View Full Version : shoot urself in the foot

March 10th, 2005, 04:18 PM
omg ,perfect example of making an ass out of urself.
i was just watching my favorite tv channle ,fox news
they had some kid with his dad there who protested against the school broadcasting the plege of the legions in foreign languages.this was only done for one week as part of a diversity programm promoting forein languages.
well not only that it is just plain stupid to protest something like that ,those people are actually in my ,makes me go arrrrrr category , no they dont even freaken know what they are talking about .im trying to quote here ,this is the dad:
"yes im agianst sayen the plege in any other languages than english,....today they said it in spanish ,and i think tmorrow will be in cuban,..." :shootme:
that must be one of the saddest and funniest things someone ever said on national tv.remeber the programm was supposed to promote foreign languages,i think he coulda used some of it.
go crawl back in your hole with your middle school education!!! there should be an iq test for anyone protesting and or suing somethingim tiered of this crap filling up tyhe courts and wasting resources ,we really have more important things to worry about.

March 10th, 2005, 04:33 PM
Henk, what language are you typing in? rofl! :)

One person want to protest for saying the Pledge in different languages and someone else wants to protest that they say it in school all together. Too much protesting and not enough saying of the Pledge!


March 10th, 2005, 05:02 PM
One person want to protest for saying the Pledge in different languages and someone else wants to protest that they say it in school all together. Too much protesting and not enough saying of the Pledge!


Goose, what language are you posting in? haha

March 10th, 2005, 05:16 PM
Goose, what language are you posting in? haha


March 10th, 2005, 05:30 PM
I was thinking Goosenese.

LOL Henk, the more you got upset the worse you English got. Slow down my German friend. I think we can all use a lil Cuban pledge of allegiance.

March 10th, 2005, 05:44 PM
sorry if "arrrrrrrr" mode is on ,not much else works .
and by the way ,first of all im typing on a freaken lappykeyboard and pls. step up all u bilangual mercs!
and actually im kinda concerned right now if goose got the point ,hehe
next time posts go to u first CFH for editing ,u can also help me with my english homework.and well i guess at least i learned that it is allegiance:)

March 10th, 2005, 06:30 PM
These people refusing to say the pledge really annoys me, its really disrespectful to all of our soldiers.

And cuban? I don't believe thats a langauge, think it falls in the same category as mexican ;) But if you wanna hear the pledge of allegiance in spanish, watch larry the cable guy say it :D

March 10th, 2005, 06:54 PM
"And cuban? I don't believe thats a langauge, "
hes got it woohoo

|Team Moped| Kripto
March 10th, 2005, 07:01 PM
sorry if "arrrrrrrr" mode is on ,not much else works .
and by the way ,first of all im typing on a freaken lappykeyboard and pls. step up all u bilangual mercs!
and actually im kinda concerned right now if goose got the point ,hehe
next time posts go to u first CFH for editing ,u can also help me with my english homework.and well i guess at least i learned that it is allegiance:)

Wow, I never knew you spoke english as a secound laungage. Where are you from?

March 10th, 2005, 07:03 PM
henk is 100% German
just skin and bones...filled with beer

March 10th, 2005, 07:15 PM
hmmmm beer

March 10th, 2005, 07:38 PM
I was thinking Goosenese.

SWEET! I have my own language now! My quest to be the ruler of my own little world is complete; except I don't have any land and noone listens to me. Oh well lol

March 10th, 2005, 07:51 PM
"My quest to be the ruler of my own little world"
we share similar ambitions ,lol

March 10th, 2005, 09:02 PM
Trust me, you don't ant cfh aka Ting of the kypo checking your work...

March 11th, 2005, 12:17 AM
Trust me, you don't ant

LMAO! WTF? none of us can spell and we were born here! Henk you're doing fine my lad!

March 11th, 2005, 06:39 AM
These people refusing to say the pledge really annoys me, its really disrespectful to all of our soldiers.

well I recently went through the citizenship ceremony where everyone had to say the pledge of allegiance, but before we all did say it, they asked if anyone had to leave the room for an "alternate" form of the pledge...ie...without 'God' in it....I couldn't beleive it. The actually left the assembly to go to a separate room to say this alternate pledge. To this day I'm pissed off about that.

March 11th, 2005, 07:31 AM
Well I didn't see the broadcast how ever this maybe the point that the dad was trying to make. If a student is takeing Spanish, French or some other language and they wanted to say the pledge in what ever language was being tought in that class then ok. However to me there is nothing more offensive than to be out in public say in a grocery store and hear a group of people speaking in some language other than English. I don't know maybe I'm intollerent but, to me this is America and I personal think that English should be spoken in public. Now if they wished to speak what ever language from their native country when at home then fine but, have the common curtisy to speak the Native language of what country your liveing in.

March 11th, 2005, 08:17 AM
I don't have a problem with people speaking a different language in public, but i think that you should spead english to do business in this country. I hate going into a store where the clerk or owner doesn't speak english....unfortunately there is no such requirement in the immigration policies.

March 11th, 2005, 09:18 AM
omg ,perfect example of making an ass out of urself.
i was just watching my favorite tv channle ,fox news
they had some kid with his dad there who protested against the school broadcasting the plege of the legions in foreign languages.this was only done for one week as part of a diversity programm promoting forein languages.

I never heard of the Pledge of the Legions...

Allegiance maybe... :stick

March 11th, 2005, 02:45 PM
the pledge is about the onlything ive memorized

March 11th, 2005, 09:38 PM
These people refusing to say the pledge really annoys me, its really disrespectful to all of our soldiers.

And cuban? I don't believe thats a langauge, think it falls in the same category as mexican ;) But if you wanna hear the pledge of allegiance in spanish, watch larry the cable guy say it :D
You would make this remark! but Cubans do have their own slang and words that Mexicans or latin americans may not understand,not a whole new language, but yeah it is all spanish mainly.

March 12th, 2005, 09:18 AM
I was watching the Bells of St. Mary's during the holidays, which is a kinda religious movie, or at least the story centers around a Catholic parish. And the stupid thing was that they cut out the portion of the pledge of allegiance with God in it. Now that's friggin' idiotic, to actually go through and edit a movie to delete this.
