View Full Version : SUPERBOWL UPDATE

February 3rd, 2005, 11:24 PM
well we have arrived here and we are ready for the game! well its not for a couple of days but ready nonetheless. AMD reps picked us up from the airport and took us to the hotel (this place is crazy!). ill post pics the pics here in a bit....

i think i got my job too ;)

February 5th, 2005, 01:49 AM
dude...this is nuts..i just scored an fx 57 proc (yes they arent out yet) and i drank bourbon with the amd rep for northern america....had a long discussion with him... found out why they released the 64 bit proc without a 64 bit app....this is soo weird.... i got a job with western scientific building supercomputers...the president of the company himself asked me if i would work for them...as napoleon dynamite would say this is friggin sweet. i got some pics but i have to down size them because im using too much space on the lamerc servers. ill post em here in a sec...

February 5th, 2005, 05:42 PM
that's awesome

February 5th, 2005, 06:56 PM
sweet- gratz :D

February 5th, 2005, 08:57 PM
sounds like your livin' a dream man...congrats....I wish I was in Jacksonville!!

February 6th, 2005, 12:14 AM
just got my images on my notebook...heres some of the guys...my ugly mug is in the back. the other one is the guys im going to be workin for...and the last one is from my hotel room balcony.

February 7th, 2005, 12:33 AM
Wheres the pic of paris hilton!??!?!?

Sounds like an awesome time btw, hope ya enjoying it.

February 7th, 2005, 01:11 AM
ok here it is. this is going to be a long post but bear with me :D LOL. anyhoo i went to the superbowl today and needless to say it has been magical. i discussed what i would be doing at the new company that i will be working for, AND something really neat happened. i am all dressed in my charlies (marine uniform) and i have to say i never expected what im about to tell you. me and another marine (he was hit by an anti tank mine) were waiting to go up to our box seat and paul mccartny waved at me when we went to our box seat. 10 minutes later bill clinton and the former president bush went up the same elevator. now im not kidding when i say this: i HAVE to salute presidents when in uniform, so i did. bill clinton looked at me, smiled and rendered a mile high salute to me and jessie ( the other marine). i got pics. lol i gotta get em from john tomorrow but i saw em on his digi cam. LOL i almost forgot this: the chief senator walked by me as i was smoking a cigarette and we conversed for a few minutes. he introduced himself and my eyes got about as big as saucers.....i didnt know he was a senator much less the chief senator and i was talking to him with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. dirty harry style. about 5 nanoseconds after he introduced himself i threw the hell out of that cigarette and popped to attention and rendered him a salute. i litteraly almost urinated on myself. lol i couldnt even tell you who won the game, nor do i care. i hate both the teams, and i got loaded in my skybox and had the best time of my life. i saw 6 minutes of the game ( the kickoff) and i went inside...too damn cold to do anything else....but in short....i had the best time of my life and i enjoyed my time talking to an old man from amd, and you know what? he is doing the exact same thing that i did when he was my age...

and i scored the hell out of a proc and motherboard :D

pics posted tomorrow

February 7th, 2005, 06:47 AM
Sounds like you had a good time and that's all that really matters.

February 7th, 2005, 09:07 AM
Well it is certainly just reward for you providing the security and freedom around the world for the betterment of this great country, if only we could treat all our active personel that way.

Seize the day Monkey, and gl in the future.

February 8th, 2005, 12:36 PM
Sweet deal, congratulations. Good Luck with the new job.

P.S. You didn't explain what AMD told you as to why they released the 64 bit processor without 64 bit apps. Just curious as I have jumped on the 64 bit bandwagon, long before the wagon was ever built. I love my 64 bit AMD processor and have had great luck with it. Other than buying registered ECC ram which apparently no mobo manufacturere supports. Ordering new RAM tonight though.

|Team Moped| Kripto
February 8th, 2005, 08:38 PM

(hitting keyboard and mouse aginst the table)

(I just relized that I am nerd) :sad:

February 9th, 2005, 12:03 AM
well from what the sales rep told me, they wanted to produce a product that is ready for the 64 bit world. ok for example...say you bought 2 million dollars worth of clusters. those clusters run the fastest xeon procs that money can buy...next year...good luck upgrading those clusters with a 64 bit os...that 2 million dollars is practically worthless (technically speaking). now you can move that new os to the opteron system no problem.
