View Full Version : Bots

July 26th, 2005, 11:50 AM
Alright, I know the settings probably havn't changed, but the bots are rediculously easy. Last night was the first time I played on our server this month, and only one other person joined in on Dust2. Played for a couple hours just messing around with pump shotty, glock and awp. compound was kind of a joke on how easy the bots were.

I know everyone is busy with other stuff, but I would love to have a bunch of peeps in our server once in a while. I've played quite a bit this month, but on other servers. everytime I go to play I check ours first.
The server group I've been playing on quite a bit lately does something called "Saturday Night Maddness" Basically it's a competition where someone wins a small prize and bragging rights for a week. They take request in the forums for map choice and rules (gravity, weapon restrictions, FF, etc.). Then they set the server up that way starting at 9pm. The winner is the first person to 100 kills or the person with the most kills after 1.5 hours (10:30).

Maybe we could do something simular once a week?

July 26th, 2005, 11:56 AM
Sounds fun. I play a lot of BF2 but if we do something like that I'll play. Do it on an fy map like fy_party.

July 26th, 2005, 11:57 AM
cool idea.....i've seen something similar before

July 26th, 2005, 12:49 PM
sounds good to me

i also think that we might turn the bots up a notch because they are really no challenge at all.
