View Full Version : Hit The Old Woman If YOU CAN!!!

|Team Moped| Kripto
January 27th, 2005, 07:54 PM
Sometimes you just gota vent…

I was driving home from work last Friday and I run into a traffic jam. It's a two lane road and an old lady is about 8 or 9 cars in front of me stopped.... waiting for a parking spot. Just sitting there, minding her own business unaware of the 15 min backup she was causing.

Eventually I work my way up to the front of the line and start to pass around the left side of her. When I’m even with her car, she finally gives up and starts to get out of her car without looking. I, having the reflexes of a CS player worth the rank of 2245, snap my head over to avoid her... in the process I hit the guy in front of me going 4 mph. Our cars were square, I hit his rear bumper square, and he was even pulling away when I tapped him.

My fault, I rear ended him. That's how the cookie crumbles.

His car: 1995 Toyota Corolla
250,000 miles
Kellys blue book value: $1550-$1780

Estimate: $1095-1145

Mine: 2000 Grand Am GT
Damage: a scuffed bumper

So, I talked to my insurance agent and to avoid having my insurance go up 30% for the next 6 years I should settle. Obviously... If I hadn't gotten into this accident my insurance will drop 50% next year.

I offered him 800 bucks cash to walk away... over half the value of his car...

Did the 43 year old male take it? “No, the car has to last me another 3-4 years… and since I drive 100 miles to work every day it’s important for my car to look nice.” (Exact wording)

Moral of the story,


January 27th, 2005, 09:28 PM
oh man, that sucks....you know that guy is just going to go throw a party in your honor now right? btw, my brother just called me with a strangely similar story with the exact amounts and exact cars.....hmmmmmm????

not really, i don't even have a brother...lol

January 28th, 2005, 08:43 AM
Ok, how did you do $1200 damage with a 4mph "bumper tap"? Somethings missing dude.

|Team Moped| Kripto
January 28th, 2005, 09:13 AM
I made the guy get 3 estimates, all three places had around a 1100 bucks. That's the most frustrating part. I know it costs almost 600 to get a new bumper and paint it, I know it would cost another 150bucks to put in a new tail-light or something. I just can’t account for the other 400 bucks.

A better question is who would rather put in 1100 bucks into a car with 250k miles that's only worth 1550 bucks. I would take the 700 cash and invest it; you would make more money then putting it into the car. It’s just financially stupid. The guy gets nothing out of this whole experience, true his car is back to the way it was… but it still won’t last much longer and he could have made some serious cash if he had played his cards right

January 28th, 2005, 10:08 PM
NO offense to you Moped... But he Play you instead... hate it when that happens

|Team Moped| Kripto
January 30th, 2005, 11:48 AM
Why yes.... yes I did. It's all good though, my mom is spotting me the deductable and its all over with now. The insurance company said they would do a investagation about the damnage to his car, they also said that they would just pay his bill and not write him a check. So hopefully I ruined his plans! I know its vendictive but I'm upset about how unreasonable he was.

February 6th, 2005, 07:12 PM
that sucks. and yeah, even if you paid it yourself, you don't just hand over the money - you make him have it fixed and then the repair shop sends you the bill.
