything.

September 1st, 2005, 10:44 PM
robby - i'm impresed that for one, you remembered that I was a history major, and secondly that you have remained so strong through all of this.

It saddends me to know end thought, that NOLA will never be the same. I've watched so many reports...the best have been on MSNBC (even though I'm usually a FOX News Fan) so far, for example thier interviews with those at the Convention Center...I can't imagine NOLA EVER being the same again. I just feel, that those folks, no matter what race, creed or color they are, deserve better than they are getting. I kinda feel that if this had happened in Texas or Florida, something would have happened faster, or in greater quanities, but I dunnno...Who really does know???

I just feel helpless. I'm a musician as most of you know. I'm gonna be watching the "Concert for Relief" tomorrow night on all the NBC Channels. Harry Connick Jr. as well as Wynton Marsalis are going to be a part of it, and they are two of my musical hero's..both originally from New Orleans. I just hope that the city will be able to rebuild itself at one time, I just hate it I never got to visit it before. I think that this has hurt me more than if it had hit my hometown of Florence, because NOLA had a special place in my heart even though I'd never visited there before. At this point, I simply HAVE to quit watching the news footage because it's breaking my heart. I have no sympathy against those stealing shoes, tv's or whatever, but I know in my heart if I was in that situation I would do whatever it took to get food and water/liquids for my family.

As I have said in my previous posts...I would love to host a family. I donated approximately half of my next paycheck to the relief efforts that are supported by Best Buy, that's simply all I could afford to give monitarily. I know that is a minor sacrifice compared to what has been endured by the city of New Orleans residence that could simply not afford to get out, but that's all I can do besides offering my home and food to a family that has nowhere else to go.

My god be with you all! I just hope NOLA will still be there when I can come hear some Jazz!!!

I'm sitting here eating a fried Egg and Cheese sandwich drinking a Bud light, and wish I could share that with anyone in the gulf coast region. I'd give anything to really help on a 1 on 1 level.

September 1st, 2005, 10:56 PM
i am not trying to be racist with my comments but its just how i feel.

September 1st, 2005, 11:03 PM
Madmax, New Orleans WILL be back and close to the same. My sister says you should make a CD. I recomend you think about it. Thanks for the kind thoughts and help. When this is all over, you WILL make that trip to NOLA and it will all be worth it.

September 1st, 2005, 11:07 PM
']i am not trying to be racist with my comments but its just how i feel.

I think that's how any reasonable educated person feels right now. Media cant shade this no matter what. It is what it is.

September 1st, 2005, 11:11 PM

besides nobody thought you were being racist.....

|Team Moped| Kripto
September 2nd, 2005, 07:12 AM
The National Guard have been given the order to "Shoot To Kill"... Wow, in a US city....

September 2nd, 2005, 07:23 AM
Like Biggs, I wasn't being racost either, just venting and calling it like I see it. Jayson. If you ever went to a Mardi Gras in New Orleans you would understand that it is one city with the best chance for a complete and speedy recovery from something like this. I for one believe that The Big Easy will be better in the long run for this. It may take a year or two but Mark my words. The Big Easy will be back and better than ever. Proof of this is the recent devistation to Pensacola and Gulf Shores. They were totally devistated by Hurricane Ivan and still have some wreckage left from more than a year ago but knowing the place before and after I like the after. Consider it some spring cleaning. I just hate it takes large scale natural disasters to bring it on.

September 2nd, 2005, 07:25 AM
I was joking with someone here at work the other day and said that with all the flooding, it would wash away all the smell in the French Quarter.

I didn't realize, at the time, that it would probably be worse now, nor did I ever imagine that all the stuff that is happening would happen.

September 2nd, 2005, 08:48 AM
My brother is over there right now in the City trying to maintain control. Its pretty bad and I heard from another source that there were close to 30 people shot and killed in the superdome. Not sure how true but it came from an ambalance driver. Over 150 rapes and countless theft in the superdome alone.

Yes, they have been given the right to "shoot to kill" but its like gorilla warfare. The enemy is hiding in buildings and in crowds taking pot shots at everyday police officers and support personal that are trying to help evacuate and take care of the people that are stranded. If these people are not giving up who the shooters are then they are just as bad as the people pulling the trigger.

I saw a woman last night with 6 kids! 6 freaking kids between 2 - 14. You would think one of the 4 dads would have helped her. They were complaining that the MRE's were just not enough to eat. WTF?!?! Do they think its a freaking buffet?!?! They were all told to get the F out of dodge when the storm came and I think even some transportation was provided.

I feel sorry for some of them. Others have put it on themselves. The government has been handing them out money their whole lives and giving them homes to live in. None of those people worked a day in their life but now we are back again, providing more aid and more places for them to go and stay. The Social Security office is not far from where I work and on the 1st, it was packed with a line like at the local gas stations. I had to lock my doors because I just didn't trust that amount of people in such a small area.

They showed some of the Houston dome and one black guy with a full gold grill and his hat sideways was like "Hey sis, I'm in Houston.. Come get your little brother" and then laughed.

Every time someone that was rescued tried to say something good about being bussed out, they cut them off in mid sentense and went to someone else.

The media should be shot with the rest of them. They talk about this and that not being done but none of those mofo's have brought any food or water into the city and they come and go 20 times a day.

As far as the looting. Shoot them all. Food and water to sustain life is one thing but stealing anything else is rediculas. I even saw the wal-mart security with shopping carts getting some for themselves. Others were riding stolen bikes in the store and still a few loading down trucks with everything that they cool. It f'ing eats my ass any time people steal from the working class because they are to f'ing lazy to get a gawd damn f'ing job and work a single day in the miserable lives.

If you live and New Orleans and your home is flooded, depending on what your insurance covers, set it on fire because the water has done destroyed anything else.

September 2nd, 2005, 09:05 AM
The liberal media is making me so mad I can't see straight. It's just about tothe point I can't watch Fox News or any others becuase I get into a rage. The only show that seems to make sense right now it "The O'Rielly Factor" He tells it straight and isn't afriad to point out the problems with the meida and OPEC. When I found out that it took OPEC only 4 dollars to procure a Barrel of crude oil (Only 1.50 dollars from local areas like the Louisiana and Mississippi coast and they sell it on the market for 70 dollars. Wholy ****. Bill had one of hte OPEC top executives on the show and asked him point blank why won't they lower the cost by 20% which would help gas prices tremendously and still allow them to make a huge profit the guys answer was "It won't help making it cheaper becuase like in 1937 they will just buy up all the gas and then we'll have a supply and demand upset" ****ING HELLO, we have a supply and demand upset right now. Most refineries have only run around 70% for the last 5 years. BP says if it can get the crude from OPEC they can easily up production. Also FEMA is spending .5 BILLION A DAY on relief. Add the red cross and all the other contribution and just look at the influx of help. Maybe they don't realize the logistics of where New Orleans is and the trouble with getting help to them. On top of this they shoot at the help. Wholy cow my blood pressure is back up. I need to stop typing. My keyboard is crying becuase I'm pounding on the keys. I think my Boss thinks I'm frustrated with the current project with the way I'm wailing on the keys.

September 2nd, 2005, 09:10 AM
lol @ Andy. The ripple effect is definitely strong with this disaster. Hopefully, this will effect changes in the petro-com dependecny of the country, reform in the oil market, attention to LA's coastline problems, and others. In the meantime, all we can do to keep on going is to focus on the positive. The flow is circular Happy. Block the good, harness the bad. Block the good, harness the bad.

September 2nd, 2005, 11:52 AM
*edit*I don't like some people *end edit*

September 2nd, 2005, 12:05 PM
I'm just watching the TV getting more and more pissed off. These peps are burning dow the gawd damn city. I've made contact with some folk in kenner. they say that kenner has had some of the same looting going on. I've herd reports that the Winn Dixie 2 blocks from my house has been run through. I will be back in town on monday one way or the other, and I will be packing my little friend. I promise you i wil pwn any person, black, white, yellow or other that gets in my f'in way. I have a job interview in the AM at a flight school here in St. Pete, and the boys are gonna start school here. Don't know when i'll be back in the N.O. I still don't know the condition of my house, and Kenner city hall says Monday we can go in and get stuff. Then we have to leave again and stay gone for a month. Way to go FEMA/feds/everyone that didn't approve moneys for levee's or have a solid worst case scenario plan. And Good goin project peps! Attacking the very people there to help. Hope they gun em all down... everyone of em. They offer NO benefit to our society. They are parasites that give all black folks a negative image.

Roby after all the dust settles we need to talk about home repairs. Maybe we can work together and get things back right quickly. I haven't actually seen my pad, but from the people i''ve talked to in and around my neighborhood I'm sure I got a little water. Not sure about wind damage, but th roof was old and ready to go.

September 2nd, 2005, 12:36 PM
"Hell no, I'm not glad to see them. They should have been here days ago. I ain't glad to see 'em, I'll be glad when 100 buses show up," said 46-year-old Michael Levy, whose words were echoed by those around him yelling, "Hell, yeah! Hell yeah!"

"We've been sleeping on the ... ground like rats," Levy said. "I say burn this whole ... city down."

Yeah, dumba$$...that's a great idea...burn down your own freakin city. THEN where are you going to live?!

You know, they make sex offenders register themselves so that people in their neighborhood know who and where they are. We need to do the same thing with some of these people. If they are going to burn down their own homes and neighborhoods in New Orleans, they'll do it just about any other place too.

I also want to say that I personally feel that there are two types of people in this world: 1) Nice folks who do what they should and don't act like idiots. 2) Trash. I thinkn it's safe to say which category a lot of the people that they show on TV fit into.

September 2nd, 2005, 01:27 PM
All I can say is it's a sad state of affairs and that it's only getting worse. I truly hope that when all the saine people are allowed to go back home that they will have a home, and that they will be allowed to rebuild in peace and quite.

Guy's I'm up in Arkansas now and there has been I can't tell you how many different orginazations up here loading up one semi-truck after another with food, water, and medical supplies and shipping them down there. Help is on the way and my prayer is that the people there will regain their sences and allow these trucks and other's to bring in the supplies as quick as possible.

September 2nd, 2005, 01:54 PM
I was just reading some different sites and found this article, all though it's diffently tried to be swerved to a racial thing if you read the entire thing you will see that it's not.


September 2nd, 2005, 07:25 PM
Hey James. Go to my Hurricane Hotel thread. I was trying to get a centralized thread where we could focus on efforts for recovery. I've already talked with Robby about the supplies he needs. Our plan is for me to aquire the building supplies and what ever else needed here in Mobile (as it will be easier and available where there it may not) and come in for weekends to fix what needs fixing. Once you get to your house go to the Hurricane Hotel thread and list what you think the damage is and we'll do the same scenario for you. Make sure you go to the Hurricane Hotel thread as I'm about done with this thread and the looters thread. Its get me too fired up. I'm glad to see pics of Jackson square, the french quarter , cafe de mont, and other great spots today on TV with secutiy there and very little damage and no water. That part looks like it can be back up and running in no time. Good luck James.

September 2nd, 2005, 07:54 PM
rgr that James, we will all go on a beer driven home repair spree! :D
