View Full Version : Prayers needed

June 23rd, 2005, 04:04 AM
Just got a call from my mom. Dad's had a heart attack and is in the ICU. Please pray that whatever is supposed to happen does...



June 23rd, 2005, 04:50 AM
Update: 100% blockage in one artery. 85% blockage in another. They had to stint the 100% side first and will have to wait to see how he does before they do the other. The Doc's said that he was about 10 minutes from not pulling out of it. He's in ICU right now in Baton Rouge. Next 12 hours will tell the tale.

June 23rd, 2005, 06:03 AM
Will definitely keep your father in our prayers, as well as you and the rest of your family.

We just lost our great Aunt yesterday morning due to heart and kidney failure.

June 23rd, 2005, 06:21 AM
Sorry guys, I hate to hear this kinda stuff. I will keep you and your families in my prayers.

June 23rd, 2005, 06:54 AM
My God's healing hand be apon him.

June 23rd, 2005, 08:19 AM
Man that sux Tech. A couple of the ole timers I work with have had stints put in and they all seemed to recover fairly quickly and got back to work. I hope the same for your dad.

Malachi, I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

|Team Moped| Kripto
June 23rd, 2005, 08:42 AM
My roomates Dad has had lots of heart problems. He's had 3 heart attacks, 6 stints, and a bypass. It's amazing what they can do these days, I would be confident that it will work out!!!!

June 23rd, 2005, 08:43 AM

We're praying for you and your dad and family that all goes well. (((Hugs)))

June 23rd, 2005, 08:43 AM
u and your family are definetly in our prayers

June 23rd, 2005, 09:16 AM
We'll be praying for you and your parents Scott! Keep us updated.

June 23rd, 2005, 09:35 AM
Tech I know what your feeling and I'm sorry to hear about things like this. Your daddy, you and your family will be in our prayers.

June 23rd, 2005, 09:37 AM
Hope everything turns out for the best Tech.

June 23rd, 2005, 11:45 AM
Very sorry to hear the news Scott.. Hope everything works out for the best.

June 23rd, 2005, 06:08 PM
Sorry to hear about it. Are they just going to angioplasty (balloon) it and place a stent or are they talking about bypass surgery? Did they say anything about it affecting his heart function? Most importantly how's he feeling?
Stents have a really quick recovery time and work well for a while. He'll just be getting more checkups. My prayers are with yall.

June 24th, 2005, 04:01 AM
Ok...after a long day of no news, I called my mom last night. They ended up putting a stent in the 100% blocked one because it was the most serious. He seemed to start to get his color back, but then slid back a little. They have to wait a while to see how he's going to do, I guess, to put the other stent in.

My sister, probably more to the point than even my mom, said that he was very pale and spent a half hour trying to talk unsuccessfully. She said he didn't look that good, which my reply was: "How good are you going to look after a heart attack and emergency surgery?" She saw my point. Anyway, they've moved him from ICU to the Critical Care unit now. He'll probably be there for a couple days (?) and then to a regular room.

Here's the problem: My dad is a workaholic and very stubborn. My mom was saying that he was already wanting to go back to work. I told her he would be out for several weeks easy. She doesn't think that he'll want to wait that long. I said, "That's fine, mom. That just means his cardiologist will see him sooner than either of them want to, and probably on different terms." My mom sighed and agreed. We all agree that he's probably not going to listen to the doctor, which will be bad for her. I jokingly said that she needed to get another life insurance policy on him. She unjokingly agreed.

Anyway, it seems as though for now he's going to be ok. My mom wanted me to thank you all for your prayers...they are greatly appreciated. Dad would thank you, too...but he can neither type nor talk right now.

Thanks a million...

Scott (LaTech)

June 24th, 2005, 01:10 PM
Always in our prays scott.

June 24th, 2005, 04:07 PM
Glad to hear he's doing better (downgrading to CCU is a step). Hope for his sake he does take it easy for a little while.

June 25th, 2005, 09:41 AM
Sorry guys, just saw this now (was out of town). Glad to hear things are at least HEADED is a decent direction. Stubborn can be bad but it can be good as well. Sometimes that fiestiness can keep them going. Keep us informed Scott.

June 27th, 2005, 01:08 PM
Hey all,

Thanks for all the posts and stuff. My mom wanted me to thank you all (thanks from my mom), and I appreciate everything.

My dad has been moved from CCU to a regular room and will be sent home within the week. They are going to put another stent in after they are sure he'll be ok. Lots of therapy (mental as well as physical, no doubt) awaits him. He's doing much better and has been awake for extended periods of time lately (which wasn't the case the first 2 days). It was dicy for a while (he was vomiting up large amounts of a coal looking substance...that scared the docs). He's already talking about going back to work (idiot), but my mom isn't the sort to let him just outright kill himself, which it probably would.

Again, thank you all for your prayers and stuff...means a lot.


(PS: new blog post if you care to read: www.latech76.blogspot.com warning: it's rather long)

June 28th, 2005, 10:40 AM
sorry tech ,,,, hope he gets better soon
