View Full Version : Some of the cops here will love this one

April 25th, 2005, 09:29 PM
I was working a case last week that was basically crap. Some guy got his truck broken into. A gun and other items were taken. There was a suspect, but there was no solid witness at that time. A few days later a witness came forward and I made an arrest. When I found the guy he was with his little girlfriend who was butt ugly. I put him in cuffs and stuck him in the back seat of the patrol car, all back of the bus and sH@t. While he sat there and watched, I worked his old lady like a rented mule. she told me all kinds of crap. I got a stolen truck, enough stolen crap that it took me two car loads to bring it all to the station, and 250 pounds of ammonium nitrate. This dude was toast. Oh course I let her go with a big fat thank you.
Tonight I get a call from the station. One of the dispatchers told me that the woman I called was there at the station waiting on me. HUH? Oh I think not, I'm off at home playing CS. I asked to speak to this woman. It was the same chick that dimed out her ole man. She said that an Investigator called her and asked her to come to the station to see him. Well this was very interesting to me seeing as how I didn't call her. she gave me the cell phone number to the guy that called her. Well naturally I called this guy to find out who the hell he was. I got voice mail, some guy named Arron. I left a message telling Arron that I was coming for his ass. I got his name, I got his phone number and I'll have him in 24 hours, the best thing he could do is find me before I find him.
So now I'm mad and I'm automatically thinking the worst. Since this whole group was a bunch of meth heads, then this Arron guy has to be out to get my snitch. I called the station back and told another dispatcher what the deal was and if someone called for me, take the name and number and call me. I'll call them back, but please let me know as soon as they call. An hour later I get a phone call on my personal cell (I have a work cell and my personal cell). Guess who it is ........... It's Arron. How did Arron get my private personal cell number? ..... Well the ^%^ $%&^*%&* 5^#^#^ dispatcher gave it to him. Turns out that Arron is a reserve police officer in our City. Now I've gone completely out of my damn mind. Of course now I ask to let me talk to the dispatcher. The dispatcher is totally not understanding why in the world I'm trying to climb through the phone to get him. Now I really don't know whats going on. Why would a reserve cop call my snitch and tell her to come to the police department? All kind of things started flashing through my mind. At one point I think I had somehow managed to link Arron to the Talaban. So I hang up the phone and call the shift supervisor and tell him what happened, he too is now wondering what the hell is going on. He assures me that he will find out.
The shift supervisor calls me back after talking to the Arron. Seems that Arron picked up the dude i put in jail and was bringing him to the station so he could bond out, while on the way to the station, this guy wants to use the phone ...... so what does Arron do .... he gives his cell phone to the retard behind the cage. He calls my snitch and tells her he's me and that he needs her to come to the police department. Thats how everything got started. Arron is a tard. The dispatcher is and idiot and I'll be killing him later for giving out my phone #.

April 25th, 2005, 09:36 PM
']I was working a case last week that was basically crap. Some guy got his truck broken into. A gun and other items were taken. There was a suspect, but there was no solid witness at that time. A few days later a witness came forward and I made an arrest. When I found the guy he was with his little girlfriend who was butt ugly. I put him in cuffs and stuck him in the back seat of the patrol car, all back of the bus and sH@t. While he sat there and watched, I worked his old lady like a rented mule. she told me all kinds of crap. I got a stolen truck, enough stolen crap that it took me two car loads to bring it all to the station, and 250 pounds of ammonium nitrate. This dude was toast. Oh course I let her go with a big fat thank you.
Tonight I get a call from the station. One of the dispatchers told me that the woman I called was there at the station waiting on me. HUH? Oh I think not, I'm off at home playing CS. I asked to speak to this woman. It was the same chick that dimed out her ole man. She said that an Investigator called her and asked her to come to the station to see him. Well this was very interesting to me seeing as how I didn't call her. she gave me the cell phone number to the guy that called her. Well naturally I called this guy to find out who the hell he was. I got voice mail, some guy named Arron. I left a message telling Arron that I was coming for his ass. I got his name, I got his phone number and I'll have him in 24 hours, the best thing he could do is find me before I find him.
So now I'm mad and I'm automatically thinking the worst. Since this whole group was a bunch of meth heads, then this Arron guy has to be out to get my snitch. I called the station back and told another dispatcher what the deal was and if someone called for me, take the name and number and call me. I'll call them back, but please let me know as soon as they call. An hour later I get a phone call on my personal cell (I have a work cell and my personal cell). Guess who it is ........... It's Arron. How did Arron get my private personal cell number? ..... Well the ^%^ $%&^*%&* 5^#^#^ dispatcher gave it to him. Turns out that Arron is a reserve police officer in our City. Now I've gone completely out of my damn mind. Of course now I ask to let me talk to the dispatcher. The dispatcher is totally not understanding why in the world I'm trying to climb through the phone to get him. Now I really don't know whats going on. Why would a reserve cop call my snitch and tell her to come to the police department? All kind of things started flashing through my mind. At one point I think I had somehow managed to link Arron to the Talaban. So I hang up the phone and call the shift supervisor and tell him what happened, he too is now wondering what the hell is going on. He assures me that he will find out.
The shift supervisor calls me back after talking to the Arron. Seems that Arron picked up the dude i put in jail and was bringing him to the station so he could bond out, while on the way to the station, this guy wants to use the phone ...... so what does Arron do .... he gives his cell phone to the retard behind the cage. He calls my snitch and tells her he's me and that he needs her to come to the police department. Thats how everything got started. Arron is a tard. The dispatcher is and idiot and I'll be killing him later for giving out my phone #.

/salute Mississippi's finest

So much ass to kick on that one that I'm not sure where to start....

April 25th, 2005, 11:03 PM
LOL... Dern dude. Dont know what to say but... Daammm

April 25th, 2005, 11:07 PM
Ok - I just read this an damn my head hurts. I'm sure you need to kick somebodys arse, but I'm at this point not sure whose. I'll read the whole post again in the morning and post a "new" reply...lmao!

April 26th, 2005, 07:32 AM

Little Birdy
April 26th, 2005, 08:43 AM
Wow... Lol, BS...

April 26th, 2005, 03:40 PM
Start with the dispatcher for giving out the #, You never know who might get it. What a dumbarse!!!!

May 2nd, 2005, 04:00 PM
Man i thought that kind of stuff only happened to me.

Like .....

I had a stolen car at a local crack motel.. i wanted to find the driver ..also had been trying to get the clerk to be a CI.... left personal cell # in a moment of sheer stupidity..... the whole motel calls me trying to rat each other out now....


May 2nd, 2005, 04:31 PM

May 11th, 2005, 12:16 AM
lol, I miss 'goula.

May 11th, 2005, 05:09 AM
Your from goula?

May 12th, 2005, 12:06 AM
Gautier, but both my parents worked there.

May 13th, 2005, 02:03 PM
lol man thats crazy, here in NYC someone would of gotten shot by mistake for that.

Did you atleast get a citation for bringing all that stuff in.
