View Full Version : Priest tutorial

January 19th, 2005, 04:04 PM
I wrote this tutorial for a pay site I belong to and it's been regarded as solid and even stickied. I thought I'd share it with you guys.

I've done a fair amount of research on both the WoW boards and Thottbot and I've come up with these combos as being a great way to deal damage and still maintain your mana pool. This begins and lvl 18 and can be tweeked at 20 and 34


Best wand you can get. You'll have to search the AH for whats available. 100+ in wand skill
(Im currently using a Thunderwood thats a lvl 22. Next BETTER wand isnt till 34)
Best dagger you can get...but for the buffs you want these: 100+ in dagger skill

lvl 18 = Evocator's Blade
lvl 20 = Black Fang
lvl 22 = Shadowmancer's Claw
lvl 34 = Hypnotic Blade

Now you need an off hand weapon that provides buffs...

At lvl 18 you can get Buccaneer's Orb of either spirit or intellect +5 (choice is yours)

Should also have your armor geared toward intell/spirit buffs for obvious reasons


Apply your buffs PW: Fortitude and Inner fire

Locate the mob you want to attack and use the max distance strat for pulling.

Apply your PW:Shield...wait till your weakened soul counter is under 10 (you'll see why later)

Use your wand to pull the mob and as the shot tracks the target move back creating distance. This further lessens the chance of adds and give you time for casting.

As the mob aggros and comes at you cast PW:Pain to start the DOT...keep backing up creating distance till your cool down timer is up. Pain can be cast while moving (but Im sure yo know that).

When your cool down is up, cast smite since it's your slowest casting spell. The mob shouldn't get to you till you are about at 50% on the cast.

Now drop a mind blast on the mob.

At this point you should have the mob at around 75% (or less) and have yet to take any damage.

Use a dagger strike and immediately shoot with your wand. If you time it right, you should see a triple tick above the mob. PW:Pain, dagger and wand should all hit almost on top of each other. Mob should be around the 40% mark now and your shield is about beat up if not gone totally.

You have 2 choices now...recast shield using mana (your weakend soul timer should be finished. Thats why we waited) or take the damage. I switch between the two depending on what my goals are at the time. Taking damage is no big deal because you won't be casting anymore spells so delay isn't an issue. We can always shield + heal if it gets bad.

With practice you'll be able to time your dagger and wand hits to stack nicely. You MAY need to reaply PW:Pain when the mob gets to about 15% but again, thats a personal choice. I do that when i have adds because at that point PW:Pain is a "set it and forget it" spell. I can go loot his corpse after I take out the adds.

Assuming this was a sinlge agrro you should be looking at the following on your health/mana bars depending on the path you took.

recast sheild/PW:Pain: Health should be 100% and mana at around 70%
no recast and took damage: Health should be around 65% and mana should be 85%

I like to take the damage if its a single aggro because I can cast a renew on myself and both bars will be back i the 90s by the time I get set for my next mob. Good for grinding.

If I get a double or even triple aggro its still manageable if they are the same level (or just under) as me.

For doubles you want to do the recast strat and reapply Pain (even if its still working) when the main mob is around 15% becasue he will run off and die. Switch to the secondary mob and do exactly like you did with the first. If you get worried you can drop a second mind blast on the secondary mob to speed things along but you really won't need to.

For triple aggro it's gets dicey but is doable. You will really need to be on your game with your dagger/wand hits to get out with your ass in tact.

Work the main mob like before but switch to one of the other mobs and drop a Pain on him just to get him started. Switch back to the main mob and go into your dagger/wand routine. Your shield is going to die fast but don't reapply right away. Your health should be full so take a little damage, after all priests ARE healers. Get your main mob into that "gonna die" zone and restick that Pain. He SHOULD run away. Now throw that shield up, retarget the one with Pain still ticking and fear both of them . If one resists it...time to head for safety because you aint gonna make it. While the other 2 are running in circles drop a heal on yourself (it pays to know which of your heals is the fastest..use that one).

You should still be targeted on the Pained one. If he's in range (he should be) Mind blast him. With a little luck, he should be in 60% range and just about done fearing. Start wanding him till he back on you and go to dagger. Watch the Pain because it should have died by now. Reapply it. Youre back to having 2 mobs on you but your shield is still up for a few more hits. Keep beating on the mob youve been working on till he's dead.

By now your shield is gone and youre taking damage but mob #2 is either dead or running off to die. Move over to mob 3. This is where your intell buffs come into play BIG TIME. Youre mana (depending on your intell) is gonna be gone or real close to gone. You need to be wanding.daggering the last guy as much as possible. Depending on your remaining mana you can either flash heal or PW:Shield. Again, personal choice. I tend to go for the shield since its an instant cast. I also have improved shield so my weakend soul is significantly shortened. You may have to use heal if your WS timer is still up. Just don't use renew. Renew = dead in this situation.

If you can get that shield up, youve all but won the war. Just keep beating on him till he runs off and blast him in the ass with your wand. If things went semi smoothly, you should have about 5-10% mana and under 25% health but you just killed 3 mobs solo and lived to tell about it.

There are several variables in this scenario like how many resists you get, the level of the mobs and how many (if any) dodges you manage to sneak in. Taking on 3 mobs of your level is never recomended but you CAN survive with a cool head and alittle luck.

Hope this helps all you priests out there. As for the dagger/orb/wand strat, that will work just as well for the other casters. Just have to insert your applicable spells where warranted.


January 19th, 2005, 04:58 PM
You can actually start doing a version of this at level 5 using a fire wand and a jeweled dagger (best available) but because of some of the spell limitations and mana I wouldn't try it with adds. It could actually be a viable alternative to priest grinding in the lowbie areas making stuff that was previously too difficult doable. Might have to try this up to level 10 just to see. The key will be youre skill level with each item. All those misses will suck at first.

I know there are going to be staff fans out there but Ive tested this. Youre DPS will be slightly higher in the short term but in the long term there is a noticable diffrence. If you miss with the dagger its no biggy because your wand is ready to fire. You miss with your staff and youre screwed for that 3.3+ second timer. Also staffs tend to have better stat buffs but with the right dagger and orb/off hand staff you can almost equal a staff but be much faster.

January 20th, 2005, 10:16 AM
nice guide CFH. I just realized what I was missing out on with my wand the other day. Now I have to go throgh the pain of leveling up my wand skills from nothing to my current level,I think I'm around 140 in wands right now.

I do have one comment though. I believe you are relying on the sheild too much. I feel the sheild is an emergancy spell, and if you let it become a crutch sooner or later its going to get you killed, because when you *need* it, it may not be there. You have improved sheild, so the 15 second weakened soul makes this not so much an issue for you.

For instance, when you only pull one mob there is no reason to cast sheild. I solo mobs equal or 1 level higher than me and end up around 95% health. Here's my normal pattern. (note that I am fully shadow spec'd)

Pull from max distance with Mind Blast
SW: Pain
If they aren't on me by this point I mind flay
start to melee
melee more
mind blast
if they run mind flay

I've found that this is quite mana effecient and I end up with plenty of health after each fight. I have spirit tap so I get a boost of mana after they die, so that helps reducing my down time.

January 20th, 2005, 11:03 AM
I see your point. I wrote this while I was grinding on Murloks in Wetlands so all the tactics come from there. I'm sure I'll have to tweek this the enemies change. Right now I use fear (PS) as my oh **** spell. I don't have flay yet since Im not shadow spec'd but I will have it around 36ish. I only use renew in light groups or when I'm running for myself with my shield up. It's one of those things I tend to ignore becuase of where I have it on my hotbar.

January 20th, 2005, 12:23 PM
I see the same effect from using renew vs. sheild against one mob because pretty much as soon as they hit me renew give that HP back to me. I will pretty much only sheild myself when I suspect I will have trouble getting a flash heal off. After I get shadowform (tonight! damnit!!) I'm going to start into the disc tree. probably going to focus on getting improved sheild and improved PW: Fortitude, and maybe the threat reducing talent.

I have the selfcast ui mod installed, it really helps with casting renew on myself while soloing, or any other time really. I dont' have to actually target myself, just hold down alt and hit the renew button.

January 20th, 2005, 01:27 PM
Maybe you can help me. I dont know how to bind my second row of spells to keys. I'd like to make them alt+1 etc. I have cosmos so I have the 2 row hotbar...I just cant figure out how to bind them.

January 20th, 2005, 01:51 PM
when you install cosmos it puts a bunch of more crap in the keybinding menu. Look in there for the "second bar" section and set it up from there.

January 20th, 2005, 02:24 PM
:) tyvm
