View Full Version : Death! Every last one of them!

January 7th, 2005, 09:00 AM
This is down right wrong. Wrong in every meaning of the word. People like this, sickness or no, should be taking to the swamp, tied on their knees, stripped naked and let the gators have fun. Gosh dern sick bastages!

<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/01/07/pedophilia.tip.ap/index.html" target="_blank"> PURE SICKNESS </a>

January 7th, 2005, 09:08 AM
Holy hand grenade of Antioch...that's just messed up...

January 7th, 2005, 09:38 AM
I read that earlier. Sick indeed.

January 7th, 2005, 09:39 AM
Welcome to my normal work day (ok, that one is a bit extreme but only by a few years).

January 7th, 2005, 09:50 AM
Scott....... I don't know how you do it man... As a matter of fact i don't know how any of you police types keep sane..... I don't think I could cut it man.. I would be too willing to lay some smack down on some of these filthy bass turds...

January 7th, 2005, 10:12 AM
Now you know why I say stuff like "you can only kill a roach with Raid" and "If his GPA is above 3.0 he's gonna die".

I'm just wired diffrent I guess. I'd say only 1 in 100 child molest cases have a noticable effect on me. Most of them i just go with the flow like it was a burglary or GTA.

January 7th, 2005, 10:14 AM
I would be in jail myself because I would shoot to kill if some sick person did that to my kids. Makes you think about who your kids are around/who's around your kids..

January 7th, 2005, 10:33 AM
Most of them i just go with the flow like it was a burglary or GTA.

Being family and friends of cops over here I've herd so many things about so much crap. We outsiders think how can they sit there and look and see the stuff going on and not beat the crap out of them. They kinda got to take it like a grain of salt. Jerry (BS) jokes around a lot about all kinda of things like that we may not understaind it but if they think of it like we outsiders do then I'm not sure how far they would make it as a cop. They would loose there minds if they let each and every case bother them think about how many cases like that they get in a week..
I couldn't do it either I look up to all the cops that have to go through this sick crap every week..

January 7th, 2005, 11:15 AM
I nearly choked on my lunch when I read that.

January 7th, 2005, 11:27 AM
Well it's impressive that most cops don't pull a South Park "HE'S COMMING RIGHT FOR ME!" and shoot the perp. But on the other hand I wonder how sometimes they will open up on some dude eating an apple cause it looked like a grenade.

Crazy world.

January 7th, 2005, 11:50 AM
Dragonlady']Being family and friends of cops over here I've herd so many things about so much crap. We outsiders think how can they sit there and look and see the stuff going on and not beat the crap out of them. They kinda got to take it like a grain of salt. Jerry (BS) jokes around a lot about all kinda of things like that we may not understaind it but if they think of it like we outsiders do then I'm not sure how far they would make it as a cop. They would loose there minds if they let each and every case bother them think about how many cases like that they get in a week..
I couldn't do it either I look up to all the cops that have to go through this sick crap every week..

Lady, do you know any cops who work in Singing River Hospital's ER? My mom used to work there and was friends with some of them, just wondering if by chance some of them play cs with C.O.P.S.

January 7th, 2005, 03:28 PM
this kinda stuff is what scares me as a kid.

January 7th, 2005, 05:36 PM
Lady, do you know any cops who work in Singing River Hospital's ER? My mom used to work there and was friends with some of them, just wondering if by chance some of them play cs with C.O.P.S.

I don't know of any that worked for SRH's ER. Most of our friends/Family's work for the PD's around here. There was I think around 8 of the C.O.P.S. (when we were all togather) that were real cops that work at the P.D's or the S.O's but none of them that I know of worked for SRH's ER.

Did yall use to live down here??

January 7th, 2005, 06:02 PM
Yeah we lived in Gautier. From my understanding the cops at the hospital were real police officers, they just worked the ER for extra money?

January 7th, 2005, 07:46 PM
OOPS I didn't mean to say "real cops".. I just want to make sure that I don't disrespect anyone now that I realize that could be taken the wrong way.

January 8th, 2005, 12:58 AM
One little side note to all this, is that people like that when they get into prison usely don't have a very easy life, even the convicts have their morle codes. One is you don't hurt a child.

January 8th, 2005, 11:07 AM
One little side note to all this, is that people like that when they get into prison usely don't have a very easy life, even the convicts have their morle codes. One is you don't hurt a child.

true indeed. i give this guy less than a week before he gets the shank.

January 8th, 2005, 01:09 PM
Yeah we lived in Gautier. From my understanding the cops at the hospital were real police officers, they just worked the ER for extra money?

I'm a Detective in Gautier. Glenn Green, Vince Nicholson, Tom spicer and Danny Selover are Gautier P.D , they all worked at Singing River ER on their off days. Your mom probably knows Danny and Tom. I may know your mom, I'm always getting hurt. I've been shot, hit with a car one time, stitches a couple of times and totaled a unit one time. Lets just say I'v met some of the Nurses and Doctors at the ER.
DL, Vince was the 6'5" 320 pound black cop at Larry's funeral. Hard to miss him.

I'm presenting a guy to the next grand jury that may not live long enough to get to prison. He had well over 10,000 images of LITTLE girls. He had 2 movies of an infant (I'm guessing just over 1 year old) getting molested. It's probably the same movie that Gooses guy had. I think these sick little monkeys pass these pics and movies around like their trading cards or something. He was buying used little girl panties off ebay. Some twisted step daddy was taking pictures of his daughters wearing the panties and selling them on ebay. He also had used lolly pops in plastic bags he bought (can't really go into a lot of detail on that). We've kept it pretty quiet so far. We down played it to the press until we can get him into court. Our liberal judge gave me a $40,000 bond on him (IDIOT). If I could have waited a few more days, I could have gotten another judge and gotten well over $150,000.00 bond on him.

January 8th, 2005, 02:47 PM
I talked to her, She said Glenn sounds familiar, but she deffinetly remembers Tom and Danny. Small world :D

January 8th, 2005, 04:04 PM
I didn't know that some of them worked in the ER.

But yeah I remember Vince he is ONE BIG DUDE!!!!! It's hard not to remember a big ole guy like that!!!! haha remember the movie "Armageddon"? Well he would make that black guy look little.. LOL..

Jerry the other day when I talked to you on the phone You must have coughed and it came through the phone. I"M SICK NOW...lolol

Yeah I hope that guy gets all kinds of bubba's coming in his room at night.. Then he would know what it feels like...

January 9th, 2005, 07:31 AM
In other parts of the world, this, unfortunately, happens all too often - every day. It is disgusting that people would find it enjoyable to hurt someone else ... especially a child. It's also revolting to think that there would be any pleasure in raping an 85-year-old woman or a 2-year-old child...some sick bastages in this world.

I've let Robby (almost 9 years old) sleep over at a friend's house before; I could hardly get to sleep that night, and I kept waking up on and off thinking about him - did the mom have any visitors over that night? Did anyone stay over? Are their windows and doors locked at night? Could someone from in the house come in the room? etc etc I questioned him (in a "round about way") the next day just to be sure that everything was okay. I don't like feeling that way about people and the world, but I just don't trust anyone. Now I just let the kids stay here and have a friend over at our house if they want to have a sleepover.

January 9th, 2005, 08:33 AM
SG I do the same thing. My little girl stayed the night over at a friends house before uuhhh yeah 5 years old staying at a friends house! I know the mom and dad but that sometimes don't mean nothing! I did the same thing. The world is fulllll of SICK BEEEEP BEEEP People.. and it's not getting any better. I just hope they get whats coming to them..
I understand how you feel SG..

January 9th, 2005, 04:50 PM
I took a report a few years back from a 10 year old girl who had been molested by her 300+ lb stepdad for approx 1 1/2 years...He'd even gotten the younger son involved in watching porn and touching his sister (and god knows what else). We found him in a friends apartment later that night. Only time I've ever gone out in the streets with a pre-disposition to put someone in the grave (of course, if he gave me the opportunity). I went thru the door first and wouldn't you know it...he is puttin a gun under the coffee table...I was bout 1 oz of trigger pull from sending him to hell...He got 32 years I believe....I was sick to my stomach from listening to that little girls story for a couple days...

January 9th, 2005, 07:49 PM
I remember that story....

January 10th, 2005, 08:35 AM
Damn I think I would have shot Jeff and saved, time and money.
