View Full Version : Everyone needs me to go with them to tha casino

May 14th, 2005, 02:02 AM
Tonight me and some friends go out to the Isle of Capri casino for some crab legs and some chick chasing. Well while we were there of course we're going to drop a few dollars in the slot machines. My room mate starts his jump from machine to machine hoping to out smart the machines. Me and our buddy Sam take a walk to look for desperate women. Well I quickly loose $25.00 in the slot machines and now I'm pissed. My buddy Sam just walks around minding his own business. He desides that he wants to go take a look at the fat daddy slot machines. So we went for a walk to find them. We found the $10.00 slot machines. As soon as I saw them I almost passed out. Sam reaches in his wallet and pulls out a $20.00 bill. I start pleading with this man, telling him not to put the money in the machine. I told him he was nuts and if he wanted to give $20.00 to someone, then it should be me. He pauses for a second and says "you mean to tell me that YOU wouldn't do it, it's a bad idea?" I said yes its a bad idea and don't do it. Sam says , well your luck sticks so I'll try it. He played $20.00 on one pull and won $200.00 . JERK!!!! He cashed the money in and is ready to go. As we are walking out he say's well how about this machine, would you put your money in this one .......... everyone's a comedian. So if any of you are planning a trip to the casino let me know and you can play the machines that I think won't pay off.

Little Birdy
May 14th, 2005, 02:35 AM
Lol, nice one BS

Edit: LOL... I have this stupid pop up bug for Internet Exp. and as soon as I posted a popup intitled "JackPot" came up on my screen! LOL

May 14th, 2005, 03:13 AM
']Tonight me and some friends go out to the Isle of Capri casino for some crab legs and some chick chasing. Well while we were there of course we're going to drop a few dollars in the slot machines. My room mate starts his jump from machine to machine hoping to out smart the machines. Me and our buddy Sam take a walk to look for desperate women. Well I quickly loose $25.00 in the slot machines .


May 14th, 2005, 07:53 AM
LOL I love taking Jerry to the casinos with us!!!! He payed on a machine and lost all his money I sat down right after he got up from there and WON like 75 or 80 dollars!!!! So YES Jerry next time we go I will make sure I tell Wayne to go get you!!!!! hahaha

May 15th, 2005, 06:13 AM
Last time I went to Isle of Capri in Biloxi (ages ago), I saw that country singer Travis Tritt putting down a poopload of money & MAKING a poopload of money (playing cards)! The people were swarming around him....I don't know how the dude could concentrate.

Since I don't really like the taste of alcohol, & I don't really get a rush from gambling (unless it's the dog track or horse track....I love those places!), I never cared for the casinos there along the Gulf much. Now, if the employees walked around with a dessert tray or brought me sweets/goodies every 15 minutes, you couldn't drag my big ole butt outta there! :rolleyes:

May 16th, 2005, 05:22 AM
keep batting a 1000 jerry.
