View Full Version : BANKING LEFT

June 17th, 2005, 07:55 AM
Diesel has told me before I have a way with story telling. So I'll try to not let him down as I describe a very enjoyable experience on BF2 before the banning incident. For 2 rounds I stayed soely in the pilots seat of the MEC chopper. I would take Drifter to the Carrier where would litererally impart hell on earth to anyone who spawned on it. One round we spent the entire round hovering over the Carrier where Drifter ended up getting by far the most kills by shooting fish in a barrel. Well subsequent to this on the third round someone gets the chopper before I can get there. I hear Dirge come over the com channel. "Andy, I'll gun for you in the chopper" I imagine he wanted some of that easy fun killing from the gunners chair that I had given to Drifter the few rounds prior. My reply was informative and brief "Affirmitive", but alas someone had beaten me to the chopper. Dirge doesn't hesitate with a retort. "Andy, I've figured out the MIG's". I muster a quick response "Roger that, get the MIG 28 and I'll be your RIO" The MIG 28 Appears. We strap in and I hear RObby apply the after burners. (Another very cool feature of BF2, by using the shift key or double tappping forward like you do on foot, you apply the extra boost in planes, AFTERBURNERS, WOOHOO). Within secs we're air borne. Dirge does a quick assement of the battle field and realizes that the Olive Hill Fortification is being over run with marines. He radio's out "Air support inbound to Olive Hill". I chime in, "Affirmitive, switching to TV guided missles" We start out bank to the left. Now this is where is gets interesting. As we accend over the far left hanger we go into a slow and steady bank to the left. To which I later find that we will stay in totally with the exception of leveling out for the bombing run on Olive Hill and for the run way where Robby has perfected the "SKIP ON THE GROUND RELOAD TOUCH AND GO MANEUVER", which by the way is extemely funny to hear him yell out throw on some more boys, refering to the ability of the invisible ground crew that apparently is able to see the inbound MIG and run out and throw the new ordinance onto the plane in mid flight. Very Funny stuff. Well on our first pass I fire off the TV guided missle. I slightly over shoot but manage to get one kill of a poor unlucky soul that was trying to get to the base to provide fire support to the numerous allies he had at the base. After getting the kill I watch in my black and white TV screen, the base we're flying over to get a look and try and see where these guys are, so I can better shoot for the next pass. As I pan back I see what wppears to be 4 or 5 bombs leave our plane. As they detach from the plane the bombs release air foils to slow there horizontal speed. I watch in amazement as every bomb falls exactly on target on Olive Hill dishing out total destruction to every troop in the facinity. I pan to the side of my screen to see Robby collect about 5 or 6 kills. The com chatter following was hard to discern but the laughter told a tell tell sign of the good times that were sure to follow. We continue on our infinte loop to the left. I somehow feel like a passneger on a NASCAR circuit track stuck in an a never ending turn to the left. We continue to straffe the fort getting multiple kills each pass. On the 5th or 6th pass we start to get team kills. Ooooops Robby yells out, "Tell me when your charging the Hill I'm doing bombing runs", The reply is instantaneous, "Whoa, Whoa, WHoa, Stop, Stop, Were in the fort cancel the bomb run, whoa." We make a pass and sure enough there are several of our allies over running the base. "Mission accomplished" We turn to start bombing the rock fortification but an F-35 shoots us down. It was a good run. I will get some video footage next time as you wouldn't believe how low to the ground Robby gets while rearming. From the underside TV cam you can literally see the dust and sparks fly off of the bottom of the plane as he rearms. Its a lower view point than you have even during take off as the landing gear keeps you at least 3 feet of the ground, (So FYI Note to self do not get in a the belly gunner spot on a B-52 if Robby is the Pilot becasue if the landing gear goes out he will ride home on you, landing the plane.) In the end the only sour after effect is after our tour of duty in the MIG 28 I tried to run ground support but my guy apperntly had this unexplainable pull to the left like a car with a bad alignment problem, hehehehe, BANKING LEFT.

June 17th, 2005, 08:15 AM
Man what fun that was!!!

Now if I could just figure out how you guys fly so well I would be set!

June 17th, 2005, 08:33 AM
LMFAO!!!! Dirgey likes the bombs from the two-seater MIG! I think Andy and I made the SAME EXACT flight plan about 10 times in a row. Sorry about the TK'ing though... Somebody should let the eye in the sky know before! It goes like this... When you see the flag you are trying to take in flames and smoke with bodies flying through the air like during a hurricane... several times in a row... give a yell when you go to occupy! LMAO

June 17th, 2005, 08:36 AM

June 17th, 2005, 09:54 AM
Yeah that was awesome!!!
The view from the ground was great.
Death and Destruction!
