View Full Version : Watch this crap ...

February 27th, 2005, 06:18 PM
Man I was so mad after watching this that I wanted to go stand in line somewhere and wait like snake in the bush. It's happen to all of us at one point or another is what makes me so mad. How many times have you been in line at the gas station and someone just walks in and cuts in line in front of you? I don't know whether to be mad at the woman, her boyfriend or all the people that just stood there while it happened.

Read the text before watching the vidio.


February 27th, 2005, 06:38 PM
They just sat there and watched, bunch of sisses...

February 27th, 2005, 06:53 PM
i would hunt him and her down both, strap explosives to them and place them both in chairs of course strapping them to them first then get to a safe distance and wait about 10 days then come back to them, take a bat hit them a few times and walk back to the detonator, and wave at them while i watch them being blown up...

February 27th, 2005, 07:30 PM
Man I just couldn't believe that everyone was just standing around watching that happen. I mean there was enough people there to at least get the guy off of him. They just stood there drinking soda and placing orders. Little guy should have just tagged big boy as soon as he walked up. The guy was all fat. A couple of rabbit punches in the nose and a swift kick to the pickle and that problem would have been over. But then again it's always easy to play monday morning quarterback and say what we all would have done.

February 27th, 2005, 07:32 PM
I agree. I seen this the other day and got a little fumed. There is no sense in people just standing there like losers and not helping this guy out.

February 27th, 2005, 09:12 PM
I can understand why the others didnt step in and try to restrain the 300lb black guy, because they didnt want any broken bones.

February 27th, 2005, 09:13 PM
Ummm did he take the guys phone at the end?? I hope so because no matter how you slice it, it went from a simple assault to strong arm robbery....makes for GREAT court testimony.

February 27th, 2005, 09:48 PM
people are trained to be victums man..... The system has stripped most people of the ability to defend themselves... He'll you cant even fight back in schools now days....

February 27th, 2005, 11:24 PM
i would/did and will still fight back when needed, all i need to start is "someone" else throwing the first punch, then we have a situation at hand

February 27th, 2005, 11:54 PM
people are trained to be victums man..... The system has stripped most people of the ability to defend themselves... He'll you cant even fight back in schools now days....

yeah they threw the first punch at me, but i got in trouble becuase the teacher "didnt see it", psh. makes me wanna punk slap the retard teacher

February 28th, 2005, 06:21 AM
that's messed up.

February 28th, 2005, 07:17 AM

February 28th, 2005, 07:22 AM
man, that guy took a beating.....glad it wasn't me

February 28th, 2005, 08:35 AM
I would have messed that guy the hell up if it happened in front of me. 300lb people don't scare me... I weigh 280 and only 15% body fat, that tub of lard would have been hurting.

It burns me up watching stuff like that. The people standing around him were a bunch of sheep. I think the guy that got the crap beat out of him was a sheep too. He might have stood a better chance if he would have just started acting crazy and grabing some heavy objects nearby.

February 28th, 2005, 09:55 AM
wow,that was almost manslaughter there.i hope that peace of crap gets a horny 450 pounds cell mate for the next 4 years.
bunch of wussies could have easily jumped that guy ,things like that make me go arrrrrrrrrrr!

February 28th, 2005, 10:40 AM
it did look like at the end he grabbed the guys sell phone can you imaggine calling and saying yeah hes going to be real late now ouch.. i put most of the blame on the women what was she thinking just cutting infront of like 5 people and then to make such a racket pointing and yelling at the guy, and then she got up in his face once her man walked in. i dont think nessessarily that the big guy even knew what was going on he problably thought the guy and her were in an argument but he did sort of blind side the guy on the phone.

February 28th, 2005, 11:40 AM
man, that was great!

February 28th, 2005, 12:08 PM
I can honestly say that if that happened near me I would have beat that big guy sensless. It's a little easier for me as I'm 6'4" and 240 pounds and a whole lot of crazy. I lived in Philly for 4 years and my brother and I were the only white kids in a school of 2000. The name of the school is Southwark in Central Philly. I fought my way to school, I fought at school, and I fought on the way home. I won some I lost some, but I'm not above a good butt whipping, but I will give it my all and I don't fight fair. They can say that slapping, kicking, biteing, hair pulling, or head butting is not fair, but when I finally loose my cool, I loose it all the way. In fact, Robby, I need one of you guys to check my record in New Orleans. At the young age of 13, my fists were registered as a legal weapon in Louisiana from a fight in New Orleans I got into in Grenta (THE PLACE YOU LIVE NOW) where I beat 2 kids to a pretty bad state. You also need to go by and take a pic of 218 Apollo street for me. Now my blood is boiling, I hope no body cuts in line today, MUH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.

February 28th, 2005, 01:13 PM
but I will give it my all and I don't fight fair. They can say that slapping, kicking, biteing, hair pulling, or head butting is not fair,

And you are telling us this, as if we didn't not already know it...you love the auto snipee...:p:

February 28th, 2005, 01:29 PM
and wasnt he the guy napoming everybody from his jet while we were running around capturing bases in bfv, haha

February 28th, 2005, 02:49 PM
No, no, that was me :)

February 28th, 2005, 02:50 PM
nah that was Dirge...aka "the flamer"
Andy was the one flying around shooting Dirge...his teamate...doh!!

/edit/ lmao..we were thinking alike.

February 28th, 2005, 03:24 PM
Wait a minute if you recal it was I who had to inform Dirge that he was firing heat seeking missles and not ENEMY seeking missles after he shot me (his ally) down twice in a row in the span of about 5 minutes. In the end when it comes to fighting fair. If we tally to the means of a fight then all means of fairness have been addressed and this means the end result is undesirable from both parties, ergo, it comes to the simple equation of get whipped or get whipped. The means to which the whipping occurs is sledom the bulk of the remeberance but rather the pain inflicted is. Therefore, I find it within my best interest to inflict as much pain with little recourse, so usually no hold bared. The best description I've ever been given for fighting techniques is "Andy you look like a "whirrling Dervish, All 4 limbs are spinning at top speed in a controlled chaotic masacure". My reply usually comes out like, "Whatever, hes the one on the floor and I'm walking away and thats all that counts", hehehehehe.

February 28th, 2005, 03:28 PM
P.S. I have no idea what a whirling Dervish is.

February 28th, 2005, 03:29 PM
nah that was Dirge...aka "the flamer"

And with that, boy and girls, Dirge now has a new nickname. Do your best to make it stick. :D

February 28th, 2005, 03:56 PM
must resist urge to edit posts

February 28th, 2005, 04:51 PM
do not moderate me biotch...lol

February 28th, 2005, 06:33 PM

February 28th, 2005, 09:08 PM
I weigh 352lbs and am only 12% muscle so i woulda....wait i mean fat..so 12%fat and 12%mus....no wait. AH (*%# IT :glass

March 1st, 2005, 06:20 AM
Hey I've seen a 100 pound guy with a bar stool command respect if he knows how to swing the thing lol. To me that vidio explains whats wrong with the world today. Where was the sence of right and wrong in the minds of all those people standing around in there watching? After thinking about it I've come up with several ideas in my mind of why no one would help the guy. Maybe it was fear. Maybe it was one of those northern things. Supposedly northerners, lol, are rude and don't want to be bothered with everyone elses problems. Maybe they all just figured it wasn't their problem, this time anyway. Maybe everyone was affraid of getting arrested. To add insult to injury, fat boy stole the guys cell phone. To me, people like that are the true evil of the world.

March 1st, 2005, 07:26 AM
Well as big as that guy was I wouldn't have tryed to stop him BUT I wouldn't have been standing around watching I would have been calling the cops or throwing a pizza at him or something. I hope the woman and man finds a girl friend in jail!! Man this video has made me so mad!!!!

March 1st, 2005, 12:28 PM
the guys were obviously scared ,and i would have been too ,but my urge to help somebody in that situation would have been stronger than any fear .i probably would have not even hit that guy ,but i would have done something ,like yelling at him ,maybe jump on his back and nibble on his ear or so ,just do something .
what pisses me off most is that ,that big guy knows exactly how devestating his first blow is gonna be ,what a whimp .i would never throw the first punch if it wasnt 100 % clear for the other person that it is coming .just striking out of nowhere like this ,so the other guy cant even get back at you ,bah

March 1st, 2005, 12:57 PM
They were in a pizza parlor. It's a wonder that fat man could even function will all that food around him. I bet he broke out in a sweet as soon as he smelt those buffalo wings.

March 1st, 2005, 03:15 PM
the thought of pizza drove him dilirious,thats the hole reason for him flipping out .he though somebody was gonna skip the line of the food chain,literally.

March 2nd, 2005, 07:10 AM
i think the main reason no one helped and i hate to say this is two reasons, one he was black and reason two:guns.

Me is one pissed of person watching that clip, i think it sucks that a room full of people couldn't even lift a finger to help that man even after that punta had left the building. hmmmm anyway happy birthday to me :P hahaha

March 2nd, 2005, 07:15 AM
This sort of thing disturbs me. Tell me this...."legally", what can a bystander do in a situation like that? My first instinct would have been to jump on the lady and start punching. Could I have done that and not been charged/in trouble? I don't take *%^@ from ANYONE when I go out.......unless I have the kids with me, and I feel that they would be in any danger or unattended if I had to confront someone. I've even exchanged "harsh words" in the store with people who are just rude or attacking.........I may be on the small side, but that has never stopped me before. I don't condone rudeness in the least bit and, if I can show respect to strangers, then they can damn well show me the same. Please give us some "legal" input on what we can do to help someone in this situation guys.

March 2nd, 2005, 08:14 AM
I think...that when she layed a finger on that person, and that was a lot of women..then you have the right for self defense, With her loud mouth tfn arse you could have put her down with no legal repricutions...depending on the jury make up..sad but probably true.
I know what Pete goes through daily at his job, since my cousin does it in Baton Rouge...I can imagine what you thought as those arses just stood there, when the guy was injured.

March 2nd, 2005, 10:19 AM
man i feel for your cousin mike, i heard that baton rogue was tough in some area's we had a LP, customer shot and a cop killed on a stop late last yr, yeah what i have always been told if they lay hands(well any part of there body really) or even just struggle with me i am good to go for self defense. And i think in this case common sense of any jury would not convict anyone that went to this man's defense, now defense and attack are different, now if u kept on kicking into the black guy when u have him pulled off the other one then u might get into trouble. Personally i wouldn't worry about kicking him i would get a chair and bust his head open with it.

March 2nd, 2005, 10:37 AM
Please give us some "legal" input on what we can do to help someone in this situation guys.

It all comes down to presentation in court. You want to paint a picture of you fearing that the fight would result in serious injury to one or both parties. With that being said, you felt that the only way to stop the fight was to try and subdue the primary attacker. As long as you didn't "throw the first lick" then you should be fine. I have seen a few cases where the first lick was justified. All of those cases where when a man verbally in public degraded another mans wife. But keep in mind that those cases were won in muliciple court as a result of good presentation to the judge. Lets say for instance this vidio. If you had jumped on fat boy after he hit the other guy, then I would suggest you describe your mind set at the time as " The big guy hit the smaller guy so hard I thought he was seriously hurt. The big guy kept hitting him and I was scared that he was gona kill him, so I jumped on fat boy to try and save the mans life at the expense of my own safety".

March 2nd, 2005, 12:42 PM
....so I jumped on fat boy....

For the record, I am NOT stupid!! LOL I wouldn't jump on a guy that size, unless he was eating ma brownies!

I am just speculating, but, if I had been there WITH my kids, I would have only been able to call 911 while I scooted to a safe corner with my children. My children come first. period. Their safety always comes first, and my first reaction would be to get them to a safe position (obviously, the front door was blocked by the fight). However, I do believe that, if my kids were not there, I would have helped in some way. I wouldn't have done a thing while she was dog-cussing him and getting in his face but would have waited until she physically hit him.

Situations like this scare me. It probably happens all too often. People are so full of rage and anger with little or no patience. It's sad. I find myself in the "no patience" category today......dude in the check-out in front of me was pis*ing and moaning over $.20 on applesauce! They had the CSM go check the price. THEN he was arguing about the price of Snapple; CSM went to check the price on that too! The line was just backing up by this point...long. OMG I just had to go to a "happy place" and think of something else, rather then telling him how foolish he looked. I try to stay out of confrontations. I am now staying home for the remainder of the day. :peek:

March 2nd, 2005, 09:09 PM
The true show of the fat mans inability to distinguish between right and wrong is the sucker punch. It is kinda a pet peave with me but I can't stand people who sucker punch peope. A fblow that you are not ready for is devestating. If you watch the video close enough you will see that the victim is trying to answer the phone and looking away when the fat guy swings in the first rabbit punch. After that the guy is dazed and I believe any recourse that any of the by standers could have taken would have been justified. Also, the fact that when the big guy leaves no one is really checking on the guy. If your too scared to do something physically well atleast then grab a phone call the police or atleast help me off teh floor and keep my wounds from bleeding. I mean damn don't stand there and watch teh guy bleed. Like I said earlier its easier for me to say becuase I'm tall and big. At 240 pounds I'm not much fat and I would have given the big guy a run for his money. I may win, I may loose but he's going to remeber me for sure. Makes my blood boil every time I watch it. I would also like to see if the woman is so big and mouthy without her honey there. I'm all about equal rights and if that woman would have slapped me in the face like she did, I'd show her just how equally right minded I am. She would be slapped right back. She brings a fist, she gets the fist right back. Don't piss on my leg and tell me its raining. You want equal rights, YOU GOT IT sister. You have just the equal right to wear my foot in your arse.
