View Full Version : Today is the day!

June 21st, 2005, 06:37 AM
Stores everywhere will have the full version of BF2 today. Post here if you get it, or when you plan on getting it. Personally, I wont have the funds to get it until tomorrow (wed).

June 21st, 2005, 06:50 AM
I thought it came out on the 22nd.... at least thats what it says on the demo?

June 21st, 2005, 06:52 AM
i guess it depends on where your at, our ebgames, and gamestop both will have it today

June 21st, 2005, 12:35 PM
yeah looks like tomorrow here as well, per ebgames.

June 21st, 2005, 12:50 PM
Unless those beeyotches get it tonight and then it will be on!!!!

June 21st, 2005, 01:11 PM
I called the local gamestop they have it in stock.... I'm going to stop by after work. Muahahaha

Might go pick up a joystick as well. I can do a pretty mean bombing run, but I can't dog fight with a mouse and keyboard.

June 21st, 2005, 02:22 PM
Making phone calls NOW.

June 21st, 2005, 02:35 PM
Yeah they advised that only the "MAJOR" market will get it today...New Orleans is not one of those...:(

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
June 21st, 2005, 02:36 PM
I'm not in the major market and where I preordered won't get in until noon to 2 pm tomorrow. So hopefully I'll get a chance to game with you guys tomorrow night.

June 21st, 2005, 02:55 PM
Yeah, but tommorow you might have to put up with "Ah WTH you didn't know about this or that map.... noob!" comments. LOL

June 21st, 2005, 08:56 PM
Well I got the full version.... I'm not sure if I like all the maps.

Some are pretty damn imbalanced.... but that could be because nobody was playing the maps very well.

Its definately a bit better handling then the demo, but you have to reset all of your configs. I was hoping it would keep them from the demo.

June 21st, 2005, 11:05 PM
Rub it in

June 22nd, 2005, 04:23 AM
Yeah nothing like a little salt in the wound....

...oh wait, (pulls dagger from back), is this yours??

June 22nd, 2005, 07:26 AM
Our Walmart told me they have it in, but it's not going on the shelf till tomorrow morning.

June 22nd, 2005, 07:55 AM
It was luck that allowed me to get my copy. I drove through rush hour traffic to go to the Gamestop that told me they had it in stock. I get there and they tell me that they don't have it in stock because for some reason the shipment got delayed. This kinda pissed me off and I decided to look for my quest item elsewhere.

So I took a guess and drove out to bestbuy and found a cool joystick and the very last copy of Battlefield 2. BTW- they hide the key for the game on the back of the book inside of the case in very light ink. I nearly lost it when I couldn't find the key for 10 mins because it was hidden. I thought I got a copy of the game with no key to play it. EA games has some things to learn yet about making games.

June 22nd, 2005, 09:51 AM
Thx for the info on the key code location. If it took you 10 minutes to find it then it would have taken me a week.

June 22nd, 2005, 10:11 AM
if anyone is interested, and you live too far to go and pick the game up, you can order from gamestop here:


and use the coupon code: BF2OVN to get free overnight shipping.

June 22nd, 2005, 11:16 AM
woohoo! got my copy at lunch!

June 22nd, 2005, 12:05 PM

Went to Walmart after lunch just to have a look around. I caught a stock boy walking by and guess what he had in his buggy, yep you guessed it BF2. After tears of joy run down my face, I finally stopped hugging the stock boy and let him go. I then ran to the check out line and bought that puppy up.

June 22nd, 2005, 12:21 PM
Went to Best Buy around 10:30... Asked the sales chick and she called the back.. After sudenly lowering her voice and turning her back to me, she announced that it hadn't come in yet. HAX!!!! Lazy stockboys I tell ya! Went to gamespot in the mall to learn UPS hadn't come?!?! What happened to getting it the day before? sheesh.. Scooted to another Gamespot where the cashier shrugged that they had it, but the DVD versions were all reserved. I promptly replied "Give mne the dang game, I don't care the format." Fool sales person tells me then that the CD version is such an inferior media (HUH?) and mumbles something else about PC games sucking compared to X-Box 360 (which he raved would use terraflopping and hyperthreading). I calmly reminded him that 360 and PS3 are not out yet, the developers still have to write software specifically for the 64 bit processor and to "RING UP THE DANG GAME!!!!"

Anyhoo, have the game freshly installed, coupled with shiny new joystick. Look out ground troops, Andy and I are flying for real now!!!

June 22nd, 2005, 12:28 PM
omg i hate retarted game clerks, the guy at ebgames was really trying to get me to buy the strategy guide, i said 'no, ive been playing the demo for a week now'

June 22nd, 2005, 12:38 PM
lol @ BS!!

Ok here is my story. I looked and called all over the little town I live in and nobody even knew if they were gonna get it in this week. So after all the aggrevation I converse with Onji and he gives me the link to gamestop and the free overnight code. I go and order it and then proceed to check my email for the next six hours to see if it is going to ship the same day so I will recieve the game today. Well, about 7:30 last night I finally get a tracking number and it is on it's way (Drifter does a jig in front of his comp)! Well the shipment is going to my house and nobody will be there to sign for it, but that is ok because I know the Fed Ex guy and he knows to deliver my stuff up here where I work. Well about 12:30 I start getting nervous cause the Fed Ex guy is usually here by 11:00 or so. So I go check the status on the Fed Ex web site and sure enough he has already come and gone. Well I'll be damned if they don't send it with a different driver today. So he takes it to my house and of course there isn't any one there so he schedules it for delivery for tomorrow. At this point I am beginning to think that I am not meant to own this game, but I decide to take a chance so I leave work and take a ride down the main street in the little town I live in. I get to the other end of town and what do I see!? A Fed Ex truck!!! WOOHOO!!! I stomp on the gas and damn near run a red light but I caught him at his next stop and I got my game! I will be playing BF2 tonight! w00t!

June 22nd, 2005, 01:00 PM
w00t! w00t!

My lovely wife picked mine up for me this morning at EB Games.

God I love my WIFE!!!

June 22nd, 2005, 01:14 PM
OK here is my story...I wake up this morning and my little girl has 101 deg. fever..My wife says she cannot go to day care with that...so I "volunteered" to stay at home...picked up my copy of BF2 at noon, and have played 5-6 maps already..it rocks....wohoo!!!

June 22nd, 2005, 06:03 PM
My 2 cents. Went by EB games after work after calling and making sure I had a DVD copy to get. He informs me of a money for old games deal so I could save money. So after stopping by the house and loading up about 8 games such as Tribes 2 I saved 30 dollars and ended up only paying 24 dollars for the game, woohoo, see you guys online after the babies go to sleep, woohoo.

June 23rd, 2005, 08:26 AM
I was worried when I got mine and noticed the minimum requirements for the game. I'm still using the DVD rom I got back in 1997. The game calls for a 1.8 cpu, I have a 1.3 cpu. I just barely made the vid card requirements. Got the game home and it ran fine, but I believe its time to upgrade again.

June 23rd, 2005, 06:21 PM
Mindwerks, I did the same when I bought the game...got home looked at the back of the case for the code.....NO CODE. Flipped the case inside out, took out the cover, looked through the book, started cursing and yelling, grabbed the case and papers to bring it back and that's when I notice the very light printed numbers on the instruction booklet. Man, would I have felt stupid when I got back to bestbuy.
