View Full Version : I'm got I note to her...

[sG] Dutchman
March 23rd, 2005, 01:52 PM
very nerves can't spell for crap very nerve I FINALLY sent the girl I like a note today so.....ya i'm said alll postive stuff in there and I hope I heop she'll go out wit me if not of well there are more out there :). I'll tell ya'll tomorrow what are the results if Morgan ( girl I want to go out wit) says yes or no.
I got to ammit shes hot :)

March 23rd, 2005, 01:56 PM
I hope she took the same English class that you did, if not, she might be confused.

March 23rd, 2005, 02:05 PM
Can I get a 15 year old to 30 year old translation? I don't understand two words from that - I think he sent a note to his gym teacher asking for some dates? Am I close?

March 23rd, 2005, 02:14 PM

March 23rd, 2005, 03:05 PM
I dated a chick named morgan for awhile....anywhoz, GL

The whole note thing never worked for me, so i just take em out and get em drunk, its easier

March 23rd, 2005, 03:23 PM
I dated a chick named morgan for awhile....
A whole 2 days this time? Or just until she sobered up and saw who you were? :drunk2


March 23rd, 2005, 04:26 PM
LMAO @ Op and Goose!

|Team Moped| Kripto
March 23rd, 2005, 05:19 PM
Do we get a copy of the Letter and the reply? I'm curious!!!

March 23rd, 2005, 05:35 PM
heheheheehehehe. i did that once and turns out everything turned out fine.

March 23rd, 2005, 05:59 PM
Hey buddy your going to regret that letter, trust me. Whether or not she decides to go out with you, your never going to get that letter back..... NEVER. She'll show it to her girl friends, mom, and even her grand mother. If it really touched a soft spot on her, the she'll keep it to show to every boy friend she has for the next 20 years. Trust me I've been trying to get a few letters back for years.

March 23rd, 2005, 06:09 PM
Hey buddy your going to regret that letter, trust me. Whether or not she decides to go out with you, your never going to get that letter back..... NEVER. She'll show it to her girl friends, mom, and even her grand mother. If it really touched a soft spot on her, the she'll keep it to show to every boy friend she has for the next 20 years. Trust me I've been trying to get a few letters back for years.

Restraining orders don't count!

March 23rd, 2005, 06:32 PM
Dutchman how old are you?

March 23rd, 2005, 07:20 PM
Restraining orders don't count!
Yes They Do!!! lmao Restraining Orders lmao!!!

March 23rd, 2005, 07:53 PM
You guys are killin me hahaha!

March 24th, 2005, 08:05 AM
Sounds like you used the "Do you like me? Circle yes or no." note. You should have went with the "You Choo Choo Choose me!!" note with a picture of a train on it. The women go Ga Ga over that one.

March 24th, 2005, 09:53 AM
Dutchman how old are you?

you interested? Maybe he can send you a note too?

March 24th, 2005, 10:30 AM
Sounds like you used the "Do you like me? Circle yes or no." note. You should have went with the "You Choo Choo Choose me!!" note with a picture of a train on it. The women go Ga Ga over that one.

lol that one is from the simpsons if i remeber right.

[sG] Dutchman
March 25th, 2005, 07:36 AM
ok I got a reply , oh and i'm 14 baby w00t she said she didn't want to date me just yet because she says she would like to date me last ... I though that was werid. So I toke it to a guildance teacher and he said that the last people you date you stay with them longer than the first people you date. so I don't care aleast I date her sometime..so she wanted to be good friends with me so I said ok. :)

March 25th, 2005, 08:20 AM
"Lets be friends first" means....

"I'll let you buy me lunch from time to time and maybe sit with me while I eat it but you ain't gettin no lovin..."

If a girl ever says "youre like a brother to me" (that ussually comes after lets be friends) that is the kiss of death....no girl is going to kiss (or more) her brother....RUN AWAY!!!

The surest way to get a girl is to ignore her. They will come to you like bees to honey. The hotter the girl, the lower the self esteem (most of the time). They are constantly in competion with the other hot girls and need their ego stroked often. You stroked her ego with your note so she is in control now. If she writes you a note back or trys to talk to you make sure youre too busy just then but will get back to her later...make her wait. Do that enough and she'll start to think you don't like her anymore (even though you do) and will start to wonder whats wrong with her. Get her thinking like that and she'll be all over you trying to get that ego stroke from you again. This works....ask any of the playboys around here.

It's mind games 101. Girls SAY they want a nice guy but if you look around youre school it's the bad boys who have the hot chicks. You dug yourself a hole with that note but it can be fixed.

Not everyone can do this though. In high school I didn't know about this tactic (I wish I did). You have to have the confidence to pull it off and it doesn't work everytime but it DOES work. Women are like buses, you miss this one another one will be along in 10 minutes.

(I hope you appreciate this info because I'm going to DIE when I get home...HI honey :D )

March 25th, 2005, 08:23 AM
I completely forgot the "date you last" line...WTF does that mean? Your councilor is blowing smoke up your behind on that one. Thats a delay tactic if I ever heard one. Date me last?? Does that mean she'll go out with you when she's 90? Does that mean she'll go out with you when all the hot guys blow her off? Ignore her and your last place finish might land you a first place gig? ;)

March 25th, 2005, 08:28 AM
One last thing....

You might be turned off (I know the girls are upset) by the mind games comment. That is EXACTLY what dating is. ALL girls do it at some point. They may not even be trying to do it but rest assured they DO DO IT. Some wont even try to hide it. If you understand that and take precautions you'll do well. 14 is the perfect age to start perfecting these techniques.

March 25th, 2005, 08:43 AM
basically, you should never do this for a girl:

March 25th, 2005, 09:25 AM
can i call u DR. LOVE ,chf?

March 25th, 2005, 09:25 AM
CFH really knows what he is talking about :P

I actually got some talk about that 2 years ago from my dad, and it worked... REAL good lol.

March 25th, 2005, 11:17 AM


If you want a relationship, this strat is not for you. If you want to meet as many girls as possible...this is the way to go.

Married/comitted relationship guys....DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME.

March 25th, 2005, 02:16 PM
OMG CFH is trying to cover his tracks lol I'm LMAO......

March 25th, 2005, 02:18 PM
hehe ,lol

March 25th, 2005, 05:27 PM
First, the "ignore her" comment is right on. Just make sure you already got her attention, she seems interested to whatever degree, have (or fake) self-confidence, and make sure that in everything you say to her you add one little ray of hope.

Adjust the following to fit any situation, but not EVERY time you talk.
"I'm busy right now. Can you call back?" NOT GOOD. She may not mind that much, but it's been instilled in her head that girls shouldn't have to do the things guys are supposed to do when in pursuit. Might as well tell her to send you flowers while you're at it.

"I'm a little tied up right now. Can I call you back in couple minutes?" Ahhh, the anticipation!

If you want a relationship, this strat is not for you. If you want to meet as many girls as possible...this is the way to go.
Married/committed relationship guys....DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME.
Nice.......try! Can we talk? Tomorrow? I’m going out tonight. Love ya…don’t wait up! (notice...no ray of hope, he'll be the one waiting, I've used the ol' self-esteem tactic, he didn't ignore me. Here is a classic example of DOOMED.)

March 25th, 2005, 05:36 PM
LOL!!! God I love her....

Change the "...couple of minutes" to tomorrow and you got her. That waiting a day thing gives them time to stew and REALLY think, "what is he doing that he can't talk to me?" When and if she asks what you were doing...you were "with a friend." No further explaination needed. She doesn't need to know if its a guy or girl....let her wonder. :devil

March 25th, 2005, 05:41 PM
No wonder you got married at 20. :rolleyes:

|Team Moped| Kripto
March 25th, 2005, 05:48 PM
You guy are going to screw this poor kid up... Dont worry dude, I can scan and send you all the letters I got that said " your just too easy to talk to..." or " Your so nice I didn't know how to act." So many fish in the sea.....

March 25th, 2005, 06:44 PM
You guy are going to screw this poor kid up... Dont worry dude, I can scan and send you all the letters I got that said " your just too easy to talk to..." or " Your so nice I didn't know how to act." So many fish in the sea.....

Too easy to talk to = doormat
Youre so nice... = emotional tampon...only needed when she gets dumped by the bad boy she had the hots for while you were at home being the "nice guy."

If you have a WOMAN in here telling you to play the ignore game.....there's GOT to be SOME truth to it.

Nice guys get chicks...sure.

Bad boys get more

|Team Moped| Kripto
March 25th, 2005, 07:30 PM
This is what I have learned.... Girls make fun of boy being 'inmature' but Girls love to date bad boys even though they treat them like crap...but they like to marry nice guys when they finally mature. At least that's what I tell myself when I rock myself to sleep crying!

March 25th, 2005, 09:28 PM
14 = not ready for marriage.

These rules are for the 25 and under crowd. You have no business getting married before 25. You should finish school, pick your career, get a good job and IDEALLY have a house or at least some property of your own.

You'll be much happier that way. Marriage is a stress in and of itself. Dealing with school, and saving for a house + being a newlywed is just too much to deal with.

March 25th, 2005, 09:41 PM
Hey Im Gonna Let Ya In On Something...
When a Woman/Girl say she wants to be friends i say go for it...
Sometimes friends with benifits are a very good thing....But anyways off that..On my current relationship....I just feel into it thinking i was just a good friend...Not expecting anything in return a person could learn to love you just by hanging out with them and showing who u really are......

Just Go With The Flow
Use The Power Of The Pimp Juice Im Outies
Lmao!!!! Good Luck Kid!

[sG] Dutchman
March 26th, 2005, 07:30 AM
ahhh ya but she still like me but not enough to date me she said yesterday so.. :) and the pic I just saw wit that man thats nasty I lost my hunger now :(

March 26th, 2005, 09:26 AM
"ahhh ya but she still like me but not enough to date me she said yesterday so."
uhhh thats what we call a hit between the legs.but dont be discouraged,as coqui pointed out friends with benifits,or in other words &*^%buddies is the best thing if u not looking to get hooked.

March 26th, 2005, 01:37 PM
If ya do get married one day... some times you get a starter marriage for practice...granted it may cost you half a car ,house etc.. but umm..... wait i have said too much already.


March 28th, 2005, 02:30 PM
Sounds like she rejected you (((Crash and Burn style))). The only thing you can do at this point is call her a lesbian and take her best friend(s) out to the movies.

