View Full Version : Acrylic Case - Time for a Change

May 5th, 2005, 07:49 AM
Got a SunbeamTech acrylic case the other day and finally put my parts in it.


Looks: This case looks really nice. It's moderately easy to put together (an hour of work and patience), and looks really nice empty. Once all the parts are in, it looks...nice, but full. The only problem I ran into putting it together was the screws that connected the power supply to the case were just a little on the short side, but they work. things kinda match up well. I mean, there were times when I wasn't sure if a screw was actually going to mate up to the correct place, but with a little pressure, everything matched up nicely.

Construction: The case is made from 1/4" acrylic sheets that are machined to include fan places etc. It's held together by screws through the acrylic sheets into 1" acrylic squares in the corners of the case. The plates for the unused slots are held in place by brass tack-looking objects that kind of work well.

Putting parts in: This part sucked. I installed the PS and then the motherboard as is my usual order for a normal case. Then, when I went to install the CD ROM's, I noticed that I needed to remove the back side of the case. Well, the back side of the case is what the MoBo is mounted to. So, I had to remove the PS, then the MoBo to install the CD Roms. That was frustrating, but I finally got it done. Then, to install the floppy drive and HD, you have to attach these motherboard mount-like screws so that it will fit in the allotted space. Looks kinda weird, but it works. I'm going to have to get some rubber washers or something for vibration dampening because the noise level is noticeably higher. Finally, there is a ton of room behind the motherboard. I mean, the thing stands off the the back of the case by about an inch. Tons of room.

Customer Service: In my kit, I was missing several of the little tack things that I've already said something about. Well, I wrote Sunbeam Tech and they mailed me, free of charge, a new set of the things. +1 for SBT! You gotta love good customer service.

Noise: As I've already stated, the noise of the case is noticably louder. I used to have 9 fans or so in my case. Right now, there are only 7, but the noise is more noticable. I haven't figured out why other than, by nature, acrylic tends to vibrate more than steel and therefor will make more noise.

Overall: So far, I like this case. Sure, there are some issues with the case (I'm dreading the first time I have to clean this thing, I don't mind telling you), but it's really nice for right now.

May 5th, 2005, 08:09 AM
Looks cool Scott - at least you'll be able to see the dust bunnies, and know when it needs a good blow-out :)

May 5th, 2005, 08:18 AM
tech, do you have any lighted fans or case lights in there? if so, take a pic with the lights in the room off, :)

May 5th, 2005, 08:23 AM
kk...will do tonight. Also, I was going to post this from home, but I realized that I forgot to hook up my floppy drive. lmao

May 5th, 2005, 08:02 PM
Onji, my camera is craptastic...I'll work on getting a better camera to take better pics.

May 5th, 2005, 08:23 PM




May 6th, 2005, 07:07 AM
LaTech is that some "pink" I see in there???

Only "real" men have pink right...


May 6th, 2005, 07:43 AM
Erm...that would be red diffused through acrylic panels with blue mixed in....if you want to call it pink, you can.

Actually, I plan on removing all those fans and putting all blue fans in there.

May 6th, 2005, 07:50 AM
aww come on now I kinda like the the "red" (so you say) in it....

I still call it pink tho... LOL
