View Full Version : Check in please..

August 29th, 2005, 02:07 PM
Come on you guys, lets have a roll call and status check.

Sign in here and let us know youre safe.

August 29th, 2005, 02:28 PM
I'm here. Took me 18 hours to get from Slidell to Houston by way of I-59 to 49 to 20 to Tx 79 down to Tx 59 to Beltway 8 and to my mother in laws friends house. I should have called some of you guys in Monroe instead of going all that way to Houston but with the In-Laws and pets I couldn't have done that to you guys.

I will contact you guys again later but I am good to go in Houston.

I am worried about Mike though. I haven't heard from him or his wife yet. I am sure their good but I am still trying to hear from him. If I hear from him I will post it.


August 29th, 2005, 02:46 PM
same with Andy.....haven't heard from him in a while, I'm sure he has lost power....maybe someone can call his cell phone??? or would reception be lost on that too? I used to have his number but I can't find it.

August 29th, 2005, 03:18 PM
Found out through my sister in law that Mike is in Ocean Springs and everyone is doing all right.

Cell service is sucking big time right now, as can be expected.

August 29th, 2005, 04:04 PM
Well, I'm okay. I am at my parents in Shreveport. I talked with Andy about 20 minutes ago. They are fine. Power has been out for 6 hours, but no damage to their home and no flooding at their home.

August 29th, 2005, 04:06 PM
OMG I just saw a picture of the high-rise hotel (20+ stories) attached to the Superdome. EVERY let me say that again EVERY window on the glass covered building was blown out on the side shown.

August 29th, 2005, 06:15 PM

I have been called in to work. I leave tomorrow mroning for NOLA. My BellSouth ID gets me in past the roadblocks. We have to begin to survey damage to our facilities and what not. Not to mention I get to check on my home (and others). Don't worry, I will bring my camera and keep y'all updated. Here begins a loooooong work shift of 12 hour shifts, 13 days straight, one day off, back to the beginning.

August 29th, 2005, 07:14 PM
Quit your whining. I've been working since 6:00 yesterday. :stick

Yankee checking in from the airport in Kenner. Still no commercial electric and probably not for a while. Where on backup generators. The good news about being a "TECH" type employee. My office is one of two that has A/C. All the employees are fighting over who can crash on small areas of my carpet. Bidding starts at $20 a night. My wife is over in Hammond with her parents w/o electricity. She's not happy. But her and the dogs are safe.

If you haven't checked the page with airport pics. its, http://www.flymsy.com/images/Katrina/Gallery.htm

Some substatial roof damage on several parts of the terminal. Concourse C has a new skylight right near the checkpoint. One hangar, rented by Entergy is completely wasted.

Hope all stays well. Talk to everyone soon.

-FA- ManiacalClown
August 29th, 2005, 07:41 PM
Speaking of electricity, I know that Entergy's building has taken damage, but I have not heard the extent of the damage and the extent to which said damage will affect their ability to rectify the power situation. I am not sure where the backup sites are for the various departments housed in the NOLA area other than they pretty much have to be either in Monroe, Beaumont (TX), or Pine Bluff (AR). I'm sure they pretty much collectively lost all bowel control a few days ago so hopefully they used that opportunity to make sure their disaster plans were ready and workable so you guys can get your electricity back.

August 29th, 2005, 09:05 PM
We're sittin over in Lafayette after a long drive, and luckily getting out of working at EJGH. Anybody heard from Mike yet?

I'm going to buy a generator so maybe we can still have the lan? J/K

August 29th, 2005, 09:09 PM
Not sure what my company is going to do yet. Once we can get in to NO we may have to COLO all our equipment. As of yet though we are on hold. I just want to find out about my house.

And let me say this I will be packing my USP .45 just in case someone wants to loot my house.

August 30th, 2005, 04:12 AM
Got a call from my folks (Baton Rouge)...they were without power for quite a while, but it's back on. Bad winds and lots of rain...but, no where near as bad as New Orleans.

August 30th, 2005, 08:03 AM
yeah my family left NOLA for BR and we lost power for a while here. then pics and people we know who stayed in NOLA dont have anything to say but bad

August 30th, 2005, 08:04 AM
Good to hear yall are okay, I've heard from family they're all fine, my grandfather's house in Gautier is flooded so I'll be down there as soon as I can to help him out. And still havent heard from any of my friends, one who I talked to Saturday said they were gonna weather the storm. My dad finds out tomorrow if they'll be going down there(NOLA) to help get power back there. My prayers are with all of yall and yalls families.

August 30th, 2005, 09:02 AM
glad to hear yall are okay! my prayers are with everyone who went through the hurricane!

August 30th, 2005, 11:21 AM
My power is back up as of 11:00 a.m. this morning Tuesday 30th 2005. I was without power for over 24 hours. Only damage thus far is my privacy fence. The gates (which by the way are at least 50 pounds a piece were torn of the 4 x 4 post and blown across the yard. I will post pics this afternoon. Everything seems to be ok. At my house we had 60+ mph sustained winds and gusts up tp 80+ mph (very scary). Mobile which is literally just across the bay from me was hit very hard. Very extensive flooding like seen in New Orleans. In Mobile which is over 100 miles away from the storm center recieved 100+mph winds for an extensive amount of time. We'll be talking about this one for a while. I hope everyone made it through ok. Reed, Mike, Robby, James, and any of you local NOLA guys. If your going to be out of power for an extended amount of time you are welcome to crash at my house. Just post on the Hurricane Hotel thread if you need too.

August 30th, 2005, 11:39 AM
One my way down to lafayette yesterday, we passed around 59 Oklahoma gas and electric trucks on their way down to NO. Hope other states are doing the same cuz we're going to need them.

August 30th, 2005, 12:29 PM
This is Iccey checkin in Brusly took some DMG not much but had a few 100+ wind gust and it was bad fro a bit we are okay now and hope all is okay in NO if u all need anyhting PM me and i will try my best to help how i can i am tryin as i said in my other post to go down to NO with my uncle to help and btw Grand isle is under 20ft of water atm and looks bad had some family come and tell us what is going on so i will see u all soon GOOD LUCK and all be safe PLZ even thought i am not a MERC anymroe u are all still my Family..

August 30th, 2005, 02:06 PM
anyone heard from toby or berk

August 30th, 2005, 02:59 PM
Hey dirge, seen/heard anything about your house?

August 30th, 2005, 03:04 PM
Dirge reporting in from NOLA. I made it back into the city this afternoon and promptly checked on everyone's homes on the westbank that I know.

Everything seems okay. The worst seems to be my place where I had two trees in my front yard fall againts my porch and knock the gutter off. The privacy fence in my backyard has ceased to be. An oak tree in the back yard had about half the top break out.

I have some rather impressive photos, especially of a 700' ship beached on the river levee.

We live on the Westbank and we do not have the flooding you are seeing on TV.

August 30th, 2005, 03:21 PM
that's good news...I guess....but it looks bad on TV.

August 30th, 2005, 03:40 PM
So when and where are you going to post the pics. Robby, look at Scotts thread in the members section. Let me know if you need any help. I did construction for many years so I know all the basics. I can do roof repair as well as all the regular building needs, electricity, drywall, piping, flooirng, etc.

|Team Moped| Kripto
August 30th, 2005, 03:47 PM
Crap crap crap crap... levees breaking all over the place and the city is sinking.... cnn said "Nagin said both the city's airports were under water"... Is yankee alright?

August 30th, 2005, 05:08 PM
I will be going to the Biloxi/Ocean Springs/Gautier area this weekend, clean up my grandfathers house(which from what I heard water rose about 3 foot into it) I've yet to hear from 2 of my friends families. And from what I'm told, the neighborhood I used to live in has ceased to exist.

Here's a link of how Mississippi is looking..(Warning: Long video, but worth it. If you've been to Biloxi before, then you will understand this: wow)


August 30th, 2005, 06:31 PM
Andy, I WILL need help trimming trees and re-building my privacy fence and repairing some shingles, and replacing some gutters...

August 30th, 2005, 07:05 PM
Has Anyone Hear From Drax (justin)?

August 30th, 2005, 07:27 PM
You got it Robby. I saw on TV that I-10 from Oak Harbor on into the city is broken apart and gone. Is the causeway still intact and how will I get to your house if they let people back this weekend.

August 30th, 2005, 07:35 PM
I spoke with spark the day before the storm, he was on his way to florida. I rode the storm in Denham Springs. Not too bad there, maybe 80 mph winds, 2 inches of rain. Back at my house in Brusly now, i have power here, but Denham Springs is still out of power, well, atleast where my parents house is.

I survived, too bad work called me in the next day for work. :doh

August 30th, 2005, 07:36 PM
The only current way to get into the city isthrough the Westbank. The ENTIRE EASTBANK WILL BE UNDER 9 FT OF WATER WITHIN THE NEXT 12-15 HOURS.

I tell you people, I am looking at the task ahead of us here in NOLA... The only thing that makes it any better is seeing what we missed in MS' devastation.

I have not ventured out far, but you cannot go more than 4 blocks down any road without having to dodge a tree of some sort.

I have some stunning photos I will post if some one could give me a free prog to resize the pics from my camera.

I just walked outside and barring the generator at our building, it is dead quiet and pitch black. You can look up and see a sky full of stars.

Not to mention the friggin' looters. I feel like I'm trapped in Moria and I can hear the drums from the deep. Either that or I'm a friggin' engineer at Strike at karkand... (I have my pump shotty in the truck)

|Team Moped| Kripto
August 30th, 2005, 07:49 PM
The only current way to get into the city isthrough the Westbank. The ENTIRE EASTBANK WILL BE UNDER 9 FT OF WATER WITHIN THE NEXT 12-15 HOURS.

I tell you people, I am looking at the task ahead of us here in NOLA... The only thing that makes it any better is seeing what we missed in MS' devastation.

I have not ventured out far, but you cannot go more than 4 blocks down any road without having to dodge a tree of some sort.

I have some stunning photos I will post if some one could give me a free prog to resize the pics from my camera.

I just walked outside and barring the generator at our building, it is dead quiet and pitch black. You can look up and see a sky full of stars.

Not to mention the friggin' looters. I feel like I'm trapped in Moria and I can hear the drums from the deep. Either that or I'm a friggin' engineer at Strike at karkand... (I have my pump shotty in the truck)

I used this program in my camera store sometimes... quick easy and really powerfull. It does a good job

August 30th, 2005, 07:51 PM
hi Drax
I was worry about you :)

August 30th, 2005, 07:58 PM
I'll come help you if I can Rob, Looks like my dad's house did pretty well except for some trees. Don't know about my apt but there ain't much that I can do for it if it's stil there. Probably heading east in the next day or two.

August 30th, 2005, 08:00 PM
Oh, and from what I've heard the causeway is without damage and is being used by emergency teams only.

August 30th, 2005, 08:31 PM
i got some family at ocshner, they work there and couldnt leave.

hopefully i will be back into NOLA to check out damage and stuff on monday. i will be carrying my ar-15 and 45. both with plenty of ammunition.

good luck and be safe.

August 30th, 2005, 09:20 PM
Here's Dirge's Pictures. There are two of my house (the yellow one) that only had minor damage. Several of his - these are mostly the ones with the fence and trees down. One of a condo building near my house that had damage. One of the bowling alley behind his house that had the roof cave in. One of Mardi Gras World. One of the Dry Dock (One of our favorite hang outs). And the most stunning one of a ship that has run a ground at the levee near my house.

Would love to type more, but today was a rough day and we are all pretty tired. Tomorrow it has been asked as a day or prayer for New Orleans and all the other areas affected by the storm. Please keep us all in your thoughts and with any luck we can get back to normal some day.

August 30th, 2005, 09:22 PM

August 30th, 2005, 10:20 PM
Thanks for the pictures Reed. It does my heart good to know that you and Robby have a house to go home too. :)

August 31st, 2005, 04:53 AM
OMG Robby, Your house looks pounded. The big trees in your front yard look like they tried to get into that first bedroom. How much damage did your house actually get. How much roof damage. Mardi Gras World looked horrible. The picture of teh dry dock brought a tear to my eye. It seems like just yesterday I was driving away from there drunk getting pulled over by the NOLA police. Wait.....that was just yesterday. It sad to think of the fun times we've had in that area that will never be the same. I'm glad everyone is Ok and as soon as they let me come your way I'll be there to help you clean up and rebuild. I have my work belt loaded with tools and the chainsaw is oiled and gased and ready to go. Those pictures are scary Robby as I know all to well what it looked like before the killer Katrina came to town.

August 31st, 2005, 05:13 AM
P.S. Brent, I have an Aunt that works at Ocshner's. She had to work through it as well. She has called and said she is fine. My Uncle and his kids evacuated north to my Dad's house but she had to stay behind. I'm they are all ok.

August 31st, 2005, 05:20 AM
Although nothing in comparison, I've been through two floods here in Houston. I know it sucks - so prayers for all of you guys and I hope everyone is safe.
Be well.

August 31st, 2005, 06:27 AM
Andy, it looks worse than it was for the house structure. Believe it or not, the trees in the front fell just short opf the roof, clipping the gutter. The only damage to the house seems to be that a handful of shingles missing. Inside the house is no damage. :D no leaks, no flooding. :D But as you can see, I need to get my fence back up beofre people are allowed back in full force. I should get a better idea of what is going to happen with all of this today.

August 31st, 2005, 07:40 AM
I'll have good practice. My fence took a pounding as well. If it wasn't for a tree just behind the back fence it would have been blown all the way down. As it stands I can lean the fence back up. It may take a chain and my 4 wheel drive truck to pull it back into position but once I get it back I can concrete and dirt work to get it back into place then I have to redo my gates. I'll send pics of that this afternoon. Both my gates blew off and across the yard. Like I said they are 40 to 50 pounds each and they blew across my yard liek paper.

August 31st, 2005, 09:49 AM
I just talked with my friends at EJGH and they had no problems with the storm. There was no flooding in the hospital or shattering of atrium windows. Except for being on emergency power there are no problems. Today is the first day that vehicles can get to it since the waters have gone down.

August 31st, 2005, 10:58 AM
Found some really good pages with info:

Here is the Hurricane Katrina help Wiki:

Here is a list of phone numbers and organizations that are helping with the people made homeless by the Hurricane:

Craigslist is running a lost and found list for friends and relatives. It also includes posts from people who want to help:

August 31st, 2005, 03:43 PM
Diesel checking in from Birmingham area...first time I have seen the internet...first post I have read...Robby..PM or preferably call me with work info ASAP...my hotel #256-831-0860 rm #232.

I need info, my dad has got with Don Clark and heard about the devastation of eastern Slidell. I think my house will look like Rob's from early reports.

I should know tommorrow at the latest. I plan on heading back by Friday,to help out the Northshore, as my turf..is mostly under 5' of water in Kenner.

This sh:t is crazy....I miss my BF2!!!! I hope everyoneis safe..I think the lan location is about 3-4' underwater!

ah random crap talk to you soon.

August 31st, 2005, 04:33 PM
just got to friends in Baton Rouge ,
me and my friends are all fine .we were really lucky .lots of huge trees fell right next to the house .water and electricity is gone . many houses have roof damage ,some are destroyed.
we actually had a place to stay with a natural gas powered generator ,so we had all the comfort except showers or phones.
hope everyone is well !!!!!!!
i am actually trying to get a flight out of here ,which will probably not be possible for a while.

|Team Moped| Kripto
August 31st, 2005, 05:17 PM
Here's Dirge's Pictures. There are two of my house (the yellow one) that only had minor damage. Several of his - these are mostly the ones with the fence and trees down. One of a condo building near my house that had damage. One of the bowling alley behind his house that had the roof cave in. One of Mardi Gras World. One of the Dry Dock (One of our favorite hang outs). And the most stunning one of a ship that has run a ground at the levee near my house.

Would love to type more, but today was a rough day and we are all pretty tired. Tomorrow it has been asked as a day or prayer for New Orleans and all the other areas affected by the storm. Please keep us all in your thoughts and with any luck we can get back to normal some day.

Yankee, I heard on the news that the airport has become a M.A.S.H unit... Are you helping with that?

August 31st, 2005, 07:03 PM
Sure would like to know if anyone has heard from DragonLady, Dragon, BS/Jerry, and Lawdog...............all of whom live in Gulfport/Gautier. :sad:

August 31st, 2005, 07:16 PM
no word as of yet.

August 31st, 2005, 07:17 PM
I would like to say that I am so glad to hear from those of you that posted that you and your family's are ok. I wish all of you the best and if there is anything I can do to help just let me know.

I am with Sweets as well, anyone heard from any of these guys? What about Temp, doesn't he live in Hatisburg (sp?). I really hope these guys and gals are ok.

August 31st, 2005, 08:13 PM
They are in Pasgagoula, from my conversations I have had last week, they probably have been like me and have no power or telephone, so it has not been possible.

August 31st, 2005, 08:29 PM
GLad to hear most of you are all fine, prayers are with you all.

August 31st, 2005, 09:19 PM
I can offer a small report on the Gautier/Pascagoula area. South Gautier got hit the worst. 2 of my friends down there have lost their entire houses. Another down there just recieved flood damage. My grandfathers house on the water, recieved only flood damage. North Gautier- Some people lost houses, some people only flood damage. The water was over Highway 90. And last I heard there were boats stranded on the highway there.

As far as Pascagoula I've only seen pictures but it looks about how I've been told Gautier looks. Houses destroyed, flooding. The streets are covered in debris. I'll keep yall posted on that until I hear anymore.

Also, anyone know who the guy on the right(carrying the girl) in this picture is? My mom said he's a Police officer down in Goula/Gautier, but cant recall his name.

August 31st, 2005, 11:27 PM
Mike if you get down to Slidell and have the time please swing by my house nd reenie's to check it out. Erica and Mom were freakin out. So far they have calmed down but they would like to know what they could be walkin into. I have to go to Bayonne some time next week. I will probably be in Bayonne, NJ for the next 3 Months.

August 31st, 2005, 11:44 PM
dam guys, it brings tears to my eyes seeing all this devastation....I offer again....I live inKaty which is on the west side of Houston.....if you need a place to stay awhile pm me and we'll talk.

My wife and I just had our third child and it truly breaks my heart to think that there are thousands of parents out there that aren't able to feed or clothe their kids through no fault of their own....I see all the pics of the flooding and I can't see how that part of the country will recover from this....:( I pray that all these families with lost loved ones and lost homes and belongings are taken care of.

September 1st, 2005, 07:44 AM
Good offer Al. I started the thread "Hurricane Hotel" just for this. Maybe one of you Web admins can make the Hurricane Hotel thread a sticky and put all the houses from Merc's with the offer of refuge people from the storm. So far I see me and AL able to help. Close this thread and add a front page to the Huricane hotel thread with a list of people checked in and also the people able to help with room and board. I would also like you to put under my informationthe ability to buy supplies and help out. I have already agreed to buy lumber and supplies to help Robby rebuild and repair when they are allowed back. Thansks.

September 1st, 2005, 08:08 AM
Guys, if I lived near there or had money, I would help out...seriously. Wish there was something I could do...

September 1st, 2005, 09:13 AM
Temp checking in. Hattiesburg is a HUGE mess. nearly every tree is down along with the lightpoles. my house only lost a couple shingles. still no power or water. i left hattiesburg yesterday morning to head to hazlehurst, my home town which is 30 min south of jackson. most of the businesses here have power and dsl still works. my house here doesnt have power though. i locked up the house in hattiesburg and packed up the computer and headed out.

i havent heard from dragon, bs, or lawdog. from watching the tv i hope they are ok.

glad to see everybody else made it ok.

|Team Moped| Kripto
September 1st, 2005, 09:36 AM
Tech, I'm poor and too far away too. Let grab a couple of buckets and drive to NOLA and start bailing!

September 1st, 2005, 11:16 AM
This is Iccey Checkin in, I just got back from New Orleans been workin the last 24 hours on airboats helpin my uncle and others i dotn wanan sound negetive but that was the frist time i saw a dead body and there was nothing i could do the National Guard Troops with us said only worry about the Live ppl we rescued a buch of idots that stayed today i am tryin to head up tword Burbon street and see what happen there we mosty been in the lower 9th ward its been scary man ppl with guns everywhere this is nuts well im ganna get some sleep be back soon :)

BTW I HATE SNAKES DAMMIT lol seen way to many lol

September 1st, 2005, 11:28 AM
gl iccey. Thanks for helping out man. Be careful. Ire-evacuated yesterday. I'm not plannign on going back until the National Guard has locked down and hopefully terminated some of the arseholes down there.

September 1st, 2005, 11:48 AM
I just got a call from my uncle we will not be going back to NO until the lawlessness is stoped its to dangerous out there iheard there was a group with AK47 outthere last night well guess im just a spectator agian :( i will do what i can, Robbie,Reed,Mike,Shadow,Henk if u guess need anything from here in Baton Rouge call my Cell guys PM me and i will give u the number and agian my Prayers ar with u all and ur familys

Still no word from DL,BS and LawDog?

September 1st, 2005, 12:36 PM
i am going in nest week, regardless. a buddy of my dads got into metaire yesterday and gave us some info. we are gonna head in with a group of guys, we will be armed.

September 1st, 2005, 01:24 PM
Glad to hear you guys are safe. My brother is in Mississippi, he works for an electric company that is trying to restore power there. My brother in-law is in the National Guard and they are being sent out tomorrow morning to Louisianna to help out there. So sorry you guys had to go through something like this, it's sad to think of all the devistation and loss of lives. My prayers and thoughts will be with everyone. Take care.

September 1st, 2005, 02:52 PM
Be careful brent and get as much gas as you can going in.

September 1st, 2005, 05:20 PM
rgr tht andy, we are bringin in a generator, and like 6 -5 gallon jugs of petro, a lot a bottled water, and heavy arms (pistols and assualt rifles/shotguns).

i will give a full report of what i see, but we cant go into until moday but i doubt my dad is gonna wait so we might be sneaking in, like my dad's buddy did.

September 1st, 2005, 08:36 PM
Gods Speed, Brent.

September 1st, 2005, 09:11 PM
Hello all.. I really don't know what to say... I.ve been acroos the south east jumping from hotel to hotel. Out of money. I finally made it to tampa with a five car caravan. I made my fam get the hell out when I did. No idea what my house looks like, but north Kenner is the lowest part so I may have some water damage. Not sure when i can make it back. Say Reed what is the story with the airport? Any way I can get in there on Monday? If you read this give me a call at 727 345-6206 with some info. If i cant get in there I guess i'll fly to Baton Rouge and drive in. That is IF they let us back in to check on stuff. Kenner city hall said all the water is gone so I'm hopfull that I can get in to at least see if I have some sort of home left. Well... I'm not gonna be around for a bit.. all I have is crappy dialup and poo poo rig. Glad to hear you guys didn't get flodded.

September 1st, 2005, 11:10 PM
from what i am told from people in my neighborhood who have stayed for katrina and those who have snuck back in are:

my house is in the w. esplanade and power blvd. part of metairie.

the highest the water has been is up to the sidewalk. no water in homes. trees are down. there are lights on at williams blvd.

my buddy's grandparents are harry lee's neighbors and he told me this:
they were going to try to break the levee by the 17th st. canal to alleviate the flooding in lake view to flood out metairie. lee posted his officers on the levee and told them to shot anyone approaching the levee. lee also said that those who are caught looting will be carried out dead. lee has given reports of sniper fire in olreans parish but hasnt seen any in jefferson yet.

i have also been told bad things: my buddies dade, works for orleans, he is a pump station manager. he was trying to sleep on a roof top in lakeview and in the night got shot at. he was in a gun fight with some guys, and escaped and made his way to jegars at west end and was picked up by some NG's.

my aunt who works and is still at ocshner hospital told me this story yesterday: a woman left the building to try and get something from here car in the parking lot. when see returned to the building she was badly beaten and muged.

rapings are also growing, thats right rape.

my uncle is in NOLA and is guarding his house along with his neighbor who is a NOPD officer. he said that some officers are doing the looting themselves.

all in all the whole area is a chaos ridden war zone that is in desperate need of help.

September 2nd, 2005, 07:09 AM
I still haven't heard how Jerry/BS, DL, Dragon, LawDog are doing!! I called Jerry this morning and FINALLY got through (phones were out for a while obviously). I was soooo excited to hear it ringing but, alas, it went to voicemail!!! grrrr! I'll post if/when I hear from him.

September 2nd, 2005, 08:35 AM
i guess i need to ask again has anyone heard from RP, Berk, or Toby?

September 2nd, 2005, 02:02 PM
i guess i need to ask again has anyone heard from RP, Berk, or Toby?

Toby posted in another section this morning.

September 2nd, 2005, 04:58 PM
kk yeah and i heard fro CAPn hes fine just havent heard from rp

September 2nd, 2005, 05:15 PM
RP is up in ruston, i'm sure he's ok, just really busy with all the people up there. Talked to a friend up mine in college up there, its packed up there, like most areas in louisiana. Just so many people, not enough places to handle them all.

September 2nd, 2005, 06:29 PM
Sorry, been without power at my home so I don't get to check and read all of the forums so I missed this thread.

I'm fine and Berk is doing well also

September 2nd, 2005, 07:03 PM
Has anyone heard from Jerry(BS), Dragon, or DL?

September 2nd, 2005, 08:49 PM
i've been steadily callin em with no luck. cant get ahold of dragon, bs, or lawdog on their cell phones.

September 2nd, 2005, 09:46 PM
Has anyone heard from Jerry(BS), Dragon, or DL?

No. Nothing. Nada. I left a message on Jerry's voice mail at the Police Department this morning at around 8am. Still haven't heard from him.

|Team Moped| Kripto
September 2nd, 2005, 09:58 PM
What City does BS work in? Nola?

September 2nd, 2005, 10:04 PM
on the gulf coast in MS...I believe....let's all pray that those guys/gals are ok....

September 2nd, 2005, 10:08 PM
I will be in Gautier tomorrow, give me whole names and I will ask the police if they have any word on them.

September 2nd, 2005, 10:16 PM
i think bs and lawdog both work for pascagoula if i'm not mistaken.

September 3rd, 2005, 07:40 AM
BS & Lawdog work for the Gautier Police Department, and I'd rather not give their complete names on the forums. I will call again right now and ask about them. I'll post when I know more. (Thanks for the offer though, CD. Very nice of ya.) ~Samantha~

NEWS: 9:11am I called BS and Lawdog's work again, & talked to the dispatcher there. He said they've been working the hurricane situation like crazy (as we can all probably imagine) but that both of those boons are fine and well.

September 3rd, 2005, 09:51 AM
i hope those guys are ok.

where is deisel? i know he is from slidell and i have family that live in slidell and oak harbor. my uncle in slidell is in great shape with his house, but my aunt in oak harbor doesnt have anyhting left.

yo deisel, let us know how u and ur family are doing.

September 3rd, 2005, 10:00 AM
I have spoken with Diesel. LAst account he was in Oxford, AL near Talledega. He is in the same boat as me, waiting on BellSouth to establish the employee tent cities so we can get to work getting the phone systems back online.

September 4th, 2005, 09:21 PM
Okay, Just got back from Gautier, MS (15 minutes ago). First off I'm tired as hell.

Drove down at 5am, got there at about 2pm(timezone change) Gautier is probably one of the luckier area's in MS. By the time I left today, 50% of the city had power, however the other half may take 2-3 weeks. You cant find a single house in the area that did not recieve flood water, which surprised me. What really impressed me, what you dont see much on TV, is that there was about 7 or 8 different locations in the city that were grilling out and just giving away drinks and hotdogs and hamburgers. MOST of these places were people who just came down from other places in the country and were just down there providing food. There were people(also from other parts of country) who were on the side of the roads and going up and down the gas lines giving out ice, bread, water, etc. National Guard was there at the gas pumps and giving out MRE's(which I had the chilli and macaroni and cheese, and was actually DAMN good.) Pascagoula off of Highway 90 doesnt look that bad, I didnt goto beach front though. But the general thinking is that this will be an opportunity for Pascagoula to become the major port city in the Gulf, thus in a weird way this hurricane will end up being very beneficial in the long run to these areas(economically). Biloxi is unbelievable. I've seen footage, pictures, but just seeing it, it's something you would expect from a 3rd world country. I'll try to get what video I shot online tomorrow or the next day, but right now I'm just flat out exhausted and rambling I'm sure.

September 5th, 2005, 07:39 AM
Thanks for the update cd. Pretty uplifting too. I know what you mean about seeing it first hand. I went through Ivan last year. A category 3 that went right over the house. I played it smart and left to Louisiana during landfall and when I returned a day later to check on my house I saw an unbelievable amount of destruction. Pictures and TV can't do it justice. This area looked like an A-bomb went off. Rest assured that this area recovered pretty fast considering the amount of destruction, but only a year ago places closer to teh gulf are still repairing. So all though it will take a while, things will get better. Like you said in my area around Gulf Shores Alabama things are actually better than when the Hurricane hit. Things were rebuilt bigger and better. So hope is the best of things. Like you while power was out I got a chance to go by and pick up water and MRE's becuase my power was out. Made my refrigerator a nightmare to clean up but the MRE's were good. I lived on them for 2 days. Most of them include a small bottle of tobasco so it was real good in my opinion. Can't wait to see your footage. Glad you made it safe.

|Team Moped| Kripto
September 5th, 2005, 08:55 AM
And happy birthday CD, Hope your birthday works out despite everything that has happend!

September 5th, 2005, 09:20 AM
ANdy mentions the one thing I am so looking forward to... Cleaning out the ole fridge. When I made the return trip to the area on Tuesday, I grabbed the beer and frozen meat before I left, but the rest of the stuff in there is probably going to push the door open soon... Any one have any haz mat gear? :(

September 5th, 2005, 09:49 AM
you may want to grab a radiation suit with the food you eat dirge. Not sure what you eat, but the way it comes out it must be something bad....:stick

September 5th, 2005, 10:25 AM
thx Kripto.

Like Dirge said, man! My grandfather is a hunter and has 3-4 freezers full of deer meat and what not.... that still have not been opened, and wont until next weekend.... Only thing I could think of is to burn it.

September 5th, 2005, 10:33 AM
HI guys!! Here in Canada watching the news... and feeling terrible!! My basement flooded during a storm 2 weeks ago but nothing compared to what you guys are going thru!! My thoughts and prayers are with you!! :hug

September 5th, 2005, 12:00 PM
My grandfather is a hunter and has 3-4 freezers full of deer meat and what not.... that still have not been opened, and wont until next weekend.... Only thing I could think of is to burn it.

Full of Deer meat!?!? Man, what i'd do have that much deer meat, but in good condition of course....

September 5th, 2005, 12:37 PM
we have a deep frezzer with a couple hundred pounds of meat. the garage where we keep it has blood all over the floor due to loss of power. our best bet is to bury the spoiled food a few feet in the ground in plastic if possible.

i am going back into NOLA tonight. keep yall posted on conditions.

p.s. if u guys wanna here some true stories that the news will never show, pm me. be warned the truth is bad. i am deeply sadened by the things seen and the way people have acted.

to be honest, i will never be the same person again.

September 5th, 2005, 01:34 PM
man, my family is in great shap compared to others. i hope everyone affected by this will turn out ok., god bless u guys.

i am impressed with mayor nagin, he is showing to be a strong man.

gessh, i am truely worried about those people in worse shape then me. god help em.

i am so emotionally spent and i know alot of u are.

where do we go from here?

September 5th, 2005, 01:41 PM
we rebuild in time for Mardi Gras! what else?

September 5th, 2005, 02:56 PM
AND have a couple of drinks.....

September 5th, 2005, 08:07 PM

September 5th, 2005, 09:33 PM
we rebuild in time for Mardi Gras! what else?

That's the turtht. Mardi Grass is not mardi gars without5 new orleans.

September 6th, 2005, 07:03 AM
Brent. I don't know what you've seen or heard about Mayor Nagin, but from the interviews I've seen he deosn't appear to be a strong or capable man. Every interview he does nothing but lay blame on higher ranking officials. And granted there is blame there ,but in my eyes if he were strong he would not take that as a crutch but rather circumvent it and prove himself. Also the fact that when he decided to leave he pushed people that had waited for days to get on a bus aside so that himself and his political personel could load the bus first. Doesn't seem to me he is strong or sympathetic. BUT, I've been wrong before and I will be wrong in the future so any additional light you can shine here would be appreciated as I'm always open for education. What makes you think he's OK.

September 6th, 2005, 08:03 AM
I think it may be more of "compared to what we are used to having in the position."

Check this out from drudge. Talk about an omen... And this should shut up the editroaials from the Times-Pic blasting anyone and everyone.

Mon Sep 05 2005 18:57:15 ET

Before residents had ever heard the words "Hurricane Katrina," the New Orleans TIMES-PICAYUNE ran a story warning residents: If you stay behind during a big storm, you'll be on your own!

Editors at TIMES-PICAYUNE on Monday called for every official at the Federal Emergency Management Agency to be fired. In an open letter to President Bush, the paper said: "Our people deserved rescuing. Many who could have been were not. That's to the government's shame."

But the TIMES-PICAYUNE published a story on July 24, 2005 stating: City, state and federal emergency officials are preparing to give a historically blunt message: "In the event of a major hurricane, you're on your own."

Staff writer Bruce Nolan reported some 7 weeks before Katrina: "In scripted appearances being recorded now, officials such as Mayor Ray Nagin, local Red Cross Executive Director Kay Wilkins and City Council President Oliver Thomas drive home the word that the city does not have the resources to move out of harm's way an estimated 134,000 people without transportation."

"In the video, made by the anti-poverty agency Total Community Action, they urge those people to make arrangements now by finding their own ways to leave the city in the event of an evacuation.

"You're responsible for your safety, and you should be responsible for the person next to you," Wilkins said in an interview. "If you have some room to get that person out of town, the Red Cross will have a space for that person outside the area. We can help you."


September 6th, 2005, 08:08 AM
On another note:


See, I told you that we would get ready for Mardi Gras!

September 6th, 2005, 08:27 AM
Good stuff, but sorry to hear that you missed the Southern Decadence festival Dirge.

September 6th, 2005, 08:36 AM
sorry to hear that you missed the Southern Decadence festival Dirge.

NOW THAT is going to leave a mark. lol :D

September 7th, 2005, 05:42 PM
Guys -

Just watned to check in.. i just got power back towday 9/7/05 at about 5pm ( as i was pouring the gas in to the generator I JUST got) .

I am working the slidell area of st. tammany ( for the s.o.) [email protected] or text me 9859661346 i have worked 13 days straight around the clock.

I wil be awuiring a new camera and take pictures i am in a good mood with lots to do .. my family and house are fine.

on a seriou s note the death and destruction i have witnessed during this time is heart breaking and weighs heavy on my soul. i have seen whole neighborhoods destroyed and familys with nothing but the clothes on their back. i have heard deputies go to their home to check on it between calls.... only to report on te eair that they have no more "42" (home) and go on to the next call for service without hesitating.

i ask you to please keep emergency workers in your prayers... i am not very relegious until recently please... pray for us... what we witness we will never forget.... the people i have dealt with first hand no longer have anythign but the clothes on their backs... i have given foods to a family of 6 that was drinking water out of a rain bucket and their only food was a pack of oreos they found..

if you can give i enourage you to please take part in any relief efforts you can... please listen to me.. this is not some hyped up celebrity trying to get publicity... i tell you i cry every day... please forgive me as this is turning in to my way to vent... i have been surrounded by this dissaster for days and heard them call for coroners units and more body bags on a regular basis.

i have heard NOPD and JPSO call for help.... i have heard police departments get on the radio asking for 9mm 40 cal and 45 .223 ammo all that we can send them. i promise you the death toll in new orelasn as well as the northshore is going to be astronomical. I have seen police officers that i later foudn out were disserters <sp?>

I must say thanks for the relief that we have gotten. And to the volunteers we thank you .. from the bottom of my heart.

We do not do the job because it is easy. We do the job because it IS hard.

September 7th, 2005, 05:44 PM

i never like nagin and never will. as a leader i always thought he suced. what impressed me was that he actually stayed in NOLA and tried to do something. trust me i dont like him.

anyway, i just got back from NOLA again.

went out the the 17th street canal, the water in lakeview looks to have dropped about 2 feet. it will probably still take a while to remove the water. i spent the last few days cleaning out the house, we had an inch of water so i removed the carpet and cut the bottom 2 foot of the sheetrock.

it also seem there are more blackhawks now then ever. i swear i have seen 1500 of them flying around. i felt like a MEC on mashtur city about to get pwned by some nub on the mini gun.

my nieghbor is a swat officer with home land secruity and e told me some silly stuff. he came home in fatigues with blood and crap all over them. they has been going all over busting in doors and killing the "looters." they probaly kill 150 a day between all the NG's, Police and Swat.

i talked to 2 cops from chicago and their department sent like 20 guys and the legendary CHiP's from california are due in soon.

in jefferson it is mostly safe now. just walk around with ur pistol on ur belt, just make sure people can see u have it. in the evening just before dark u betta get ur butt inside. i didnt leave our neighbors house at night for nuttin. we kinda took turns with "guard duty" like when people were inside eating or trying to bathe. other then a few incidents when driving around most of us had no problems. i guess when u got 5 guys in fron their homes all day with pistols and ar-15's the neighborhood would be safe.

the cop and NG situation is better in jefferson. as of today i saw 3 cops, well they were in one car. yesterday i saw no police and like 4 NG's. so reinforcments are coming.

when i left NOLA to head back to br i saw probably 100 HUMVEE's, 50 of those big ass things and some armored vehicles, army fuel trucks and all kinds of stuff. there has to be more military in NOLA then in Iraq.

September 7th, 2005, 06:07 PM
i forgot got to say this too,

yo juggs, man let me tell u. my family and my friends know what u cops are going through and we truly are greatfull. trust me, you guys are helping take back the city and making everyone safe. ur actions are greatly honored and appreciated.

September 7th, 2005, 06:11 PM
Keep up the great work Jugz. I tell ya firsthand it is appreciated.

September 7th, 2005, 06:58 PM
good to hear from you Juggs.as Dirge says it ,thx for your service and self sacrifice!!!!

September 7th, 2005, 07:31 PM
Thanks for everything that you're doing Juggs. You and every other police officer that reads these forums.

September 7th, 2005, 08:23 PM
Word is, my department may send a few guys as well. We are trying to get a coalition up to send. I talked to my Lt last night and I said i'd like to go if we send peeps. He told me EVERYONE he has talked to from our dept has volunteered to go. We shall see soon. Oh, not to knock any and all help but the CHiPs you speak of are utter morons. We refer to them in California as AAA (American Automobile Association) with a gun. Trust me when I say they would be more likely to write a looter a jaywalking ticket then shoot them like they deserve.

Anyways, ANY help is a good thing and I hope we can chip in from Hawthorne as well. Keep up the good work.

September 7th, 2005, 09:45 PM
Here's the latest from MSY:

I hate getting paid salary!!!

The airport is a military supply depot now. We have probably around 3,000 troops, US Forestry Service folks, FEMA, DHS, TSA, US Marshals and countless others working and living here. And let me tell you this, it was easier dealing with the evacuees than dealing with some of these folks. They are all very needy. We're making the best of it. Probably won't have commercial service for quite some time.

Here's some nice creature comforts that they've added for us to make things a little more normal or nice:

1.) Hot water showers set up courtesy of the Forestry service.

2.) Three meals a day, courtesy of the Forestry service. We actually had steak and potatoes the night before last.

3.) The relaxation station, which includes a back massage, vibrating foot thing to put your feet on, and soothing music. I haven't tried this yet personally.

4.) I saw a kissing booth on Concourse D for $1.00. Haven't tried this yet either.

5.) They have a laundry service available that you can drop off your dirty clothes and get them back folded and clean. Haven't taken part of this yet either.

6.) I helped at least three older folks get out that probably wouldn't have made it, because they were going to either return their home to ride the storm out, or thought they could stay in the terminal until someone could get them.

7.) Delta Air Lines donated some spirits from their Crown Room to help take the edge off.

Some folks have said if they put a Hooters up out there we are never leaving.

Now for the bad stuff:

1.) The morgue was at gate D1. If you ever fly out of the D concourse watch out for any ghosts.

2.) There is still an odor in the terminal that smells like everything in the world that smells bad all rolled up into one.

3.) Telling people that the pay phones now have free long distance, and the evacuee says, "I don't have anyone to call."

4.) Actually having a hospice in the terminal because we knew there were people that were here that we couldn't help and they would be dead in a matter of hours.

5.) I have a rash on my right arm that doesn't itch and appears to be from sweating too much, but it still bugs me.

6.) Seeing our terminal turned into something that makes Bourbon Street at Mardi Gras look like a palace.

7.) Last night we were told the looting prisoners were coming here to be housed.

8.) Tonight we found out that some folks have stolen some FEMA uniforms and are possibly armed. Now we under lock down and have to go through numerous checkpoints through out the terminal.

I've attached a few pictures of the nasty crap going on. I've seen things that don't even compare to the stories that I've heard and really don't ever want to see them again.

It's been a long hard 10 days. We've managed to evacuate quite a few people through our "house." Probably around 30,000. We are ready to begun supporting the clean-up process and start rebuilding.

I've gotten a lot of e-mails, phone calls and such asking what people can do to help. All I ask is that you spread the word of how hard we have worked trying to get our neighbors to safe places, and that most of us would do it again in a heartbeat. Initially, most of us were told that we wouldn't get paid at all for some time. For us here at MSY, it didn't matter because we had a job to do.

I'll try to post more when I get free time.

September 8th, 2005, 05:25 AM
Yankee...that's amazing. The difference a week makes...

September 8th, 2005, 05:42 AM
Wow, Yankee. Thanks for the info on things there. You have to know our hearts are with you and those who have suffered from this tradegy. The actions of what our fellow man has done to open their hearts to people in need gives me some faith in humanity once again. I was at the NO Airport a month or so ago; I just can't imagine the place being like now! I hope there is a happy ending, somehow, someway to all of this suffering.

As for the kissing booth, I've always thought of NO men liking :mardigras better then kissing!! haha Of course, you'd probably not get much work out of anyone! lol

September 8th, 2005, 03:07 PM
so those CHiP's guys are pansies? i didnt know?

September 9th, 2005, 11:40 AM
Just checking in, I am doing great, I have no idea what the hell day it is lol..been working very long hours to get the telephone service restored...I need my computer and A/C :p:
I so miss BF2 with you guys.
I will be back soon enough, hold the fort down guys.. WE SHALL RISE AGAIN!!!

September 9th, 2005, 12:07 PM
Checking in as well. Well I am working down at our St Rose Terminal for the time being. We just got our Internet connectivity back so I thought I would drop a line. I will be heading to Slidell this weekend to chop up trees, rip out carpet, and cover my mother-in-laws roof.

September 9th, 2005, 02:38 PM
BS, D & DL????????

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
September 9th, 2005, 02:50 PM
I've been thinking the same thing Sabre.

Anyone heard from RP?

September 9th, 2005, 08:21 PM
BS, D & DL????????

I had already posted that the dispatcher at the Police Department where BS and LawDog work said they were both fine when I called. As for D & DL, I dunno. :dunno

September 11th, 2005, 11:31 AM

We were able to talk everyone we knew and make sure they are ok. Other than mentally stressed and most not having anything of value they are ok.

The amount of destruction is umprecedented to anything I have ever seen. JL and I as well as the other cops you know from here in Mississippi have worked Hurricane after Hurricane, and we all stand in shock at this one. We've never seen anything like it guys. The amount of homeless is scary guys, We, BS, DRAGONS, TEXAS LAWDOG, to name a few that you know from here and CS have lost homes along with thousands of others. Unless you see it for yourself you will not understand the full amount of destruction down here. I would not wish this on our enemies overseas guys.

We were able to take what monies and food that you guys sent to us along with some other articles that we were able to gather and help two seperate cops and thier families that we have worked with for years and known. Both officers have NO HOMES at all. One sits in his drivway with his family after he works a 12 hour shift. They sit in the dirvway cooking MRE's, and waiting for the tempature to cool down so they can climb into the tent and get some rest. The other walks around in a faded pair of blue jeans, and a white under t-shirt with three holes in it. It is all that he has to his name. His home was drug back out to sea. Both officers where given boxes of food, and $75.00 cash. The first refused the food saying that he and his family had enough to give it to another officer who was in need. He reluctantly took the money, but had to fight his pride in doing so. The other will be contacted via another officer Monday, and given the same amount of food and money.

For those of you who have sent money in the mail, or by paypal to me, we are now waiting to recieve clothes sizes of the officers that we know that have nothing, but are good on food and water. They are needing clothes for themselves as well as thier kids. The money that you guys have sent to us will be used to buy these needed clothes guys. I only wished you could see what we are seeing, these words cann't paint the whole picture for you.


September 11th, 2005, 11:39 AM
Hey Kor, give some contact/donation info please. Alot of us here are looking for people to donate to that need it. I'd rather giveto a friend then let the Red Cross do GOd knows what with it.

September 11th, 2005, 12:31 PM
Man I tell you this makes me so proud to be a MERC. In so many times of need we've stepped up to the plate for each other. The fact that this thread has spawned so much so fast is a tribute to our frienship and comradery. Thanks to all peeps that make this a kick arse clan to be a part of.

Little Birdy
September 11th, 2005, 07:21 PM
Birdy checkin in! I wasn't in the direct path, but we had trees down from the wind. Nothin hit the house, so me and my family is all good. We got some New Orleans EMS personnel sleeping at our church cause they have no where else. I hope all ya'll keep praying for the people down here, so many confused and lost. Glad to read everyones posts.

September 11th, 2005, 07:38 PM
Yall know how we talked about that woman complaining about the MRE's she was given to eat. I tried a couple of those things while I was at work the other day and they were pretty good. Screw that woman, it'd be nothing to survive on those for a couple of weeks. Hell, they're hot taste like a pretty normal meal. Heck they're better than some places I've eaten.

September 11th, 2005, 07:57 PM
My restraunt this month we are holding two car washes, a bake sale, a yard sale, and we are taking cash and water danations at the door my operating partner is a memeber of red cross and he was in LA last week. so far weve raised a little over 10K i wish iwas able to make this go directly to you guys atleast some of it let me see what i can arrange here

September 12th, 2005, 08:13 AM
Glad to hear the update on you folks.

Sniper, Ophelia is coming that way from what I hear, so take care and be safe.

September 12th, 2005, 08:22 AM
Yall know how we talked about that woman complaining about the MRE's she was given to eat. I tried a couple of those things while I was at work the other day and they were pretty good.

MRE's RULE! Just don't eat the chocolate - it makes you poop, bad. The tobasco sauce helps a lot too.

Glad all that have been able to check in are kewl - hollar at us if there is something Denver can send that way.

September 12th, 2005, 08:23 AM
hollar at us if there is something Denver can send that way.
Yeah, like Rocky Mountain Oysters!!

Little Birdy
September 12th, 2005, 09:35 AM
Yeah, like Rocky Mountain Oysters!!

dont forget the tobasco!

September 12th, 2005, 11:35 AM
I don't think tobasco will help those kind of oysters.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
September 12th, 2005, 01:29 PM
Kor ditto on what CFH said, I'm not giving money to Red Cross but I have no problem helping out people that I know are going to use the money how it's supposed to be used. At least post the sizes for clothes of all who need it.

September 12th, 2005, 02:38 PM
I'm gonna be talking to Jungleboy probably today. I will pass on the info I get here and in the private forums. Get your donations ready boys. :)

Little Birdy
September 12th, 2005, 08:22 PM
I don't think tobasco will help those kind of oysters.

Well, it depends, some people like them. Some with and some without tobasco! :)

As long as they aren't connected anymore, then they should be good to go, and cooked a little too :)


PS I may not post again for a while, so JB and you other Katrina people, GL with your stuff....

September 13th, 2005, 09:15 AM
doh for corporate reasons we have to use the red cross. corporate is matching what we raise up to 25000.00.

September 14th, 2005, 08:26 PM
I received a telephone call this evening from a man with a sultry voice.....it was none other then BS/Jerry!! He's lost everything; so did LawDog/Johnnie, Dragon and DL. Jerry is sleeping in his office at the police station. None of the folks we know were hurt, but again, they lost everything; no flood insurance, so it's a total loss. I'll let Jerry tell you the rest when he is able to get online; of course, he completely lost everything including his pc. He said DL packed up her Expedition to make the travel to Lucedale, MS and even managed to squeeze in Dragon's computer in the car alongside the children!! (He said she was a good woman! lolol)

BS wanted everyone to know that his cat rode out the storm in 6' of water atop is mattress within his house!! He said that cat was mad as hell when he came back 2 days later to check on it and the house!! lol

I don't know what we can do to help him; I asked him, and he said he just wasn't sure there was anything at this point to help out with. He hasn't seen any money from FEMA yet either...still eating MRE's, etc. =(

We don't have a section (that I could find) that lists our members' full names, telephone & cell numbers, addresses, etc. Jerry was hoping that I could give him some folks' numbers, but I couldn't find them. I think that might be a good idea to put in the private forums for us to be able to quickly locate a number if we need someone.

On a lighter note, Jerry also said to tell Andy that he has some stories that will put his "Uncle Andy Story Time" in its place. hehe I told him we can't wait to hear 'em.

September 14th, 2005, 09:09 PM
man, so many people i know and in my family have lost everything and i get even more saddened when i hear of more people i know. i considered myself very lucky in that we only had a few inches of water in my house.

to all u guys who lost ur homes, i hope everything falls back into place for u and ur family. i dont know if i can help u out any, but i can try......let me know i there is anything i could possibly do.

good luck fellas.

oh and, have they filed for FEMA online, we have done it over the internet and got some help. maybe they should try.


September 14th, 2005, 10:34 PM
Tell Jerry and the rest we're here for him. I will gladly donate time and money to help him get back on his feet. Tell him I'm glad he
s safe and we're thinking about him.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
September 15th, 2005, 02:37 AM
Certainly glad to hear everyone is OK. Please get us an address so we can atleast get them a little help.

September 15th, 2005, 04:04 AM
I agree, let us know how we can help. As others have said, I would gladly help someone I know versus those that I don't. I may not have much to give, but I'll give what I have. If/when you get an address, please PM it to me.


September 15th, 2005, 06:05 AM
Hate to hear about the homes, but the one thing I have learned through all of this is that them all being here with us still is the best thing. I hope that the water wasn't in their homes too long and maybe it's just a matter of sheetrock and carpet. If so, we should be able to get some MERC gang labor together to help?

September 15th, 2005, 07:00 AM
...If so, we should be able to get some MERC gang labor together to help?

Jerry told me he had 6' of water in his house for about 2 days; it's a rental home, so I don't know what the owner will do about vamping it up or tearing it down. As for his belongings in the house, no renter's insurance, he said, so it's a total loss. I'm not clear on the status of DL, Dragon, and LawDog's houses - just know that their houses were "ruined", according to Jerry. Will try to get more info from him if you want.

Jerry told me he was sleeping on the floor of his office at the police station. He said he grabbed his computer the other day and was now trying to get the mud & water out of it. I think he mentioned he was using a blow dryer on it. lol I kinda think he's wasting his time......I'm pretty sure he knows that too. ;)

One thing about our chat was that we had each rolling in the floor over good ole times, jokes that I told him which were posted on the forums, keeping him up to date on Uncle Andy's stories (he said he's gonna blow you outta the water with his stories, Andy! lol), and just filling him in on how things faired for you Louisiana guys (he asked about ya Dirge, Diesel, Yankee, etc). Looks like he's making the best of things, but his days are long and hard, as you can imagine. Sleeping on a hard floor probably doesn't help much either. I kinda felt helpless. I did tell him we were here for him and the others. Hell, I even offered to come help him clean up his place and scrub toilets! hehe

I'd still like to see some sort of thread started with names, addresses, phone numbers (cell and home), etc. It's times like this that we need one another.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
September 15th, 2005, 01:04 PM
See if you can atleast get the address to police station, so we can mail him stuff, provided ofcourse that mail is still running down there. I have a blow up mattress that I'll give him and I'm sure some food other than MRE's will help him out some. Thanks for keeping us up to date Sam.

Little Birdy
September 15th, 2005, 10:44 PM
Wow... Next time you talk to him, ask him if he wants Little Birdy to come hula hoop for him.
Seriously, That should give him a laugh! :) Some of you others know. Birdy r0x0rs the hula hoop at BFF and Armegedon! :)
Much love

PS if he says yes, I may arrange that :) I'm only 3-4 hours away :)

September 16th, 2005, 12:56 AM
I'll do that, Ex; =) I'll call him again in the morning, and see what other info I can find out from him.

As for hoola hooping, Birdy...it's funny you mentioned that - he and I were having laughs about the Hooters' girls, hoola hooping, and frozen t-shirts! What a riot!

September 16th, 2005, 03:31 PM
Yeah tell them we wish em the best and know how busy they are right now, my only off day for 26 days was today...I rode to Jackson, to pick up my dogs and cats, that were up there now that my wife is gettting to come home for the first time today since the storm hit...we are blessed by the minimal damage in a city that was hit really hard, miss you guys...back to clean up.

September 18th, 2005, 04:41 AM
Yeah tell them we wish em the best and know how busy they are right now, my only off day for 26 days was today...I rode to Jackson, to pick up my dogs and cats, that were up there now that my wife is gettting to come home for the first time today since the storm hit...we are blessed by the minimal damage in a city that was hit really hard, miss you guys...back to clean up.

Heya, Diesel! Good to hear from ya! I can only imagine how much work is involved in cleaning up just "minimal damage".....a hell of a lot! Nothing "minimal" when it comes to cleaning up after a hurricane, even if it's just a yard full of branches, leaves & pine cones. Is power restored to your area? Hang in there, and keep posting about how things are going for you guys.

September 19th, 2005, 12:29 PM
Hey guys/ gals. we finally got back on line. We got cable a few days ago. Good news, FEMA is parking a travel trailer at my house this evening. I saw one yesterday. Man those things are sweet. Not sure when Lawdog is getting his. I'm going to make a beer can wind chime to hang out side my trailer. I thought about make a few broken down cars in the yard and clothes line. Things are going pretty good now. Power is back on and Walmart is open. So we are getting back on our feet pretty quick. I ended up loosing everything, but most of that stuff needed to be thrown out anyway. Especially my couch. Geez that thing was ugly. Really the only things I lost of value were my computer and my bike. I put the bike in the hallway of my house (for safe keeping) not knowing there was going to be six feet of water in there. The good thing is that we all came out safe and next time I'll take my computer, bike and cat with me to the police station. Man that cat was pissed at me. I sat here for a few weeks wondering how the guys in NOLA faired. The phones worked a few days after the storm, but I didn't know how to get in touch with anyone. I had Toby's number from the last lan, but none of the cell phones were working. After two weeks I finally checked my messages at the office and heard Sweet. I called her back to got the low down on everyone, so that was a big relief to know everyone was alright. We were just hearing rumor of what all was going on in NOLA for a few weeks. I invisioned the NOLA guys sitting on the roof of a bar with a bunch of ice chest full of beer throwing empty beer cans at people as they swam by.
I was kind of shocked to then get a phone call from CFH. I thought he was a bill collector at first. I was like "damn man, even in the middle of a disaster them bastards are still trying to get me to pay that bill".
Andy I've got some good ones for ya. Later on in the week I'll post them.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
September 19th, 2005, 12:47 PM
Great to hear from you BS, if you or someone you know needs anything please give us a holler. Their are a few of us that aren't fans of redcross but want to help out.

September 19th, 2005, 02:50 PM
I agree...if you, LawDog or the Dragons need anything, please let someone know. Those of us out of state want to directly help those that we care about.

Little Birdy
September 19th, 2005, 03:56 PM
BS, you got a porch thing to hang the beerchime on? I'll come hoola hoop for ya too... come to your office and show your co-workers how good I am! Better than EoB!

September 19th, 2005, 06:41 PM
Guys I appreciate all the offers for help. At this point the only thing I can think of that we really need is a Lan.
I am going to be rebuilding my pc in a few months, so I'll need some tech advise on hardware choosing. I'm going to apply for an SBA loan to replace my two wheel bullet and my computer. Both will have FULL coverage insurance this time.

September 19th, 2005, 09:11 PM
Good to hear from ya BS. I'm glad you and the others are safe. I'm glad to see you're in good humors. Of course, that seems to be the only thing that keeps us going from time to time around here.

September 20th, 2005, 12:43 PM
yeah brother, good luck.

September 20th, 2005, 08:05 PM
wOOt, o glad to hear from ya Jerry we know what you are going through, see ya soon man

September 21st, 2005, 10:45 AM
diesel comes back to bf2 after like a month being MIA and hax his way to big points. what a hac. good to finally hear from u though. good luck with work and those big pay checks!

September 21st, 2005, 11:14 AM
one day I will be able to get some time to play. Maybe this weekend I will be on.
