View Full Version : If you could go back and do it over...

April 12th, 2005, 12:36 PM
I was sitting around today worrying about all the things that most people worry about. Things like bills, hoping your kids are safe today, hoping the exwife doesn’t find out about my raise, hoping the ex girlfriend doesn’t find out where I live and hoping that one day I’ll win the lottery and all my worries will be over. Then I thought the same thing everyone else thinks about at one point or another, “if I could just go back in time, man the things I do different”. The more I thought about it the more I wondered, what would I do different? I would still want my kids, just not the exwife. I want more money, but I like my job and wouldn’t want to do anything else. So it left me with the question of what would everyone else do if they had the chance to go back and change something in the their past.
I think if I had the chance, I’d go back and buy stock in Walmart or Microsoft.

April 12th, 2005, 12:45 PM
I would have not left Wellman, Inc. -> was my favorite job.

April 12th, 2005, 12:49 PM
Well, I firmly believe that the people we are today are a composite of the choices that we make and the results of those decisions. If I were to go back in the past and change something that I did in the past, the person that I am today wouldn't be the same person because he wouldnt' have gone through the same things that I did. As a result, I would change nothing (and yes, there are MANY things that I wish I could mulligan).

April 12th, 2005, 12:50 PM
regret is WEAKNESS ,and does not get you anywhere,and paralizes you in actions you can use working on the future.whenever i catch myself thinking about some past crap that i can't change anyways ,i try everything to lose the thought as quickly as possible ,sometimes a beer helps ,sometimes a good workout with the punshing bag .

April 12th, 2005, 12:56 PM
Wow Jerry never thought you would think so hard about something like this.

Hmm If I had to do something over again.... I'm not sure if there is to much I would do over. There mite be a few things I can't say here I would do over. But as for most everything I wouldn't ever do over because I have learned so much from it and it makes me make better choices in life today. I guess if there was something I would do over it would be to make better grades in high school and after grad. high school I would have went to college instead of waiting until now to start thinking about going back because now I'm scared to death of going back. So that would be something I would go back and redo..

April 12th, 2005, 01:24 PM
Easy one...

I wouldn't have taken my dislike for my ex-wife out on my then 2 year old daughter. I let my issues with the ex dictate how much I saw my daughter. I spent very little time with her from age 2 to age 6. I get along great with my ex wife now and I have a good relationship with my daughter. I know we could be ALOT closer though.

April 12th, 2005, 01:46 PM
My first thought...
I wouldn't do it over again. It was bad enough the first time! I'd hate for it to be worse. I like me today anyway.

My second thought...
Get antidepressants much, much earlier

April 12th, 2005, 01:55 PM
it's like that movie Butterfly Effect.. or something like that. The guy went throught the movie trying to change the past and made everything worse..

April 12th, 2005, 03:03 PM
i love that movie, its got an awesome story that keeps you on your toes. i think its a really good example of just what might happen if u were able to go back and relive things.

April 12th, 2005, 03:04 PM
yeah I definately would have used my foot wedge more in our golf touney this weekend so Toby would not have haxed us!!! :p:
but at least i did not come in last like Dirge and Andy

April 12th, 2005, 03:32 PM
lmao, Andy sux at golf.....

I would take up the offer to play in the Junior A division in hockey (one step below AHL, and two steps from NHL) I was a very good hockey player back then and had alot of potential, with my size and speed I would have had a very good chance at making it to the big time (and coaches have told me this, I'm not making it up..lol)....However, I probably would not have met my wife, whom I love dearly and I would not have my precious kiddos.....It's always been a regret not following advice of my elders when I was a young teenager, but I'm happy now and that's what really matters!

April 12th, 2005, 04:22 PM
I don't think that I would change any major decisions I've made up till now. But I would want to change my attitude I had at the time, that way I would've enjoyed the good times more. Of course everyone has regrets and often those are the things that help us change into better people. Like a couple of yall said, who we are now is made up of our past experiences.

April 12th, 2005, 05:29 PM
Well my past Jobs have made me good at a lot if things. Mechanic, electrician, welding, creating stuff out of nothing, not having to depend on other people to do things for me that I otherwise would.
I have been Work minded so long now " since I graduated High school " that I no longer know how to relate to people. I dont like crowds, " Bars and stuff like that " and have a hard time realting what I feel to other people. Guess this may explain why I am 30, still single, and live on 9 acres of land with a tractor, an old race car and a dog.

So if I could go back, Im not sure what I would do work wise, but I passed chances that I would persue much more agressively.

April 12th, 2005, 05:53 PM
I would swim up da bayou instead of down da bayou.
Seriously I wouldnt change anything. If I would I would not be as happy as I am today.

April 12th, 2005, 06:00 PM
i agree with tech on this one, if i changed any of my past i would not be the person i am today (maybe that may be a good thing lol) and i would not have the friends i have.

April 12th, 2005, 07:01 PM
I wish I could go back to July 23rd and drive slower. For those that know what is special about that date, they will understand.
