View Full Version : EA and their continued LAMEness

July 27th, 2005, 06:58 AM
Here's the response I got back from EA on stat problems. I hate bulk auto reply's. With the revenue they've generated you think they could do better than this NOT. Lame is the only nice word I can utter right now.

Recently you requested personal assistance from EA Technical Support. Below is a summary of your request and our response.

If this issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may reopen it within the next 7 days.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

Please use the link below if you need to update your incident. You can also update this incident by email, but you MUST enter your reply in the designated space below, between the two lines.

[===> Please enter your reply below this line <===]

[===> Please enter your reply above this line <===]

If your issue remains unresolved, please update this question here.

I continue to get awards like the crew service ribbon playing exclusively on ...

Discussion Thread
Response (Eli R.) 07/26/2005 05:35 PM

Thank you for contacting EA technical support. I am sorry that you are having difficulty.

You are receiving this E-mail because today there were intermittent outages with the Battlefield 2 servers, meaning that players were having difficulty logging in and playing online at certain times. You may also have noticed that weapons may have been unlocked on Ranked servers. This was a known issue that the development team has corrected.

If this is not why you are contacting us, please reply back to us and we will do our best to personally assist you.

Please note if you are contacting us about changing or missing stats, this is not something tech support can address as we can not change or add stats to your account.

If you are not happy with your stats or wish to change your name, you will need to create a new account. Stats or nicknames can not be changed or reset but, you can easily create a new account by using another E-mail address.

Please keep checking the Battlefield 2 website (battlefield2.ea.com) for more information and future updates. You can also find quick solutions or information about this game or any Electronic Arts games by visiting our website and review our extensive Self Help knowledgebase (http://eatech.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/eatech.cfg/php/enduser/std_alp.php?)

Thank you for your patience, and thank you for contacting us.
Customer 07/26/2005 10:49 AM
I continue to get awards like the crew service ribbon playing exclusively on ranked servers but BFHQ and related sites are not updaeting and showing this. I finish the rounds and it's been on several servers but I continue to get various awards to not have them show up. My player name is Andyconda. Any suggestions, Thanks.

Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts Technical Support.

Eli R.

July 27th, 2005, 07:17 AM
w00t sounds like a politician's answer to why he's raising taxes! lmao

July 27th, 2005, 07:30 AM
Yeah. A whole lot of talk and NO action. Took my money and run. Those bastages at EA. I will get you. I will get you.

July 27th, 2005, 12:26 PM
without a doubt bf2 could and will be the best game ever to see the computer world.

although ea has done some crappy stuff like: made the customers the beta testers, failed to fix major problems that were known before selling the game, and making and ungodly amount of cash with overpriced ranked servers and junk like that.

i could probably name a bunch more things but to be honest, bf2 has the potential to be the most kick arse game ever!

July 27th, 2005, 12:51 PM
Should we tell Andy about the macro we put on his machine to flash random ribbon awards during the game?

July 27th, 2005, 12:51 PM
rgr that...ditto his thoughts

July 27th, 2005, 01:13 PM
Not arguimg that one brent. BF2 is one of the best games I've ever played. But EA has fubared it pretty bad.

July 27th, 2005, 03:27 PM
yeah agree with you, but my point is only that bf2 has the potential if ea gets their stuff straight.

the noxious
July 27th, 2005, 03:57 PM
why worry, that dang attorney in florida will try to get BF2 banned soon anyways. He seems to be on a war path. First San Andreas, then Sims 2. Like i tell everyone, he's probably going to go after tetris next, because the L piece looks "inappropriate"
