View Full Version : Snowboarding (nothing broken) *Pics*

January 8th, 2005, 04:52 PM
yay my first day as a snowboarder went extremely well. It took me 4-5 runs to get the basics down, but after a break for lunch i came back like i knew what i was doing. Had a few big spills, but nothing major. Cant wait to go back out next weekend!

First shot is of the newbi area, some nice green slopes with a trick slop with jumps and rails and stuff, there where some bigger blue and black slopes off behind it.. but i wont play with those yet.

Then there are some before and after shots:

January 8th, 2005, 04:58 PM
Looks like loads of fun!! Glad you're still in one piece!!

January 8th, 2005, 05:34 PM
shoot :(
i wanted some GOOD pics :D

Hehe, anywhoz I'm glad you had fun!!

January 8th, 2005, 06:04 PM
heheh, yeah...where are the pics of you falling down?! (jk) Glad you didn't break anything, and glad you had fun.

January 8th, 2005, 08:19 PM
Glad you're still in one piece!!

Me too! I was sure he was going to come back to me in teeny tiny Jared shards!

He had such a good time, although he's already complaining about being sore - old man. (j/p baby :ldm ) I think next time he goes, I'll tag along and go sledding. Just as much fun imo and a lot less effort!

January 8th, 2005, 09:41 PM
}{ how tall are you? you look like your over 6"5

January 9th, 2005, 05:03 AM
he's a giant. I think he lies and is really around 8' tall (I've never actually MET the guy). Suntrails would be a better judge of his height...she's like 6'5" or something. (joke!)

January 9th, 2005, 08:24 AM
It looks like fun! I wouldn't have fell so many times. Glad you had fun!!

Hey how do we know you REALLY snowboarded all we see is you and A board we don't see you snowboarding on the snow....LOL...j/k

January 9th, 2005, 06:45 PM
Were you or are you a skateboarder? I'm curious what kind of leap it is for someone who never was. I'd like to try it...snowboarding, that is.

January 10th, 2005, 08:08 AM
widow i havent done anything in the snow skiing or boarding in over 20 years (no lie). I just grabbed my roomate (who has boarded for a few years) and hit the slopes. When we got there i was expecting clawbite (his name when he played on merc server.. my roomate) to show me how to strap in and get use to the board for a bit.. but no the first thing he did was put me on a skii lift and take me to the top. Once there he would showed by example how to stop and to lean on an edge and basically just threw me in the deep end and said "Swim."

After about 5 runs on a green slope i was gettin the hang of keeping an edge and stopping and doing whats called a "Falling leaf" meaning not switching from heel to toe but staying on toe to toe or heel to heel so go across the slope, we stopped for some lunch. After resting a good bit we headed back up to the top and this time i rode the slope none stop all the way down not falling once (Felt great). Then i ran the slope (green slope of course) with no problems 3 more times. My roomate felt that i had learned enough of the basics and figured the green was too easy for me so he took me to a blue slope (he would be a great preacher cause he doesnt let people get comphy with themselves). Let me just say that blue slopes on your first day = pain. But after i rode the slope once i got back up and tried it again, then called it a day.

Next sat heather is going to come with us and get some action shots for you all


January 10th, 2005, 08:46 AM
Next sat heather is going to come with us and get some action shots for you all


sound kinky ;)

lol...j/p :D

January 10th, 2005, 10:21 AM
Heather have you ever been?

It really looks like fun I would like to try something like that one day..

Good Luck and post lots of pictures!

January 10th, 2005, 10:38 AM
oh and btw i am 6'7" and "210lbs of kick your ass!" (inside thing)

the board i rode was a 165cm

January 10th, 2005, 02:53 PM
Heather have you ever been?

It really looks like fun I would like to try something like that one day..

Good Luck and post lots of pictures!

I've never been - I figure I'll wait and see if }{ can make it through this winter without injury. Next winter I may give it a try.

January 10th, 2005, 02:59 PM

January 11th, 2005, 12:13 AM
widow i havent done anything in the snow skiing or boarding in over 20 years (no lie). ;)
So there's hope for me then! It's been about 5 years since I skied and I miss it.

6'7"? OMG...hahaha I'm just shy of 5'. My step dad was 6'7" and I remember having to look straight up at him.

|Team Moped| Kripto
January 11th, 2005, 10:50 AM
I always heard that the first day is really hard, and when you go back the secound it's really easy...

I'm up in the Alps right now skiing, when i get back to school i post some pictures too...

[sG] Dutchman
January 12th, 2005, 07:43 PM
oh and btw i am 6'7" and "210lbs of kick your ass!" (inside thing)

the board i rode was a 165cm
WAHOO i'm gonig to beat you height when i'm 20 wahooo i'm 6'1'' at 13 oh boy oh boy boy boy boy ehehehehe

aka : See me in the NBA pretty soon !

January 13th, 2005, 10:26 AM
I went snowboarding for the 1st time last year, I must say its my fav sport! I did the aggressive inline/skateboarding thing, and this is by far the best! I think its the thrill factor! Your zooming down trying to dodge things like trees or other people that have fallen! I went about 6 times last year and its like riding a bike now. Even at the end of the 1st day it was pretty easy. If I had to compare it to any sport, i'd say wake boarding.. but then again not many people have done that either. Glad you had fun H
