View Full Version : Hurrican Help from the Carolina's

August 30th, 2005, 08:12 AM
Some local morning radioshow hosts who are from NOLA, have been on the radio for almost 2 days straight doing essentially a charity drive to help those on the Gulf. The link is here: http://www.acetj.com/Hurricane/

To let yall know, they've been able to get atleast 3 18 wheelers and trailers donated, and also have 2 full already with water/food/generators/drop cords/etc. And are starting on the 3rd. After my 11 o clock class, I'm going to Charlotte to help them load the trailers and whatever they need. It's being done thru the Red Cross.

Just thought yall would like to know that people around the country are thinking about yall.

(I know this is about my 4th or 5th post on the Hurricane, sorry.)
