View Full Version : Spring Break

March 17th, 2005, 04:37 PM

As of tomorrow at 9:45am, I'll officially be on spring break. I will be heading to the Monroe airport at that time and will fly to BWI. Saturday, we're going to get up and drive to Niagara Falls and will spend 3 days there and Toronto. Anyway, the point is, I won't be available for a couple days, for obvious reasons (and maybe a couple more days if I catch cold from swimming at the base of Niagara Falls...I want to at least TRY).

Hope everyone else has a great weekend. Be safe!


March 17th, 2005, 05:52 PM
Watch out for falling barrels.

And shrinkage, hehehehehe. FYI, the water is frigid.

March 17th, 2005, 09:12 PM
Yeah our Easter break!! I'm going to Georgia woo hoo! Have Fun!!

March 18th, 2005, 06:19 AM

As of tomorrow at 9:45am, I'll officially be on spring break. I will be heading to the Monroe airport at that time and will fly to BWI. Saturday, we're going to get up and drive to Niagara Falls and will spend 3 days there and Toronto. Anyway, the point is, I won't be available for a couple days, for obvious reasons (and maybe a couple more days if I catch cold from swimming at the base of Niagara Falls...I want to at least TRY).

Hope everyone else has a great weekend. Be safe!


When you go from Niagara Falls on the QEW (Queen Elizabeth Way) you will pass through the city where I grew up. St. Catharines, Ontario. In Niagara Falls, make sure you at least try to go on the Maid of the Mist, its the boat that goes up to the base of the falls, also, you can go behind the falls in some caves. That is pretty cool too. This time of year most of the attractions may be closed, but they have some pretty cool wax museums and other touristy stuff right there by the falls.

Let me know if you have any questions, where to go, what to do...etc....

Toronto has alot of stuff to do, they have an opera house that is pretty good, I saw Phantom of the Opera there. Many concerts going on all the time. No hockey right now though :(.

Have fun man, and say high to my mom when you pass through St. Catharines!!!!

March 18th, 2005, 06:32 AM
We were wanting to go on the MotM, but apparently it's closed down during the winter months or something...go figure. That's ok, though. I want to go behind the falls, though...I've heard it's awesome (and loud).

I saw PotO in New Orleans, and it rocked! If it's showing there in Toronto, we're going to have to go. Supposedly, there is a butterfly thing in that area that groovy wants to go see. Other than that, I have NO clue what to do there. heh

I'll try to get a pic of a sign of St. C for ya! lol

Canada...here I come!

March 18th, 2005, 06:44 AM
there is always the hockey hall of fame :)

have fun man, there is a ton of stuff to do up there. Alot of really nice hotels too.

I'm so very jealous right now!!!!!! you are making me miss home!

March 18th, 2005, 10:19 AM
Lol, go back Canuck. But remeber its cold up there. Yeah you got your hockey but you have to freeze you *&^* off to be there. More power to you. I'll be here soaking up some sun.

March 24th, 2005, 04:16 AM
Well, we survived and everything. I've updated my blog to include this trip (so far)...and I would post pics, but for some reason, groovy's computer won't let me do attachments to posts (I'm about to F&RI this slow thing)


March 24th, 2005, 05:29 AM
Well, LT, glad to see you made it back to the states in one peice and that your "adventures" were prosperous. Enjoy the next few days because, unfortunately, you got to come back. MUUHAHAAAAAAAA! :D

March 24th, 2005, 07:17 AM
w00t! a couple of 'shout outs' for St. Catharines!!!! Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy the falls man, the summertime is way better to see them. That bridge the kid jumped off of is a suicide haven. I personally knew a guy who drove on the bridge, stopped his truck, left his wallet and keys on the seat and proceeded to jump over the rail down the 300 ft or so into the rapids. They didn't find him for about a year. Many others share the same fate.
Niagara Falls is nothing but a tourist place, which is why I rarely went there while I was living up there. Niagara-on-the-lake is really pretty during the spring and summer months (as is much of the Niagara Escarpment). I can't believe you stayed at the Skyline...that place is a dump! But from what I remember, there isn't many places in Niagara Falls that are much better.

March 24th, 2005, 12:16 PM
No no...the falls were nice and all, it just wasn't really what I was expecting in the least. I mean, in all honesty, pictures don't do it justice (that, and I wish the Maid had been going about...it was closed for the winter...and having seen how much ice was there, I don't blame them).

St Catharine's was really nice, actually. I got you a picture of the sign going back through town on the highway as we were going back to Niagara, but I can't upload pics from here. There is a grocery store there that we stopped at that is attached to a sort of mall (they had bass boats inside the thing...hahah) that was REALLY awesome...tons of choices in food. The people were very friendly there also. Nice place!

As for Skyline being a dump (it is!), as you said, the choices were kinda limited. I mean, if we had gone a bit further into town and gotten away from the tourist area, it would MAYBE have been better, but then we wouldn't have been able to walk everywhere...so it was a trade-off that was well worth it, to us, as we weren' tin the room that much except in the evenings. Plus, you get what you pay for.

March 28th, 2005, 12:23 PM
As promised...pics fo the trip...and one pic for Sabre!

March 28th, 2005, 01:44 PM
As promised...pics fo the trip...and one pic for Sabre!

omg, i shed a tear when looking at the Tim Hortons bag....man I miss that place. no other donut shop can hold a candle to Tim's! IMO

sniff sniff...there's no place like home....there's no place like home

March 28th, 2005, 02:22 PM
Dunno about donuts, but Cafe Du Monde and their beignets are great after a long partying night in the quarter!

March 28th, 2005, 02:56 PM
I have to agree about the donut...I had a maple covered donut and thought it was the best.

Sabre, what's the deal with all the fudge in the Niagara area? I mean, EVERY store we went into was selling fudge. Is that a Niagara thing? Or just a tourist thing?

March 28th, 2005, 07:28 PM
I assume you mean on the Canadian side, as they are known as great fudge packers over there ;)

March 28th, 2005, 08:32 PM
Lmao diesel......seen that one coming from a mile away...hehehe

The fudge that you saw probably was made from maple syrup, there are many maple syrup 'farmers', if you will, up in that area. I don't mean to insult anyone's intelligence here, but the maple syrup is actually 'tapped' out of a maple tree and maple trees are plentiful in the Niagara area. There is actually a maple tree farm right there by the falls. That's most likely the reason you saw alot of fudge, you probably saw alot of maple syrup for sale too....eh? speaking of maple syrup....my wife make some killer maple chicken wings.....mmmmmmm....wings......I miss hockey :(
