View Full Version : Your Own BF2 Ranked Server!

July 20th, 2005, 08:59 AM
This works pretty good for creating ranked BF2 servers.
I played on a couple and they were lag free.


Give it a try.

July 20th, 2005, 09:37 AM
saw that the other day, but i have a few questions.
-Does the server run 24/7?
-Do you have to keep that little app up the entire time the server is running?
-Do you have any administration control over the server?

I couldnt find this info anywhere.

July 20th, 2005, 11:00 AM
I think you would have to be logged in to keep your server up and running. It actually provisions the server for you--using your specs--Very slick! Yes-You do have to keep
their .net app running.

I don't know about the admin--didn't get that far.

Right now it's free for the DEMO period--I hope they dont start charging an arm and a leg to use this. Right now it allows anyone who has the 40.00 per year membership
to run their own BF2 ranked server. A lot cheaper than buying one :)
