View Full Version : remember the fall

March 16th, 2005, 12:08 AM
this saturday my friends band is playing a show in mandeville la and i would be glad if some of u show up .they are pretty damn good .
my friend ted(keyboard) and johnny(guitar) are the creative headz behind the band and write most of the lyrics.
there are some songs here :http://rememberthefall.com/
unfortunatly the website is kinda outdated and they allready got a better singer and plenty more songs.bloodfortears is my favorite song on there ,to the background,it is inspired by our friend that went of to iraq.
i personnaly dont like the mp3's too much ,they sound much better live and give a hell of a show.
the show is gonna be at the wet fest in the trailhead park(open air) at the lakefront off california street.tickets are 15$ at the door or 10$ if u want one from me(tell me)
even if u dont like the music(dare u ) come check it out,there is gonna be an amateur boxing ring, yes it means u can box me if u want :)
i be beatting the crap outta ted ,so that should be worth watching .
i want you!!!!

March 16th, 2005, 11:41 AM
Hey Henk, what are they doing Friday night. A bunch of us (Me, Dirge, Yankee, Shadow, Spark, and more) will be getting ready for the parades down Bourbon Street Saturday night (which we are in) but Friday maybe we can hook up somewhere and have some drinks. Also maybe Late saturday night after their gig we can do the same. Let me know.

P.S. I do hate I would miss getting in the ring with you. For those of you who don't know Henk is like 5 5 and 150 pounds and I'm 6 4 240 pounds with a big arm reach, hehehehe, Can we say Hax. LOL

March 16th, 2005, 01:47 PM
no more like 5.7 and 185 pounds pure muscle and not with a buda belly like urself :stick

March 16th, 2005, 01:52 PM
but yeah saturday night sounds like a plan,friday night i will drive to the northshore because i have work there at 7.30 in the morning till like 6 ,and then i mma see the gig ,drive back take a nap and meet you guys.i got sparkys cell phone # ,but pm me with contact info ,because as far as i know sparks will be too drunk for anything reasonable.

March 16th, 2005, 02:47 PM
Lol, If you think Spark will be hammered, you haven't seen anything yet. He and I are a teribble twosome. Get Dirge's and Yankee's cell number from Spark. Maybe if you have enough contact numbers you will be able to get ahold of us. I myself will speak a dialect you will not be familiar with. As I believe in my own mind I have a grip on several diffferent languages, english, german, spanish, mandarin, french, and what my wife refers to as Bellbonics I tend to blend these dialects into one language after large amounts of alcohol.

Also, what do you mean budda belly. Your looking at 240 pounds of twisted steel and pure sex appeal. I can still run the 40 in under 4.8, I can still slam a basketball, and I have no grasp on reality. A dangerous combo, Muh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. What do you mean boxing, I was planning on tackling you and subdueing you with my bulk. Hehehehehehe, Goose loves it.

March 16th, 2005, 03:05 PM
Your looking at 240 pounds of twisted steel and pure sex appeal. OMG! Mental image not needed, thanks!

Goose loves it.
How the hell did I get involved? But yeah henk, he is a beast! lol :shootme:

March 16th, 2005, 03:16 PM
I think your wearin him (Goose) down Andy! It won't be long and he will be ready to spoon with ya like Yankee...ROFLMAO!!!!

March 16th, 2005, 03:24 PM
wth We don't need to step into the ring. We beat the heck outta each other on a good night.

March 16th, 2005, 05:36 PM
I think your wearin him (Goose) down Andy! It won't be long and he will be ready to spoon with ya like Yankee...ROFLMAO!!!!

lmao, i get the feeling goose is wearing down too.....damn good thing he didn't make it to the lan....

March 16th, 2005, 11:32 PM
"Your looking at 240 pounds of twisted steel and pure sex appeal."

March 17th, 2005, 03:59 AM
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAH! My eyes! My eyes!!!

March 17th, 2005, 04:31 AM
Andy....dude.....I know I haven't seen you for awhile but DAMN!!!!!

March 17th, 2005, 06:07 AM
I just threw up in my mouth - I think I need to medical attention.

:stpat1 :stpat2

March 17th, 2005, 02:55 PM
lol! im blind! yeah.. i remeber andy suffering from a few bumps and scrapes the last time we went out :D Stupid azz fence! lol!

March 17th, 2005, 05:55 PM
Well now that I have the vomit cleaned off my keyboard, (thanks Henk), The boys are right. We seem to have rough nights when we go out and there's never a boxing ring involved. FYI, HENK, that guy looks way over 240.
