View Full Version : The Hog is running

|Team Moped| Kripto
March 16th, 2005, 06:38 AM
Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you guys all know that I finally got the Moped running last night. I rode it to work this morning!!!! My roommate said it was so cool that he would buy it next year when I finish school!!! W00T.

When I get back from spring break I’ll post pictures and a baby announcement so everyone knows about the new little joy in my life!


March 16th, 2005, 07:58 AM
Now you have to join one of the toughest bike gangs out there. The Moped Army


March 16th, 2005, 08:17 AM
moped-nerd talk
I don't want to read anymore!

|Team Moped| Kripto
March 16th, 2005, 08:37 AM
Did you see that patch on Mopedarmy? that's cool!!!!

March 16th, 2005, 08:44 AM
Can you find your make/model here


March 16th, 2005, 08:53 AM
Can you find your make/model here


Lol...those things are too funny. Here in California, if you own or are into Mopeds, you don't tell anyone!

|Team Moped| Kripto
March 16th, 2005, 10:02 AM
Nobody owns them in Iowa either....I look like a uber-geek on it, but I love to honk at the ladys. Well honk is a strong word... beep would be better.

Here is mine, except mine is gray not red.... http://www.mopedarmy.com/photos/brand/2/3452/

March 16th, 2005, 10:46 AM
ahh, so you ride a maxi pad.. err, maxi ped

March 16th, 2005, 02:07 PM
lol ur da man.go take a trip down here with that thing for the next lan and u get mad probs!!!!
i had one like that when i was 14,i think its still in the basement,i might have get it out in the summer when im back home.

March 16th, 2005, 02:39 PM
i had one like that when i was 14,i think its still in the basement,i might have get it out in the summer when im back home.
Oh great. There goes ANOTHER one. Does the geekness ever end?

March 16th, 2005, 02:49 PM
']Oh great. There goes ANOTHER one. Does the geekness ever end?

oh yes im the perfect example of a geek,DOH!!!
ok for better understanding ,in my country as well as the govenaters country drivers liscenses are 18+,and the only thing u can have with 14 is a moped or an underpowered scooter.

March 16th, 2005, 02:54 PM
...better to get a ride from your mom than to advertise you're an uber geek. hahahahaha

I think you can still get your drivers permit at 15 here...unless things have changed. Until then, skateboards and bikes get the job done.

Says under breath...
(geez. what's the youth of America coming to?)
