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May 4th, 2005, 08:07 PM
I got this from a buddy. Now I haven't done any further investigation, but the e-mail really disturbs me. This MUST be stopped. I'm am gonna dig a little deeper to get all the facts in order, but i plan on making some phone calls and righting some letters. For those of you that don't care.... you should.

Are you aware of this?


This week, in an effort to improve her bill's chances for passage, Senator Ann Duplessis (D-New Orleans) managed to get SB 319 re-referred to the Senate Judiciary C Committee, of which she is a sitting member (see below).

As you'll recall from the alert you received last week, SB 319 is a much broader state-version of the federal gun ban that sunset last year. It reduces the number of "attachments" required to be classified as a so-called "assault weapon" from two to one. It would require anyone wishing to purchase, possess or transport any semi-automatic firearms covered by the ban, and any ammunition used in those firearms, to obtain a $100 permit every two years from the State Police. Only individuals who meet the eligibility requirements of Louisiana's Right To Carry law would be issued a permit - qualifications that are much more stringent than those to possess a firearm under federal law. And the State Police could deny a permit for a variety of reasons - including "for good cause."

Licensed firearms dealers would be prohibited from maintaining an inventory of any firearms designated as so-called "assault weapons." Dealers could only sell these firearms, ammunition or parts to individuals who have been issued the special permit required under the bill. They would be required to maintain a separate registry of any transactions involving these firearms, ammunition or parts, and they must make records of these transactions available upon the request of any law enforcement officer for any reason. A $50 tax would be imposed on any order of ammunition if the ammunition could be used in a so-called "assault weapon."


Senate Judiciary C Committee

Senator Joel Chaisson, Chairman (D-Destrehan)

Capitol Office (225) 342-2040

District Office (985) 764-9911

[email protected]

Senator Lydia Jackson, Vice-Chair (D-Shreveport)

Capitol Office (225) 342-2040

District Office (318) 676-7029

[email protected]

Senator Sharon Weston Broome (D-Baton Rouge)

Capitol Office (225) 342-2040

District Office (225) 359-9352

[email protected]

Senator Ann Duplessis (D-New Orleans)

Capitol Office (225) 342-2040

District Office (504) 243-7795

[email protected]

Senator Mike Michot (R-Lafayette)

Capitol Office (225) 342-2040

District Office (337) 262-1332

[email protected]

Senator Willie Mount (D-Lake Charles)

Capitol Office (225) 342-2040

District Office (337) 491-2016

[email protected]

Senator Tom Schedler (R-Mandeville)

Capitol Office (225) 342-2040

District Office (985) 727-7949

[email protected]

May 4th, 2005, 09:02 PM
To me this is the very meaning of unconstitutional. Bare with me on this for a minute, but if it were up to me, every adult U.S citizen should be allowed to carry a hand gun "Concealed". If everyone was packing, then I feel like there would be a lot less victims in the U.S . I have yet to see a gun found guilty of murder and sentenced to time in jail. If a man really wants to kill you, he'll use a butter knife to get the job done if he has to. Are we banning butter knives next? Placing restrictions on firearms only hurts the honest americans. Most criminals don't go down to the sporting goods store and purchase assault weapons, hand guns, hunting rifles, ect ... They steal them. I agree that all fire arms should be registered, but at the same time .... if grandma wants Berret 50. cal sniper rifle, then by god she should be able to buy one. Grandma wants a belt fed m60 on the hood of her car, then I say lets help her mount the thing. How many times have you heard of a gas station getting robbed with an assault weapon. It's always those $25.00 pink handled damn 25. cal pistols. If I were a criminal, I'd be a little more reluctant about robbing someone or breaking into someones house knowing that everyone is packing now days. But if gun restriction laws prevent law abiding citizens from owning a gun, then I'm king of the hill if I have a gun.

May 4th, 2005, 09:14 PM
All you have to know is EVERY country that has attempted to enforce any sort of stiff gun control laws has seen an INCREASE in crime. Just ask Britain, Austrailia, Mexico, and Canada. Oh yeah... but wait... Canada says that the only reason there has been an increase in crime is because the US hasn't adopted these broad reaching gun banning laws.......Clowns! :madd

May 4th, 2005, 09:43 PM
Welcome to California boys...

We've had this for 10 years now. You can't even own a rifle that has a detachable clip if its a semi auto. Ya know what you see if you walk into a gun store here in CA? Alot of handguns, some shotguns and VERY FEW bolt action rifles. No mini 14s, no AR series rifles, CERTAINLY nothing along the lines of AK series and no SKS rifles either....

May 5th, 2005, 07:32 AM
I don't have a problem with the proposal.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
May 5th, 2005, 09:52 AM
No wonder Sabre, you live in TX. DOH!

May 5th, 2005, 09:58 AM
see the thread I started entitled "too close to home"....nuff said

btw...nice catch there (i do live in texas)

May 5th, 2005, 10:26 AM
henks thoughts.
first of all i think its a good proposal.

"I have yet to see a gun found guilty of murder and sentenced to time in jail. If a man really wants to kill you, he'll use a butter knife to get the job done if he has to. "

ok there are several flaws in that NRA newsletter argumentation.
1.the people that yell guns don't kill people are usually the ones yelling and sreaming ,drugs kill people .wouldn't it correctly be said ,people that do drugs kill themself?same with smoking "smoking kills ",wtf ,but guns don't .well nvm.
also why don't we allow people then to have anti aircraft missles or tanks in their back yard ,just like handguns and aussault weapons they have basically no practical use like hunting .it is not the missle that kills ,its the person the shots it .it makes no sense to me.
2.buttter knifes aey ,fact is it is so much easier pressing a button than looking into someones eyes while you stab him to death with several strokes.also in the case of butter knifes ,there are practical uses in everyday life ,or do you cut your bread with your pistol or submachine gun?
then imagine the Columbine shooting for example,i would have like to to see those guys running through that school stabbing randomly at people with butter knifes .,and not shooting off the smg.
3.guess how many less policemen would die in duty if people had butter knifes.guess how many would die,if every moron in this country can carry a concealed handgun.i would leave this place in heartbeat.

here my proposal ,ban on all aussault weapons,riffles for hunting or self defense of your house are handled like before ,handguns can only be owned with a permit that needs psychological examination.oh and 10 year min. sentencing on people caught with a sawed off.

May 5th, 2005, 11:02 AM
I like the way you think Henk....I agree with you.

May 5th, 2005, 12:13 PM
i'll be honest with ya. ive lived in mississippi my whole life and i grew up in a small town. i grew up using guns and love em. we used to have a hunting camp and could go out and go shooting anytime i wanted. now that i'm in hattiesburg where i dont have quick access to my own land i hardly ever shoot anymore.

i used to hunt alot but i've always been a big recreational target shooter. i dont think they should charge you for a permit to buy one. they should just make it really hard to get with intensive background checks.

i dont see any need why u would want one of those guns except for the fact they are cool to shoot. they have no practical application unless you have trouble killing your deer with one shot, haha.

kinda like buying a sports car or motorcyle so you could go over 100 mph, unless u are bs, knocking on 200mph. that excess usually gets you killed, or worse, somebody else killed.

i'm not saying ban the autos and semiautos all together. just make em really hard to get so that not just anybody can get their hands on em.

pistols are the biggest concern to me. i've always had a bad feeling about pistols. i think my dad put that fear in me. he never let us have a bb pistol as a kid. u can see somebody coming down the street with an auto, but pistols are very well hidden. i've tried shooting them and i know for a fact that someone inexperienced with a pistol cant hit jack with em.

i'm not sure what the law is here in ms is concerning carrying a pistol, but i know u have to be over 21 to buy the bullets.

May 5th, 2005, 12:16 PM
ok so we are supposed to chase deer or squirrels or other game animals that would becopme over populated and cause major problems with butter knifes hahaha come on and if they put a ban on guns it is not going to do anything but take them away from good people. A criminal will get a weapon some way some how and if he doesnt he will use what he has these people dont really care what they use if the kids at columbine had no access to guns and really wanted to do what they did could have made a pipe bomb to do the same thing are we gonna ban pipes too? A criminal is going to do the crime with or without a gun

May 5th, 2005, 12:22 PM
the gun issue is a battle that will never end....no one will be happy either way. The only thing that comes from conversations like this is pissed off people, and no solution. There are valid points on both sides...and that is the major problem and the reason no solution is clear. I'm for restrictions on most guns, but I also see the point that they have some value...honestly, I don't know what the best solution is.

May 5th, 2005, 02:29 PM
*steps out of the shadows to post*

My view on "gun control" goes like this. We, the entire citizenry of the United States, have the RIGHT to own guns. Handgun, assult rifles, roXet don't care. BUT an individual has the PRIVILIDGE to own a gun, and there needs to be a good system for taking this privilidge away from people whos actions warrant losing it.

I don't really understand why the gun enthusist is unwilling to to submit to a liscensing policy and waiting period. What does submitting to a background check and waiting a week or so to get your gun hurt? Seems reasonable enough to me.

Oh, and gun control is not going to end gun violence in America, the biggest step we could take towards dong that is to end the war on drugs. =)

May 5th, 2005, 04:03 PM
i vote to go back to medieval times. and not the restaurnant.

May 5th, 2005, 04:21 PM
.... the point of the post was to make people in Louisiana aware of the fact that people are trying relly hard to pick apart our right to own guns..... This law does not limit itself to the fully automatic uber rifle.. or some 50 cal machine gun.. They wanna make it more difficult to hunt or sport shoot or anything, and the reasons are stupid. Period. Henk.. you can own a tank.. and shoot it.. people do it all the time if you have the money. You are missing the point. CRIMINALS WILL ALWAYS HAVE WEAPONS... A L W A Y S. You can not stop it. What legislation like this does is nibble away at the ideals that this country was founded on and it stinks. People in this country are so scared. It's sad. A hardedned criminal that wants to commit armed robery will NOT have to wait for a background check in order to rob a bank or carjack someone. WTF do you think... a total ban on guns will make it hard for them to be aquired? LMFAO. sort of like it's hard to score a gram of coke or some pot. like it was hard to get a sip of whiskey during prohibition. The only people that it will affect is the people that are responsible enthusiast. I like shooting, and these arseclowns wanna take that away from me. I say piss on them.. Cause you know what Henk... when a gun waving ***** trys to rob me or steal my car I will NOT come at him with a butter knife. Maybe a spyderco... but not a butter knife lol! Anyway.... if you live in Louisiana at least you have been informed if you weren't already.

May 5th, 2005, 05:04 PM
What I see in the message is a lot of greed. Pay atention to the fee for aquiring amunition for the wepons that fall into the catagory.

First you pay 100$ for the right to buy the gun, then you must pay that same amount every 2 years afterwards.

Then you pay 50$ each time you order amunition for wepons that fall into this catagory

That is going strait into the pocket of the SOB that came up with the idea. I hate politicians now a days.

May 5th, 2005, 06:02 PM
Gun control is one thing, but the fees, like yellow said are another. The point of this legislation is to put money into someone elses pocket, not to control guns. I own a number of guns, and never did until I had one put to my head. Have someone do that to you and see if you don't want to be able to carry one yourself. I have almost had to use my pistol on more than one occasion and had I not had it I probably wouldn't be here today. Gun control is a touchy subject b/c it's not that we/they are afraid of regulating it; it's that we/they are worried that it all rights of firearms will be taken away. Once a right is taken away you aren't going to get it back.

May 5th, 2005, 06:15 PM

May 5th, 2005, 09:34 PM

May 5th, 2005, 09:48 PM
the only way to solve the problem is not by banning weapons; it is by making tougher laws and enforcing them. hell a couple public executions or putting murderers to death the same way they killed someone might hinder some crimes. police officers now a days cant do anything the media, naacp and other organizations are down their throats all the time brutality this brutality that. hell if someone is robbing a convenience store the deserve to get the sht kicked out of them. we need stricter punishments not taking weapons away from law abiding citizens

May 6th, 2005, 06:20 AM
the guy who walked into my office building yesterday killed with a handgun, one that I'm sure was registered???? I'm guessing it was...well he had two handguns.....it's not that I think nobody should have them. An arguement can be made that if more peeps were packing, that guy would never have done what he did...however, with stricter controls on guns...that guy may never have had a chance to get one.

We need stricter enforcement and stiffer penalties...not just 50 bucks for placing an order of banned ammo. There is no logical reason for someone to own an assault rifle...I don't care what anyone says about that. To say 'it's fun to shoot' is not a good reason. It's fun to steal from Walmart, does that make it ok? I'm not sure if that comparison fits, but you get my point.

May 6th, 2005, 07:53 AM
if we ban weapons from people , some piss ant country would try to move troops in and take over the u.s. . the way things stand now they no that most of us have weapons and it would be one hell of a fight. as far as guns kill , sure they kill but it takes someone behind the trigger . if you take guns away from the common joe then who do you think would have the guns, thats right the outlaws . its bad now with the killings and crimes that involve weapons of all type but what do u think it would be like if nobody had anything to defend themself with . this just the start , you start with assault weapons then it will be your deer rifle next your shot gun , then your bb gun and pistols those would be gone just as soon as assault weapons. the right to bear arms does not mean sling shots only . hell someone would put someone eye out with a sling shot and they would be on the ban list next.

May 6th, 2005, 07:57 AM
if we ban weapons from people , some piss ant country would try to move troops in and take over the u.s. .

LMAO....no disrespect intended bro...I just find that comment really funny...my stomach hurts....

May 6th, 2005, 09:03 AM
Well, I think LawDog was being Sarcastic,

But I think LawDogs right on wepons baning, Criminals can get there hads on a gun without going through the gun stores to do it.

The 2 Columbine boys had an entire Arsenal of wepons and neither of them were old enough to buy a gun at a gun shop.

The point Im making is, if they can get their hands on assault wepons, then anyone can that wants one.

I have no need for an automaitc wepon, but know if you open one door it just leads to more and more restrictions.

May 6th, 2005, 09:52 AM
ok here again,
actually it works pretty well in other countries where they don't have guns at all or it is really hard to get one for hunting and sport,murder rates are way lower .sure guns aren't the only reason for that but it has a significant impact.
but i do understand that americans can't become friends with idea that if nobody has guns you wouldn't need one ether.
this is mainly due to the fact that guns have been around here forever ,they are part of this culture and many people have practical reasons for riffles.what i don't understand is why we are making it so damn easy foor criminals to get their hands on guns.i understand many here want to own a handgun because the bad guy has one too.ok i could live with that and unfortunatly it is true ,there are plenty guns on the black market ,and a criminal will always be able to get one.but why are we helping them?to the risk of our own lives and our families?where is the big deal of taking a couple of safety examinations and talking to psychodoc for a bit ? also why do you need ,lets say more than 2 handguns to protect yourself ?one for every hand should be enough.if somebody wants to collect those things make him accountable for every single one.the fact is guns are so radily available for every hobbo crack/meth head because the black market is overflooded with guns.large supply = low prices,high availability.low supply =high prices=harder to get a gun for everyscum sonofa*****.
also the forfathers would probably turn in their graves right now if they could see what has become out of the implication of their bill of rights.fact is no one needs a high powered assault weapon that can be easily modified.why do you listen to the those cold war scare tactics from the gun lobby. those are the real arseclowns.if it would be up to them you could pick up an assault riffle at every gas station.
unfortunatly harder penaltys have shown not to work when it comes to hate and violent crimes,or drugs.it would be a logical consequence to increase penalties but it just doesn't work.the only thing capital punishment does ,is cost us ,the tax payer a ****load of money ,and gives the victums relatives a questionable inner satisfaction .these "benefits" also have to hold up against the fact that we have excecuted innoscent people before.if we start torturing someone we not only use an important part of our human culture,we also might do it to someone that didn't deserve it.
if it comes to me id say no guns at all,but i understand that the world is not black ant white,there are many grey shades .i would never lobby and impose my own opinion on other people and make them give up their rights .but fact is we have a serious problem here nad need to find some kind of solution .neither the gun lobby or the arseclowns on the other side are helping with that.

[sG] Dutchman
May 10th, 2005, 02:30 PM
very intrusting.....*takes out shotgun* *loads shotgun*......hmm never see that before lolI think think its very unconstintotional..<---can't remember how to spell that word lol and I spelled it early today....

May 10th, 2005, 03:35 PM
Hey Henk,

As info, countries where firearms have been banned (i.e. Britain) have seen a significant rise in the number of armed robberies and theft. ;)

This is because criminals will always be able to get guns, no matter how expensive or in short supply they are. And of you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have them. No laws will ever make criminals not have guns. And I don't really think the law of supply and demand works the same when comparing legal and illegal markets. Not really an open market for standard analysis tools. The botom line is that these laws do nothing but make some people feel like they are making a difference when they are not.

just my 2 cents. :D

May 10th, 2005, 06:55 PM
public's legal right to purchase an assult rifle will not effect the occurances of armed robberies and thefts. I know I haven't seen too many people walking around carrying their assult rifle with them, since they have a permit, while they are at the movies or at the bar....only so they can detur a potential armed robber.

LOL Lawdog, I think you've been watching Red Dawn too much.

May 10th, 2005, 09:57 PM
