View Full Version : Drinking Setups

|Team Moped| Kripto
February 22nd, 2005, 08:43 PM
After this last Lan I read some interesting topics about homemade brews and drinks. So I pose the serious topic of Unique and one of a kind setups you have or had. I know some of you have stills… I’ve always wanted to make one like the still in the swamp in M.A.S.H.

My roommates and I have just begun our first phase of our keg-o-rator. We bought a full size fridge at the UI surplus store for 70 bucks, bought a Keg-o-rator kit from ebay (co2 tank, fittings, regulator, tap etc) Since all of my roommates are engineers it has taken a life of it's own. We have completely stripped the old fridge and used 15 cans of black spray-paint and made it look purrdy. The kit is going in this weekend, (after we work on the moped!!!)

Phase two
Put in an actuator and sliding shelf that will open the door and have the keg slide out so that we don’t have to lean in and put the keg into the fridge. Once this shelf is built, a postage scale will placed to measure the weight of a keg in order to calculate how much beer is left.

Phase three
We have bought one of those vending machine bill acceptor to take cash and we have plans to build a machine to dispense plastic keg cups for parties...self serve beer.... woo hooo

Phase four
We plan to have most of this stuff all tied together to a computer (placed in freezer for cooling) and place a screen (maybe touch screen) in the door to display all information about pressure, beer remaining, temp, etc... For now though it is just going to be routed to one of our computers.

It won’t be all done at once and it's going to be expensive, since I’m not going to be around I have the luxury of not buying into it, but my roommates plan on seeing this one to the end over the next 2 or 3 years.

February 22nd, 2005, 09:03 PM
Back when I drank, I just kept some beer in the fridge, and some booze in the cabinet, but I've always been a simple guy though.

February 23rd, 2005, 12:54 AM
in lousiana a kegerator is an old a/c next to the keg ,and it doesnt cost anything ,because u steal it from ur neighbor.

February 23rd, 2005, 06:32 AM
I have a prediction that this won't work exactly to plan. The sheer weight of the keg will requirea very strong actuator system as well as either bracing for the fridge or counterweights. Also, a postal scale might not be strong enough for that mass. I hope one of your buddies has a little family money for this project.

BTW let me share with you some Dirge/Andyconda economics...

fridge $70 + keg $120 (with deposits) + tap kit $50 = enough money already

extra money for the silly upgrades... = lost beer due to low margins due to high cost structure ;)

February 23rd, 2005, 06:43 AM
I'm with max on this one...
Drinking setup:
1) Open fridge
2) get bottle of beer
3) close fridge
4) Open beer and drink

Or, wine can be substituted for the beer. If it's harder stuff that you want, substitute "cabinet" for "fridge" and you pretty much have it right there also (except, I wouldn't recommend drinking out of a bottle of hard liquor...

February 23rd, 2005, 06:51 AM
build a barmonkey!!!



February 23rd, 2005, 08:38 AM
That barmonkey thing is baaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!! I want one now!

|Team Moped| Kripto
February 23rd, 2005, 09:07 AM
SEEE!!!!! That's what we want to do.... Something completely retarded for the sake of being retarted. I'm even more excited because I'm not paying for any of it. You guys pay 120 for a Keg? The rough... ours are around 70-75 for bud light or Coors. That monkey bar thing is cool, maybe they could do that two and put all the alcohol in the freezer…. Hummm the possibilities!

Don’t think so much guys!!! It’s just for the fun of it…. no more waking up to a random cleaning lady sweeping up all of you emptys at 8 in the morning

February 23rd, 2005, 09:58 AM
Keg costs $60-$65 for domestic

Deposits are required for the following:

keg itself $30-$40
tap $30-$40

Different places charge different deposits for different things.

The beer only costs around $60-$70

February 23rd, 2005, 01:30 PM
this is what u need ,everything else is childsplay ,get some 1/4 " ply wood ,and styrofoam .build a box, insulate ,connect that bad machine ,cooldest beer ever.

|Team Moped| Kripto
February 24th, 2005, 07:55 AM
Can you imagine skimming all the alcohol off the top of a frozen keg, 2 beers and anyone would be drunk.

Last night we put the keg-o-rater together. Oh did it taste so good! It ends up my friends were talking to their advisors about it and they will be able to build it for credit now. Some kind of independent study class. Then Collin’s boss said he would donate a server rack and an older computer to mount in the freezer to run all of the electronics as long as we give him a free beer. Only at Iowa can you get free credits for building a machine that will give you beer. I can't believe they are getting away with it.

After showing them the monkey bar, I talked them out of using the scale and using a sensor in the taper tube to measure the amount of liquid flowing through the tube. That way when our friends come over and drink, they select their name on the screen and you can monitor how much they have drank. Then they will write a program that will display your average drinks per hour, amount drank, average time in between pours, how much is left in the keg, temp etc....

I took some pics but I need to have them developed, I’ll post them when I do. Thanks for the tip monky bar tip onji. That will work much better then a scale!
