View Full Version : Smoke, fire, and lightning

July 13th, 2005, 06:56 AM
Well the good news is I have found out why my machine has been experiencing random lock-ups and the occasional SURPRISE re-boot.

After playing an enjoyable round of BF2 with the crew last night, i was stretching out waiting on the round to re-start when I heard a fffzzzzzz sound followed by the no-signal display on the monitor... Just as I'm about to lay down the sailor's tirade on the computer and BF2, I smell electrical burning and see smoke in my case... DOH

Quickly unattaching everything and dragging my case to the operating table (i.e. dining table), I find that the PSU is extremely hot and smelling like C3PO after a run-in wirth a storm trooper. After getting the PSU out, did i tell you it was hot? Ouch fingers... I find the nice (hopefully not carcinogenic) residue of green dust along the exhausts from the PSU. LOL I guess the ole 350W Antec PSU had been asked to do too much. I think I'll go with the 400W this time around. Funny thing is I think the extra draw from the friggin' I need a small hydro-electric dam to power myself video gard (GeForce 6800 XT) was the final straw.

After crying myself to sleep on the pillow, I'm really hoping Best buy has some PSU's in stock today.

In MacArthur's words... "I will return!"

July 13th, 2005, 07:18 AM
Wow good luck buddy...that sucks

as you can see from my award stats we had some really...really good rounds after you left...we kicked so much arse last night it was not een funny...poor Rosalind was on the other team the entire time...sorry Roz, as always you were a good sport about it.

July 13th, 2005, 11:11 AM
Yeah, these new PC's have some crazy power demands.

I got the 475 watt power hog when I bought mine. It seems to work great, but I'm not sure I like the lights flickering when I turn the puppy on. :/

I'm worried about melting my UPS with it. I got my UPS during my school days and at the time it could power my PC and monitor for 45 mins. But this new PC and bigger monitor my UPS can power it for like 2 mins and it make a scary sounding buzzing noise when its on battery power... I think its about time to buy that 1000w UPS I saw in the computer store the other day.

July 13th, 2005, 11:18 AM
Update- Best Buy rocks! i am the proud owner of an antec True Power 430 W PSU! for $79.99 plus tax. I'll be back in the TK column tonight!

|Team Moped| Kripto
July 13th, 2005, 11:26 AM
I think that's what mine is... True Power is the best out there. It powers my 9800 All-in-Wonder great.

July 13th, 2005, 11:39 AM
That away Robby. Don't mess around with the juice. Make sure you have plenty of it. I didn't even think to ask what type of PS you had when you upgraded like you did. I bit the bullet a long time ago and bought me an Antec True Blue 480 watts Power Supply so I know when I upgrade from time to time I have the juice to go with it. Atleast everyhting else seems OK. I remeber the day I fired my mobo overclocking. That is smoke you don't want to see. Hope your back up and running soon.
