View Full Version : NFL Memo to Paul McCartney

February 4th, 2005, 07:27 PM
To: Paul McCartney

From: The N.F.L.

Re: Super Bowl halftime show

THANK you for coming by this morning; my wife was very impressed to hear
that I got to meet a former Beatle, especially one who isn't Ringo. She
wanted me to ask if you remember her. She saw you at the Milwaukee Arena in
1964. She says she screamed "Paul!" throughout your show, and that you
looked over and winked at her. She was wearing a red hat. Anyway, if you do
remember her: She says hi.

Moving on. We've reviewed your set list and dance routine, and we have just
a few notes:

We like the simple shirt and slacks that you have chosen as your outfit.
However, to prevent even the slightest possibility of a "wardrobe
malfunction," we were wondering if you could maybe wear something extra over
your outfit? Or maybe under it? Like an extra pair of underpants over your
usual underpants? Or maybe a sweater, and a second pair of pants over your
original pair of pants? Nothing too noticeable - just a little insurance.
I'm sure you understand.

"Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da": Is there something you can say after "life goes on"
that's not "bra"? The word still makes us a little nervous around here.

"Blackbird": "Take these broken wings and learn to fly"? It's a lovely
image, Paul, but: Children are going to be watching this. No parent wants to
have to explain injured birds to their children, especially not on Super
Sunday. Can you sing around it so the bird's wings aren't broken? Maybe the
bird could take its "bucket o' wings" and learn to fly? KFC may pay for the
product placement. Just a thought.

"I Saw Her Standing There": "Well, she was just 17, you know what I mean"? I
am fairly certain that I do not know what you mean, but I do know that she'd
better be at least 18. Make that 21. Or 25. She was just 25. That works

Sorry to circle back to this, but we've been thinking more about your
outfit. Maybe you could wear both the extra underpants and the sweater and
extra pants? You know, just to be safe? Also: Some of us are a bit worried
about the hip motions while you're dancing. They seem a tad suggestive.
Could you maybe dance without moving your hips? Or your feet? You may, of
course, continue to use your arms.

"A Hard Day's Night": We're a bit concerned about the line about how, when
"I get home to you, I'll find the things that you do, will make me feel all
right." That is upsettingly vague, like the things that she does might be
rated, you know, more than PG. Maybe you could sub in something more
specific and G-rated, like: "But when I get home to you, I find the board
games we play will make me feel all right." It's the same general idea, I
think you'll find.

"A Day in the Life": "He blew his mind out in his car"? No, Paul. No, he

"Get Back": So let's see: Our hero, Jojo, "left his home in Tucson, Arizona,
for some California grass," and our heroine, Loretta Martin, "thought she
was a woman, but she was another man." And here I thought Ringo was the
funny one! You really had us going for a minute there! (Um, if you weren't
joking: No.)

Just got back from a meeting with wardrobe, and they want me to ask: How
would you feel about a suit of armor? As I understand it, you've been
knighted, so you probably have one lying around, yes? If not, we can provide
one for you. Just ask!

Well, that's all we've got for now. If anything else comes to us, we'll let
you know. Can't wait for the big show! Rock 'n' roll!

February 4th, 2005, 09:29 PM
hehe..heard that on the radio today. Some comedian wrote it up...funny

February 5th, 2005, 06:47 AM

February 5th, 2005, 08:59 PM
hehehe, I'm sure he agreed.

February 6th, 2005, 07:19 PM
wow it was almost close to acurate. although I'm sure they cringed when he removed his jacket. that half time show blew. soooooo damn boring. I loved how the whole crowd directly behind paul were mostly just standing there with their arms crossed almost the whole time. A documentary on the growth of a potato would have been more exciting.

February 8th, 2005, 11:00 AM
Did any one else almost fall asleep during that halftime "show"? I think it would be hard to get a worse fit for the Superbowl halftime than the selction of songs he played. Just mho

February 8th, 2005, 11:24 AM
LoL, you could tell they were playing it safe Sunday.

February 8th, 2005, 11:51 AM
Y'all are making it very hard to be polite...lmao.

Let's just put it this way. I had only 2 reasons for watching the Superbowl. One, I was in a contest at work to win a TV based on a can goods drive we were having and some method of putting my name on a board for each of the cans I brought in (I didn't win).

The second and main reason I watched was to see the half-time show. To me it was far more exciting and interesting to watch Paul perform a few songs than to watch a bunch of overpaid sweaty guys run around a grassy field chasing and beating each other up over a little brown ball, doing stupid "dances" and patting each other on the arse.

Different strokes for different folks...I've never been a football fan, but I will always be a fan of any type of artistic acheivement.
So, basically, no I didn't fall asleep during the halftime show, but I DID fall asleep during the last half of the "game".

A friend sent me the first post in this thread because he knew I was a fan, and knew I'd find it funny. I posted it here because I thought it was funny - not becuase I wanted people to ridicule Paul.

BTW...I've typed this reply about 6 times since I read CO's first reply, and this is as polite as I could get it over the course of almost 3 days trying :)

February 8th, 2005, 04:09 PM
no offense towards Paul. he is a great musician with lots of talent which is evident by his great sucess. All I was try to say was that it was out of place. Even you pretty much say the same thing in your post. You Love Paul and his type of artistic talent, yet you do not like football at all. You say you fell asleep during the game, those that were watching the Superbowl for the game - fell asleep during the halftime show.

the halftime show should be to entertain the fans that are watching the game. from my opint of view (and it sounds like your point of view too) those in charge of picking the venue for Halftime did a poor job.
You wouldn't expect a Paul McCartney concert to include a boxing match inbetween his music sets.

February 8th, 2005, 04:19 PM
Hmmm Capn... I think you are on to something. They should have boxing matches for halftime.... you know those three round ones. I think they had a few boxing matches after some of the Saints games.
Madmax... You have to admit he was a little out of place. Although I did watch and enjoy it myself. I don't like all those big flashy concerts put on by annoying one hit wonders.

February 8th, 2005, 08:38 PM
no offense towards Paul. he is a great musician with lots of talent which is evident by his great sucess. All I was try to say was that it was out of place. Even you pretty much say the same thing in your post. You Love Paul and his type of artistic talent, yet you do not like football at all. You say you fell asleep during the game, those that were watching the Superbowl for the game - fell asleep during the halftime show.

the halftime show should be to entertain the fans that are watching the game. from my opint of view (and it sounds like your point of view too) those in charge of picking the venue for Halftime did a poor job.
You wouldn't expect a Paul McCartney concert to include a boxing match inbetween his music sets.

I agree.
