View Full Version : dell kiss my hairy butthocks

August 18th, 2005, 09:57 AM
ok ,so i got my new laptop,dell inspiron 9300 and it has been a mad trip so far .
i knew dell could be a pain in the rear ,but after having made bad choices about warrenty before i just decided i want full coverage,possibly worldwide .
also it is one of the few systems with a nice gpu and dell has actually put out graphic updates before for their notebooks.all in all it adds up beeing the perfect deal to go with dell .
hell nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :vomit
i have spent probably 5 hours and 100 bucks(800 don't work from outside the us) on the phone with those blood suckers,better said listening to their crappy elevator music on the holding line.being connected and ref......connected,getting calls from them at 10 pm ,and talking to "John" Rangjany a friendly Indien who just can't speak english( they must have missed that on his application :D) .what is the deal with that anyways ,does dell really think i believe that "John" lives in Wisconsin and is a middle class average american phone operator ? well you could say "we give him a name people can pronounce and therefore remember" ,but why in the world do i want to know somebody's fake name ,i really don't care who i am talking to and i am not going to devote anymore brain capacity to remeber some guy's name!
i mean don't get me wrong that guy has probaly 10 kids at home and needs to work ,also i know how hard it can be not being a native speaker ,but what are those freaking companys doing i ask!!!!
it is pure maddness and the most messed up thing is you have no choice getting around it because every company is doing the same dern thing .
well this is just the thing that ends up getting me to just lose it . :bomb

August 18th, 2005, 10:45 AM
Dell is the devil! :devil

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
August 18th, 2005, 12:40 PM
It's called outsourcing and Dell, along with some other computer companies, use India as their Tech support.

August 18th, 2005, 04:00 PM
Man i had the same problem yesterday..I was ordering parts for my handheld and took an hours for the guy to get it right.i had to either repeat every single thing i said,or have him repeat ever single thing he said...i was so mad when i got off the phone!!!
The sad part is i have no idea if im going to get what i was trying to order in the first place...I guess i might be supporting thos 10 kids with my cedit card number i gave him...

August 18th, 2005, 05:16 PM
Use GOLD Support.. lol. They should rename Gold support to "Speak with an American"

August 18th, 2005, 10:56 PM
I dealt with dell two days ago to try to make sure some ram was compatible with my computer and the hardware department in india couldn't tell me if it was, so then the help desk had no idea was I was talking about. Instead they decided to try to send me to an outside firm to tell me if the new sticks would or should work.....all for the small price of $100. Just to tell me if they were compatible. I told em to kiss my a$$. Dell support sucks unless you're using only dell components.

Oh yeah, call the manufacturers of the ram and got an answer in two seconds.

August 19th, 2005, 11:48 AM
Lol, The reason a lot of companies use India for Tech support is becasue when it's late at night here ( when most people are at home trying to use their computer it's normanl day time working hours over there. Just can't quite get them to speak English very fluently, like me. hehehehehe

August 20th, 2005, 07:46 AM
Use GOLD Support.. lol. They should rename Gold support to "Speak with an American"

Toby, this is so very true. I did not believe it till I had to call Gold support. It really sux though that Dell is trying to make money that way. Standard support = Rugs, Gold Support/More Money = American.

August 21st, 2005, 12:34 PM
I worked for AOL's Tech Suppotr office a few years ago. They are the same as Dell. They outsource their customer service to India to get a HUGE tax break. I was on a special project testing whether Americans or Indians were better at getting a better response from AOL Customers. All I heard all day long was "OMG!!! Its an American.. Mom, come and listen.. Its an American.. Call the Neighbors... Get the Media... Thank God I can finally get some help!!!" I was the manager and I heard many calls. I never heard someone from india help a customer or help them resolve the situation. I listened to over 3000 calls in the 3 years I was there. I Never heard a good call. Some how, India got better scores and they dropped my (the american) project. This is when I quit and started my own company and vowed never to work for another blood/life sucking company again.

Click here to see a funny cartoon on India Tech
This cartoon has bad language.
