View Full Version : Dragonlady turned to a life of crime..

February 18th, 2005, 09:31 AM
I got a phone call yesterday from a very frantic woman. It was Dragonlady. Apparently Dragonlady got a speeding ticket. Not just any speeding ticket, this one was in a school zone. Fines for speeding, double in a school zone. I asked her all the things that I would need to try and get the ticket torn up for her. Questions like, where, when, how fast, who the Officer was, how did she treat him. Well come to find out, the ticket was written by a Pascagoula traffic officer. These guys are like Hitlers SS death squad troopers. The Officer who wrote her the ticket is 6'3" 340 pounds of solid muscle, black guy. He is known by every Officer in south MS as “BIG MATT”. He almost left law enforcement a few years ago to go play arena football. Luckily for Dragonlady, me and Big Matt go to the same gym. I work out in the toddlers area while Big Matt is in the gym. I called Big Matt and asked for help on the ticket. Big Matt told me that he hated to write Dragonlady a ticket because she was so nice to him. He thought she was going to bust out in tears. He said he’d be glad to tear that ticket up. I called Dragonlady back later on that night and told her that Big Matt was pissed at her. I went on to say “Big Matt told me that he saw you flip him off just before you drove off. He said that the only way in hell that he would tear that ticket up is if you came to the Police Department personally and tell him why you flipped him off. Big Matt said that you were just as nice as you could be to his face, then when you thought his back was turned, you flipped him off and made dirty faces at him”. Lol I thought Dragonlady was gona bust out in tears when I told her that. She swore up and down that she was just as nice as she could be to him (probably because he is the size of a mid sized car). After a few minutes of scaring her to death, I finally told her the truth. I’m now hiding from Dragonlady, or should I say LAW BREAKER.

February 18th, 2005, 09:37 AM
lmao, that was wrong man...hehehe

February 18th, 2005, 09:42 AM
Talk about total meanness! Good idea too!

February 18th, 2005, 10:12 AM
I would have gotten Big Matt involved in the joke, and like showed up w/ Big Matt to confront her!

I, am just evil however.

February 18th, 2005, 11:20 AM
lol, what a meanie:)

February 18th, 2005, 12:43 PM
i always knew she was trouble!

February 18th, 2005, 01:51 PM
LOL... I can just picture that :)

February 18th, 2005, 02:25 PM
Hey he is not joking this guy is the size of an house. This guy is mean looking!! I knew he got me when I saw him. He said I was doing 41 in a 30 but the ticket says 45 in a 30. Man that guy is big! Anyway, thinking to myself "OMG Wayne(Dragon) is going to kill me" I came back home and the first person I call is Jerry (BS). I'm like "HELP ME PLEASE" So I tell him the story, But I still say I wasn't in a school zone... there was no kids and no school zone sign, and no school zone crossing lights.

And YES that was dirty of them to do that to me!!!! lol.... I was having a COW I was like how in the crap am I going to say I'm sorry for something I didn't do! I asked Jerry well what in the crap am I going to say I didn't do it! I was like you know me Jerry am I that way?!!!! He was like NO but why would he say that... ERRR...He even had my husband in on it!!!

Max if he would have gottn' Big Matt in on it then I would have just DIED!!! I don't know what I would have done other then crying myself to death..
I can say this is my first ticket! and my LAST!!!!! I thought he would feel pitty on me because I had told him that this would be my first ticket and that I was so scared... But he gave it to me anyway...
I was wondering when Jerry was going to write about this!!! lololol


|Team Moped| Kripto
February 18th, 2005, 03:58 PM
It sucks when somebody is so mean and so nice at the same time. I guess it pays to know somebody! Hey BS, I got a ticket running a stop sign in an empty vet hospital parking lot here in Iowa city... You know anybody? lol

February 18th, 2005, 04:17 PM
I got a ticket a while back, in golden meadow.
i think it was a 40 in a 35 zone. NAZIS!

February 18th, 2005, 04:24 PM

February 18th, 2005, 07:40 PM
put it this way in golden meadow, u can get a ticket for goining 36 in the 35, its a speed trap.

February 18th, 2005, 08:04 PM
put it this way in golden meadow, u can get a ticket for goining 36 in the 35, its a speed trap.

Did somebody hear somthing?

February 18th, 2005, 08:04 PM
hey BS, is that the picture of the cop on the billboard in MS thats says, "i ain't yo moma?"

February 19th, 2005, 11:07 AM
haha isnt that the new leader of MDOT? i love those billboards lol!

February 19th, 2005, 12:26 PM
hey BS, is that the picture of the cop on the billboard in MS thats says, "i ain't yo moma?"

Nah that dude is a weenie compaired to Matt. If I had to guess, Matt probably has 22 to 24 inch arms on him.

February 21st, 2005, 07:48 AM
LMAO! Oh, I hate to hear all that happened to you, DL! Glad it all worked out though. Good thing you didn't get a ticket from someone like LawDog......he'd NEVER let you out of it!!! He's a meanie!! lol

Speaking of meanies......Jerry, where the hell were you this weekend? Working, I'm sure, but thought you were gonna ride over for a bit. Sure did miss ya! ~Sam~

February 21st, 2005, 08:18 AM
Just get Johnnie Cochran to use the Chewbacka defense. Its what I do. LOL


February 21st, 2005, 08:21 AM
yeah Jerry, for letting us hang like that you are now

Defending Champion MERC Invite Only, No Show Champion

February 21st, 2005, 04:41 PM
Sorry guys, I really wanted to come. I had been planning it since I got the word. Unfortunatly I fell victim to everyone elses bad luck. All the other detectives had things happen to them that kept them from taking the weekend call out. My Captain was gona take it for me, but then his wife fell and he had to drive her to north Alabama to some hospital in Tuscalusa over the weekend, so I got stuck with call out. I thought I was gona be able to just get on my light speed GSXR 750 and shoot over to hang out, but it wasn't out of the shop in time (stupid transmission, thats gona cost me a ton of cash). The thing that really ticks me off is, I didn't get the first call from the station all weekend.
Well I hope everyone had fun and I wish I could have been there. I definatly won't miss the next one, I don't care if it's in Egypt.

February 21st, 2005, 04:45 PM
lol, Diesel I added it to my list.

Oh tha SHAME !!!!

February 21st, 2005, 05:23 PM
lol.poor bs

February 21st, 2005, 08:33 PM
Yeah we thought we were going to make it also but Dragon's rig moved somewhere in South TX and they were not sure when he would be able to come home. The way My Thursday went, I'm not sure what would have happend if we would have came. So maybe it was a good thing that Dragon and I didn't come because our Thursday just sucked big time. There's a reason for everything..
