View Full Version : Isn't this Ironic

May 11th, 2005, 10:14 AM
I was bored and saw this...


What the heck were they planning to do? Burn the trees if they didn't stop logging them?

May 11th, 2005, 10:25 AM
Is it me or are these people getting more and more desperate to do get nothing accomplished?

May 11th, 2005, 10:31 AM
Never underestimate the determination of stupid people.

May 11th, 2005, 11:01 AM
well not the first time green peace has done something stupid,call it anti PR.
the reason the had so much petroleum on board is because they never know how long they saty out ,still pretty damn ironic .that they don't accomplish things is not nessesary true when it comes to other parts of the world.they create public awereness .a couple of years ago ,bp was goning to sink one of their oil platforms cotaining thousands of gallons of like the most poiseness containiments .greepeace caused a boycott and bp decided differently.don't get me wrong i don't really like green peace ,for the reason that they can not be taken seriously because of thier radical ideas.if it is up to them ,we all shall move back to the land,grow our own potatoes and ride a donkey.
on he other hand ,logging down the last rain forest in the us for the quick $ is just plain redicoules.

May 11th, 2005, 11:07 AM
I wasn't aware of any rainforests in the U.S.......

A co-worker of mine is a dirt-bike rider and does it every weekend. They were recently kicked out of an area that they have been riding for years. this place had many trails and such specifically for the purpose of bike riding....well...they kicked them out of the area. They were told that they were destroying the environment......a month or two later, they wiped out most of the trees in the area because some bird that was on the endangered species list had a nest there.....

just plain stupid....

May 11th, 2005, 11:22 AM
I did find it ironic that Greenpeace like to preach to others about how people uses/gather resources but when it comes to being responsible themselves they are the worst of the lot.

A spill plan?? what's that? Responsibility, wha??

What a bunch of loons.

May 11th, 2005, 11:40 AM
I wasn't aware of any rainforests in the U.S.......

A co-worker of mine is a dirt-bike rider and does it every weekend. They were recently kicked out of an area that they have been riding for years. this place had many trails and such specifically for the purpose of bike riding....well...they kicked them out of the area. They were told that they were destroying the environment......a month or two later, they wiped out most of the trees in the area because some bird that was on the endangered species list had a nest there.....

just plain stupid....

yes tongass national forest is for most parts considered a rain forest in biological terms. rainforest is not as often falsly believed determined by sub-tropical climate!!!make a search on it .
to that story about your friend ,that was green peace right,...?
cmon no offense ,but seems like someone bought the land or someone was trying to sell so they scared the bikers away.that sure had nutskin to do with green peace.

and btw. Teddy Roosevelt ,yes he was republican ,had its god reasons to conserve this land as a national forest .now some other republican comes along changes laws and says Teddy Roosevelt is all bs ,lets knock down the most magestic trees in the us :shootme:
also National Forest means nothing else than public land ,it is our land (not that much mine yet) it was conserved for the people of this country to enjoiy ,and i don't want any logging business in there.

May 11th, 2005, 12:45 PM
The traditional "rain forests" we think of are of the tropical rainforests type. The designation of "rainforest is based mainly upon rainfall. I guess this is what you were talking about Henk :


I don't want anyone logging out the forests either, but some of the regulations that have been placed lately on homeowners are ridiculous. In some areas you can't cut down the trees you want to on your OWN land. This taking some of the conservation a little too far.

May 11th, 2005, 01:01 PM
The traditional "rain forests" we think of are of the tropical rainforests type. The designation of "rainforest is based mainly upon rainfall. I guess this is what you were talking about Henk :


I don't want anyone logging out the forests either, but some of the regulations that have been placed lately on homeowners are ridiculous. In some areas you can't cut down the trees you want to on your OWN land. This taking some of the conservation a little too far.

yes that is what i ment ,rainforests are a special treat of nature because they are home for an especially rich ocosystem.tongass is not the last rain forest ,but the last rain forest only altered and influenced by nature and not human kind and that is the way it should stay.
on stupid regulations i agree ,some stuff is just redicoules and makes no sense .i actually i am just reading about the impact of science on public policy and that many regulations once they are law do not serve the previous purpose anymore,and only cause expenses and further regulate our lives.

May 11th, 2005, 03:46 PM
weee I'm not gonna get in this one today. Hey Henk, when do you leave for da Rhineland? We need to get together for some brewskies before then! I promise I won't fditch you or fuss at yuo for dropping my dog! j/k

LEt's grab some brews!

May 11th, 2005, 04:56 PM
weee I'm not gonna get in this one today. Hey Henk, when do you leave for da Rhineland? We need to get together for some brewskies before then! I promise I won't fditch you or fuss at yuo for dropping my dog! j/k

LEt's grab some brews!

yeah man sure.
i am leaving on the 18th so not much time left ,but iam outta school and have not much to do .
the thing with the dog aehh ,don"t get me goin :D
