View Full Version : 64 bit System Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 13th, 2005, 11:33 PM
Just wanted to let you peeps know that 64 bit systems are the ****zat migizat. I have had numerous problems and glitches for the last 4 months and finally after an onslaught of "Driver database dll corruption error" (what ever that meant. I finally upgraded my OS to Windows XP 64 Pro and my systems is running so fast its like a different machine. Benchmarks are more than double what I had been getting and Battlefield 2 is running at 1152 by 864 in high rez and running completly clitch free. Needless to say I'm piloting some mercs around slaughtering the ground forces, Way to go Dirge and Nutria. I'm so happy I played until 1 this morning. I can barely see but I'm estatic and I'm sniping from the crane like you wouldn't belive with high def graphics on 1152 x 864, sweet. My sound is working great too. Hear you guys in Teamspeak loud and clear. Me so Happy.

My system comprises of
AMD 64bit XP3000+
1 gig PC3200 DDR2 400
GForce FX5900XT by Gigabyte
Gigabyte Mobo GN-K8NS Pro

June 14th, 2005, 06:01 AM
alright, I tired of my Windows Crap P edition problems. What's the best way to get this mythical 64 edition?

June 14th, 2005, 07:36 AM
You could try Microsoft....but maybe that's just what they would expect you to do....


June 14th, 2005, 09:48 AM
Lol, Ownage. Hey Robby, guess who's buried in Grants Tomb, hehehehehe. Now where would I get some Microsoft Software, Hummmmm, maybe at the Microsoft web site, hehehehehe, LMFAO. And you call me Uber Delete.

June 14th, 2005, 11:29 AM
Here is an interesting review comparing the 32 bit windows to the 64 bit version for gaming.

June 14th, 2005, 11:48 AM
That article only tell sme what I would thought to be the case, that unless you have a 64 bit program to run you won't see any increase. I think for my case is just the fact that parts of my machine have no driver update other than a 64bit driver update. So if your hardware is pretty new you won't see any change but for me since all my new drivers for my system are 64bit drivers I see a big increase. That article used nothing but Nforce 4 driver software. I'm running NForce 3 which has no update on drivers since the manufature date of 03 until now with the beta 64 bit driver. The new drivers for the 64 bit OS may be my main benefit. Either way I can tell you first hand that upgrading my OS to 64bit XP Pro has been a favorable, easy, and VERy beneficial upgrade in performance. I played 3 hours straight on BF2 with absolutely no glitches to where before I had constant lag issues, connection issues, and my team speak and voice over IP was shotty at best. Take it for what its worth but like I said it works great for me. Also, remeber that "IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT. I would not have upgraded but my system finally crashed last night and I had too. I was happy with 32 bit OS until the very recent applications like BF2 and other software that wouldn't run well on my system as it was starting to get out dated. I don't know how you guys with GForce4 cards or older XP Athlon processors are handling these new games, Wiat, that's right they won't work, (that may not be a bad thing ladies and gentlemen), or I guess it could since you can't play but atleast your system isn't crashing. Bottom line like always is to have the latest and greates hardware and software but damn who can keep up with that at the cost. Oh well, I hope you all the best and I'm counting minutes until I can get home and play BF2. I haven't been this excited about a game since CS Beta 3 many many many years ago. I also like the fact that we have like 9 Mercs all playing the same game at the same time on the same server on the same side. I miss those days. GO MERC'S

June 14th, 2005, 11:57 AM
The main reason for posting that review was so everyone would know exactly what to do and what to have on hand before doing the upgrade. I to have a Athlon 64 and have considered upgrading to the new 64 bit windows. The main thing is make sure the games, applications, and hardware you want to run are compatible and have driver support with this OS before jumping in.

June 14th, 2005, 12:55 PM
BF2 is the only game I can't play on the GF4 I'm using. In fact, I played Doom3 and HL2 on a GF3ti200 and they were perfectly fine on mid level settings.

I've never seen or heard of a game developer preventing support for a majority of the user base they are trying to attract. (a majority of gamers don't meet the minimum requirement specs of BF2) Developers have always supported older hardware, sometimes they don't care about playability of the game on older hardware, but the support is there. So yes you can load it and play it, but the game play will be crappy unless you upgrade and take full advantage of all the game features.

The upgrade to 64-bit windows will help a little. it would help alot more if the apps you are using were 64 bit as well and you had over 4gb of ram.

June 14th, 2005, 01:11 PM
maybe the full game will support the older vid cards, being this is the demo they might have only supported the cards that would play it well

June 14th, 2005, 03:50 PM
Good point Drifter. Maybe the GForce 5 and up cards are only supported on the demo but I don't see why something like a Gforce4Ti4200 which I had prior to my GForce FX5900XT wouldn't be able to run BF2 on a low setting. Also, no argument on the post Drifter, it was very good and way to keep an eye for the team. I always recommend staying with current proven OS's and hardware but for me I had to go to 64bit OS to get new drivers, remeber if it ain't broke don't fix it. Lol. And CO did you type-O the 4GB of RAM, WHOLY COW, now that's some RAM. I ran DOOM3 and HL2 on a GForce4 Ti4200 with only 512Mg of PC2700 ram on a 1.4Ghz AMD Thunderbird and it did OK on low settings, I think Drifter is right and just the demo is limited to the 5 and higher cards. I hope so anyway becuase I would hate to see so many people limited to playing BF2 becasue they don't have a 5 or higher card, man they would be cutting out a large customer base. I'm counting down the days (44 days) until I get my 6800 ULTRA (FOR FREE, WOOHOO)

June 14th, 2005, 04:19 PM
heh, nope, I meant more than 4GB to take full advantage of 64-bit computing.

here's a quick article I found that tries to explain it:

June 15th, 2005, 08:02 AM
wholy cow, looks like I need some more RAM.

June 15th, 2005, 08:34 AM
Windows 64 is da debil. Word to the wise, I went to install this POS OS and would constantly get a error: machine_fatal_exception during installation. Of course this is AFTER my old windows had been deleted. And yes, I tried removing and changing RAM sticks around. Bottom line is I got an unexpected clean re-install of Windows XP. Factor in the friggin' updates to get back to snuff and it was a late start in BF2 for me last night. Of course, the only things installed on the machine rigfht now are BF2 and teamspeak, lol.

Thanks Andy!

Oh, and my machine is brand-spanking new, except for the drives and PSU... >(

June 15th, 2005, 06:49 PM
Robby you could change the power chord out on the back of your computer and get a fatal error. You're just cursed. Also if you read the manual for installation it tells you NOT to delete your current OS for the upgrade. Damn those instructions and there bilingual mombo jumbo.

June 16th, 2005, 08:35 AM
New nVidia Forceware x64 drivers released. (these are newer than the version that came with BF2)
click here (http://www.3dchipset.com/index.php)

June 16th, 2005, 11:55 AM
Damn good Find Berk. I will update when I get home. Thanks.

August 13th, 2005, 01:25 PM
That is great! However my 64 bit machine will not run XP 64 because they don't have drivers for the sound card, or the nic yet. So that kind of screws me.
