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August 5th, 2005, 11:11 PM
Bartenders Psychology:
Before you order a drink in public, you should read this!

Seven New York City bartenders were asked if they could nail a woman's personality based on what she drinks. Though interviewed separately, they concurred on almost all counts.

The results:

Drink: Beer
Personality: Causal, low-maintenance; down to earth.
Your Approach: Challenge her to a game of pool.

Drink: Blender Drinks
Personality: Flaky, whiny, annoying; a pain in the ass.
Your Approach: Avoid her, unless you want to be her cabana boy.

Drink: Mixed Drinks
Personality: Older, more refined, high maintenance, has very picky taste; knows EXACTLY what she wants.
Your Approach: You won't have to approach her. If she's interested, she'll send YOU a drink..................

Drink: Wine (does not include White Zinfandel)
Personality: Conservative and classy; sophisticated yet giggles.
Your Approach: Tell her you love to travel and spend quiet evenings with friends.

Drink: White Zinfandel
Personality: Easy; thinks she is classy and sophisticated, actually, she has NO clue.
Your Approach: Make her feel smarter than she is...this should be an easy target.

Drink: Shots
Personality: Likes to hang with frat-boy pals and looking to get
totally drunk... and naked.
Your Approach: Easiest hit in the joint. You have been blessed. Nothing to do but wait, however, be careful not to make her mad!

Drink: Tequila
No explanations required - everyone just KNOWS what happens there.

THEN, there is the MALE addendum ----
The deal with guys is, as always, very simple and clear cut:

Domestic Beer: He's poor and wants to get laid.

Imported Beer: He likes good beer and wants to get laid.

Wine: He is hoping that the wine will give him a sophisticated image to help him get laid.

Whiskey: He doesn't give a damn about anything but getting laid.

Tequila: He is thinking he has a chance with the toothless waitress.

White Zinfandel: He's gay

August 6th, 2005, 07:35 AM
Yes it is true down to A "t". Thru years of spending nights drinking in several different establishments all over the New Orleans area(and there r so many to choose from :) ) I can agree with pretty much everything on that list. Of course this was purley for scientific evaluation as I personally have no interest in such things as "partying", "getting blasted" or "gettin laid"

August 6th, 2005, 03:26 PM
I personally have no interest in such things as "partying", "getting blasted" or "gettin laid"

Your a White Zinfandel man arent you :stick

August 6th, 2005, 10:15 PM
omg hahaha

August 7th, 2005, 09:57 AM
Robbie, is that my point?

August 7th, 2005, 12:02 PM
Sure does seems he looks for a sale on it..... :stick

August 7th, 2005, 12:18 PM

August 7th, 2005, 12:23 PM
I was being sarcastic you friggin smacktard! Never did care for that white ****findel crap though. Be sure to bring some from your pesonal stack to the lan cause Im sure there wont be any there for you to drink.

August 7th, 2005, 04:42 PM
lololol good stuff

August 7th, 2005, 08:36 PM
No actully CD loves to just squeal allot at lan's I haven't quite figured him out on this just yet.

August 8th, 2005, 10:50 AM
lol, big brother got a kick out of that
