View Full Version : Motion sickness

June 20th, 2005, 10:36 AM
This weekend I decided to work on mastering the aircraft in the BF2 demo. I became very skilled in the bombing runs and helicopter attacks and figured I would try being a co pilot and see if I can really get some good kills.

Of course the people flying the craft always sucked horribly. As I'm looking through the TV for the missles they would wobble back and forth, go upside down and it only got 100 times worse when someone homed in on us...

After awhile I gave up because it was making me want to puke.

Hard to find good a pilot these days. LOL

Any of you guys tried this? I'm thinking if you had a good steady pilot and a little communication you could really do a ton of damage. Especially with the helicopter. The anti tank missles on that thing are UNREAL. I got one lucky shot from a wobbly heli and blew up 2 tanks and 4 poor people around them. LOL

June 20th, 2005, 11:56 AM
Get with me Mindwerks. Now that I have a joystick I can fly great. I have perfected bombing runs where I stabalize out well before the target to give the laser guided bomb a chance to hit. I also fly helicopters great I love to fly sideways in the blackhawk to give the gunner full room to gun'em down. Just ask peeps like Dirge Diesel, Butria, or Exciles that have flown with me. I'll be on tonight around 9. Get on teamspeak to see what server we're on.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
June 20th, 2005, 12:08 PM
Andy is definately a good pilot, offers plenty of good shooting opportunities. I'm not much of a gunner yet but with him I'm getting better.

June 20th, 2005, 12:10 PM
yeah, but on the downside, you can only play for a short time seeing as he will be banned not long after joining.


June 20th, 2005, 12:13 PM
LOL pwned!!!!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
June 20th, 2005, 12:15 PM

June 20th, 2005, 12:16 PM
Mindwerks, hit me up on icq, pm, or email and i'll give you the our TS info

June 20th, 2005, 12:33 PM
I'll have to do that. I was wondering if it would be easier to fly with the joystick. I got to be pretty good with the keyboard. however I can still crash when I get into zig zagging too much.

I'll PM you for the team speak server info. It would be pretty cool to game with you guys on BF2. :)

June 20th, 2005, 01:47 PM
I think I do a decent job of flying the helo's. Maybe the other fellas can vouch for that, if not construction criticism is always appreciated. Jets however I tend to stay away from until my skillz are a lot better.

June 20th, 2005, 03:12 PM
It would be easier for me if they would make a more detailed hud or add some dang clouds for reference.

Sometimes I'll try to do a loop to avoid a missle and as soon as I loose site of the ground I can no longer tell if I'm moving or not because there is nothing but blue. No hud numbers change and I can't tell if I stalled or if I'm ok. LOL

Its caused more then a couple of my wrecks. That and getting too low on the bomb runs and burning my own tail feathers on the drop or catching a tree on the wing.

June 20th, 2005, 03:17 PM
I did find that most players can't handle a reverse S loop while pursuing and often you come out of it right on their tail for the kill shot. But its hard to do without a point of reference (see above)

June 20th, 2005, 03:49 PM
What about my l337 skillz Andy? ROTFLMAO! Another Vodka drink please!!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
June 20th, 2005, 04:29 PM
I'll vouch for Spark as I'm sure Andy will too.


When he crashed us the first time 10 feet from the ship and bailed out to save himself(he swears he told us to bailout) ok he was a little messed up. Second time around same thing except we made it 30 feet from the ship with him bailing out to save his own neck. So I went to the edge of the ship and shot him. Third time, not sure how far we got from the deck but he bails and me and Andy die....again. So we hop in the black hawk while he is swimming back to the carrier and I kill him with the gattling gun. I'm all for Spark NOT flying me anywhere.

So basically if you see Spark piloting anything do yourself a favor and just jump off the deck. It will save your life and be a shorter swim if you managed to bailout before him.

June 20th, 2005, 04:54 PM
lmao, i remember him saying 'im gonna go get another vodka drink'. every 10 minutes or so, i stopped counting after 5 times lol

June 21st, 2005, 12:07 PM
LMAO..Hey Works, Skitz, Andy, and Op are resident heli guys, although Op is out of practice, but he hax's everything so he will be good at it, then we have Dirge and Andy as the plane guys, i have been playing the BF games since the first demo, so I can fly any vehicle, but when the crazy stuff starts to happen, my rotars/nose tends to hit the trees, buildings, or ground...kamakazi!!!! lol

June 21st, 2005, 11:29 PM
Lol, Mindwerks. There are clouds and the hud does change, what is your vid setting. Plus I think you mean an Immelman not a reverse S. [What is a reverse S], The split S is not a maneuver you want to execute as you lose altitude. The split S or some call a reverse Immelman is you simply roll the plane over 180 then do an immelman. You should stick to the Immelman as it number one slows your plane down, and in a turning fight you want to be the slowest plane with the sharpest turn radius and two you gain altitude on the enemy. The immelman is done by pulling back on the stick and doing a half lop and at the top of the loop, roll back over. Also, immelman never really stayed into an immelman maneuver in actual combat as the opposing plane is never 180 from you when you come out of the climb and roll. What he would do is as he reached the top of the climb before he leveled out he would try to locate the nemy then use rudder to turn the nose of the plane for the better angle of attack. This is called the "Hammerhead". I guess it shows but I played a lot of the game "Aces of the Pacific" many years ago and read the book on it like 100 times. A true immelman is only used in air shows, plus the fact that todays high tech panes fire and forget long before you would ever see the enemy, so no need for dogfighting skills any more, but in BF2 stick with the Hammerhead.

June 22nd, 2005, 06:43 AM
I called it a reverse S... I guess in reality its two back to back immelman's... at least thats what I do on the key board.

I got a new joystick when I bought the retail and now I'm having fun playing with that. I accedently set up my controls wrong though and had all of my axis reversed. So I'm sitting on the runway and hit the gas with after burner and my jet goes BACKWARDS...WTH. I crashed into the hanger... :(

So I fix that and get off the ground next life to find that I reversed my left and right... and then spiral into the mountain out of control.... ugg
