View Full Version : To Young!?!?!?

May 6th, 2005, 06:56 AM
Ok My little girl is in Kindergaten. There is a few little boys in her class that "like" her. One of these little boys "REALLY" likes her. Over the Christmas Holidays he got her a ring, but didn't give it to her until V-day. Well one night at there Kindergaten program this little boys mom took a picture of my little girl and her son togeather. So that he could have a picture of them. (keep in mind these kids are 5 years old) Anyway, Yesterday my girl came home from school and I look in her book bag and there is a picture of him in there. Just last week he sent her home a invite to his birthday party this Saturday(but thats no big deal she gets them all the time). Am I just over-reacting about this or should I be concerned? I mean she's way way way way to young for any of this.. She shouldn't have boyfriends until she's 30.

What yall think?

May 6th, 2005, 07:59 AM
um....ok....throw the ring away. That's what I would do. Cut it off now before it goes somewhere else in a couple of years.

May 6th, 2005, 08:02 AM
I'm in the same situation Dragonlady - only I've been told my daughter has been "playing" "kissy-face" with one of the boys! THAT'S IT! TIME FOR THE BROADHEADS!

May 6th, 2005, 08:06 AM
Oh crap NO I would beat someone down if someone was playing "kiss face" with my little girl!!!!! OMG what would just push me over the top..blahh I can't think about her doing that right now.. I have told her that "YOU CAN NOT KISS A BOY BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED!!!!!" IF YOU DO THEN YOU BROKE THE RULES AND WILL GET IN TO TROUBLE!!!! LOL.. Hopefully that will do her over for a long time...

|Team Moped| Kripto
May 6th, 2005, 08:22 AM
It is true that girls are reaching monarchy and becoming 'active' at an earlyer age due to television, cultural influances, and it has also been tied to father absance. you may want to cut her back on the barney and make sure to turn off the telatubbies when that purple one comes on....

If that seems alittle over the top then you're over reacting... he'll get coodies pretty soon. Tell her that when girls like boys then they should hit them in the family jewels.... then he wont be friends with her any more... case solved!!!

May 6th, 2005, 08:59 AM
And people thought chastity belts were a thing of the past. I can see them comming back in style soon. LOL

May 6th, 2005, 09:14 AM
they are just imitating adults.there is no sexual implication that you all see in it.you are the ones with the nasty thoughts not your 5 year olds.i wouldn't be too concerned about it even though i understand that it can be shocking.
yes and tv and all that crap definatly influences the kids ,what they see they want to do too ,even though they don't really understand whats going on.

May 6th, 2005, 10:48 AM
I guess I could be over reacting. It's not my little girl tho it's the little boy. My girl thinks nothing of it and she will cry for days if you ask her if she has a boy friend. She thinks that is the worst thing on earth to have a boyfriend. I told her it was ok to have boys as friends tho.

It's just now a days you have to think the worst sometimes. When ya got dang 5th graders doing "grown up stuff" on the busses and at the play ground and stuff like that. It kinda makes ya over react to some stuff and makes ya crazy. I'm just not ready for all this worrying yet... ya know...

May 6th, 2005, 11:05 AM

May 6th, 2005, 12:09 PM
Thanks guys I'm feeling a little better about it... I just freak out because kids grow up to fast and think they can do things beyond there years. I think I'll be ok.

May 8th, 2005, 02:54 PM
Maybe Im the odd one out but it would disturb me. The idea of a ring is a grown up thing and so I guess its really "our" hangup and not the kids but still I don't think that is appropriate. The picture...eh, whatever but I'm not cool with the ring.

May 9th, 2005, 06:27 AM
It is true that girls are reaching monarchy and becoming 'active' at an earlyer age due to television, cultural influances, and it has also been tied to father absance. you may want to cut her back on the barney and make sure to turn off the telatubbies when that purple one comes on....

Yeah, most women reach queen status right out of the womb!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
May 9th, 2005, 11:43 AM
What type of ring are we talking about here? Like a ring out of a machine that's plastic or is a real ring?

I wouldn't be too worried about it either way. I would probably watch them a little more than normal when they were around each other but that's about it. Hell my daughter, also 5, already told me that she is going to marry my neighbor's son, and my son is going to marry my neighbor's daughter. They play together everyday after school and have played kissing games a time or seven. I do put a quick stop to any and all kissing games but for the most part they don't see it as sexual like parents do.

May 9th, 2005, 11:51 AM
1. these kids are too young that kind of behaviour

2. I have a 4 yr old girl, that ring would be sent back.

3. you can't tell me that the 5 yr old boy went out on his own a bought this ring, a parent must have been involved.. how else would a 5 yr old know to buy a girl a ring? A picture in her bag too...again parent involvement...


give the ring back and explain that this is not appropriate.....What else is the parent going to tell the little boy...."look son, this is the next step...." Put a stop to it.

May 9th, 2005, 02:53 PM
This ring is like a little ole dollar ring (I haven't see this type ring in a gum ball machine but it didn't cost no more than a $1 I'm sure). It's to big for her finger anyway. She likes him as a friend but nothing more! If you even ask my little girl if she has a boyfriend she will run to her bed room crying and will cry for an hour. She tells me all the time she don't want NO BOYFRIEND and DON"T WANT TO GET MARRIED either.. lol.. I tell her well one day when your OLD you'll have to get married she will run off crying saying I don't want to I want to stay with you and daddy forever! LOL I'm not making a big deal about it infront of her because I don't want her thinking anything. She knows not to kiss him or not to let him kiss her I know that for sure..
I don't agree with kids kissing either I will beat someone down, kids shouldn't kiss until there like 16 or so...

May 9th, 2005, 03:49 PM
you all need to pick up a book on child psychology.

May 9th, 2005, 04:20 PM
Na I'm just a little uncomfortable with all this right now. She's only 5 years old and she already has boys liking her.. It's a little overwhelming for me. Just think of what I'm going to be like in a few years then yall really going to see me cry about it.. LOL...

May 9th, 2005, 05:46 PM
i understand ,especially nowadays with all these perveted child molesting cases all through society ,everyone sees sexual danger for their kids everywhere .i would probably do the same ,and caution is better than having something happening to your kid.
but this doesn't mean that you are always correct with your fear.i remember we did that playing marriage kinda thing all the time in kindergarden.(not particularly myself,i was more that asshole kid that hit the other with broom:D ) its normal and similar why girls like to have baby dolls to take of .not because they really want to have kids ,because they want grow into their gender rolls,and copy what they learn from you and society .

May 10th, 2005, 06:48 AM
OMG you all need to chillllllll!!!!! hahaha Try VERY hard to remember this age. I remember my girlfriend coming up to me at recess and telling me that since Eddy was her boyfriend, his friend should be MY boyfriend. I said "Okay!" Well I tried to get him to play the basketball game with me called "HORSE"....nope. I tried to get him to come over by where we were during recess.....nope. I told my mom I had a boyfriend and she told me to invite him to dinner. I called him on the phone and asked him to come over to dinner. He gave me some lame excuse of why he couldn't and broke up with me the next day. HAHAHAHA I NEVER thought of kissing him, marrying him, having kids, or ANY of that. It was novel, fun, VERY short lived and the typical stepping stone that kids take to learn what life is all about. I was in first grade. Grown-ups just tend to forget they were kids too. It isn't so different than our time, just a few changes like instant messages and stuff. I thought having sex with a boy was gross until I was 16. Oh, I had lots of hormones, but they didn't take me to any boys bedroom....lol. Don't you guys remember?

May 10th, 2005, 07:43 AM
yeah, but you are a vampire.....so that really doesn't count :stick

lol, I guess being a dad of two little girls makes me ultra defensive when it comes to little boys :) ....cause I know what little boys are made of :devil
