View Full Version : Kinda Sad

December 31st, 2004, 06:55 PM
I'm not trying to start anything, but I've been playing in this server off and on for a few years, and when people are in it, it is still one of my favorite's to play in. But I was playing today and the map was one-sided the ENTIRE time. When I said something about it, Spark told me to "leave". I'm really not trying to start anything. Just saying, it's not fun when maps are like this.

December 31st, 2004, 07:22 PM
wtf? NO sir! You sad and i quote "this is lame" To which i said "then leava" followed by "j00 foo well" Kinda 1/2 joking.. Ya see until just now i thought you were complaining about the map.. others were...they wanted a switch...I never herd you say anything about the teams..... for christ sake man stop whining.. it's the first time i've played this damn game in quite a while.. i didn't come back to hear a buch of bull shiz WHINING.. I've been on the bunk side of many o map... including the one right b4 20 fighter... noone else complained .. just you... If your getting pwned then get better...... the only thing i see "kinda sad" here is your :tears

January 1st, 2005, 04:20 AM
Tell us how ya really feel Sparky :slp...CD, understand how ya feel. Maybe just state the reason. Us bunch a boons sometimes are pretty dense. We need to know exactly what the point is so it doesn't get misconstrued. "Teams please" would get the point across nicely. Usually it gets done. Sometimes not, but usually. Sorry it wasn't fun. We've all been there.

January 1st, 2005, 06:50 AM
...We've all been there.

Ya, it stinks when it's like that. Only played once when it was fairly full teams and it was as one-sided as what you got. Actually, I haven't been back. I got used to playing bots instead...lol

January 1st, 2005, 07:05 AM
roger that! Just say "teams please" just like Sgt.Jeff mentioned....that should have taken care of it...if not, then there is another problem.

January 1st, 2005, 04:28 PM
W00t Owned lol....Fighter Rules And If yA CANT deal with the map then ya just suck!!!!!!!!!!!OOOOOooo and just wait till the map changes that helps too.

January 1st, 2005, 08:23 PM
roger that! Just say "teams please" just like Sgt.Jeff mentioned....that should have taken care of it...if not, then there is another problem.

Then there's another problem. The teams were good when we jumped in, but the map changed and it became radically one-sided. CFH asked the admin to even up the teams. No response, but I think he was still in the game (on the other team...the one kicking our puhtooties) Then I asked if somebody would fix the teams. Nothing. The game started anew and I asked again. We gave it about a minute more then we both left.

and no, I won't name anyone....!


January 1st, 2005, 08:29 PM
W00t Owned lol....Fighter Rules And If yA CANT deal with the map then ya just suck!!!!!!!!!!!OOOOOooo and just wait till the map changes that helps too.

Ya, I suck. Your point? It was my second time on pubs and that doesn't change the relevance of stacked teams. But thanks for your opinion......NOT

January 1st, 2005, 11:56 PM
you need to come play some DM with me Widow...it is fun and no teams to worry about ...

January 2nd, 2005, 02:40 AM
you need to come play some DM with me Widow...it is fun and no teams to worry about ...

Ahhhh....I feel more senile every time I come here! What's DM? It's gonna be something simple, right? (drops head into hands and feels really old)

January 2nd, 2005, 08:05 AM
Death Match...just all out action...soon as you die, you respawn and start killing again

January 2nd, 2005, 08:44 AM
Exactly! DM is the way to go!!!

[sG] Dutchman
January 2nd, 2005, 09:37 AM
come on I never get to play with spark wahhhhhh I always go there to late. oh well one of these day I play against him :).

January 2nd, 2005, 04:24 PM
VERY cool. Sounds like my kind of game! I hate having to sit till the end of a game with an itchy trigger finger and "dead" next to my name.

January 2nd, 2005, 06:10 PM
well get in and play some tonite...i will be on in a bit

January 3rd, 2005, 03:40 PM
']Then there's another problem. The teams were good when we jumped in, but the map changed and it became radically one-sided. CFH asked the admin to even up the teams. No response, but I think he was still in the game (on the other team...the one kicking our puhtooties) Then I asked if somebody would fix the teams. Nothing. The game started anew and I asked again. We gave it about a minute more then we both left.

and no, I won't name anyone....!

I have to agree. One thing I've noticed from playing on this server for a while is that when a lot of regulars are on, it stacks like crazy. If ever anyone asks for the teams to be evened, they get called a whiner, or the response that teams are even...numerically. Personally, I think a lot of this comes from the incessant obsession that some people have with the stats. The game shouldn't be about stacking the teams so you can have 4:1 ratios, it's about having fun. And it's no fun when teams are ridiculously stacked and no one wants to do anything about it.

Ok, I'm done :z

January 3rd, 2005, 04:34 PM
Its funny that the same people that complain will not switch when the shoe is on the other foot and their team is cleaning house.

I will say that there is stacking that goes on. Most people stack the easy side of the map and it just snow balls from that point on. However, its not just a select few that should always be ones to switch sides, everyone needs to try to help out.

Also, if there are problems with individual members on the game server, please contact one of the Leaders/co-Leaders about the issue.

January 3rd, 2005, 05:50 PM
I have to agree. One thing I've noticed from playing on this server for a while is that when a lot of regulars are on, it stacks like crazy. If ever anyone asks for the teams to be evened, they get called a whiner, or the response that teams are even...numerically. Personally, I think a lot of this comes from the incessant obsession that some people have with the stats. The game shouldn't be about stacking the teams so you can have 4:1 ratios, it's about having fun. And it's no fun when teams are ridiculously stacked and no one wants to do anything about it.

Ok, I'm done :z

well, i don't think ANY mercs are concerned with stats......if they were there would be a comp team here.

January 3rd, 2005, 07:13 PM
Geez guys! cd was so extremely humble in his approach to the problem. It seemed an appropriate time to tell a similar experience. I didn't make a fuss at the time...just left. I won't name anybody in particular out of courtesy. And I'm apprehensive to change to the better team because with the least amount of experience of anyone, I'm sure nobody wants me on their team. And before anybody says "suck it up and switch", just look at some of the responses here. I'm the one who was told, "My teammate sucks." I was the only teammate. Leaves a lasting impression. Not too long ago there was a thread stating that if there's any kind of problem that arises, please bring it up so it can be dealt with. It was emphatically stated. So should this now be a PM thing? :dunno Are there certain problems that you should never bring up? I'd like to know so I don't tick off anybody. I'm so surprised at the responses! Whoa!

DM is great! The kids pulled me away an awful lot, but I really like that game. For awhile there I was laughing so hard, no sound came out. I would respawn and get killed the instant my body showed up. I laughed harder each time 'cuz it was something like 5 in a row. I'm definitely gonna play more of that. Thank you for the invite...honestly!

January 3rd, 2005, 07:47 PM
well, i don't think ANY mercs are concerned with stats......if they were there would be a comp team here.I wasn't saying that it was the MERCs necessarily, but it definatly happens with some of the regulars on the server. And to illegal, I've switched a few times but most of the time, it doesn't help because I suck anyways :slap

Sorry to everyone if I'm creating too much of an issue over this. :emb

January 3rd, 2005, 08:18 PM
widow, there is no issue.....this so-called problem has been happening since I've been playing cs..going on 3 yrs now. I don't really think much of it, and shame on the person who said that about you...that person obviously has never been a beginner at any game right?

January 3rd, 2005, 08:21 PM
I have been playing CS almost 3 years now, and I STILL suck!

Don't feel bad - everyone is not ment to be a bighead/corona/toby/e0b type player.

January 3rd, 2005, 09:57 PM
widow, there is no issue.....this so-called problem has been happening since I've been playing cs..going on 3 yrs now. ...
That just makes it an issue that has not been succefully addressed. Ragging on the person who humbly brings it up sure doesn't help. I’m interested in meeting some of these people at the lan. I’m wondering if they're the same face-to-face.

I have been playing CS almost 3 years now, and I STILL suck!
Don't feel bad - everyone is not ment to be a bighead/corona/toby/e0b type player.
LOL MadMax! Thank you. That was kind to say. Actually I don't feel bad in the least. When it sucks (or I suck more than usual) I just leave. I'm just sitting back kind of amazed at what comes out of people sometimes. For the most part, I'm not the shrinking violet type. I'm forty with 2 little ones. This stuff doesn't rate much on my stress meter. It's interesting though.

January 3rd, 2005, 10:11 PM
']That just makes it an issue that has not been succefully addressed. Ragging on the person who humbly brings it up sure doesn't help.

Drugs in this country is an issue, has it be solved yet?

What he didn't mention is that we've tried everything to "solve" it and it just keeps happening. There is "NO" way to solve this issue that will please everyone all of the time.

What are some suggestions to solve this? Force the person with the best score to keep switching sides against his will? How is that fair to him? Slay the other team a few times to allow the losing team to be able to afford weapons?

If you bring up an issue, please offer a viable solution.

I do agree that raging on the person that brings it up should not happen. I think Spark tried to clearify himself on that point if you re read his post. If this does happen by our members, please make one of the Leaders / Co-Leaders aware of it.

January 3rd, 2005, 10:18 PM
DM is pretty fun.

stacking has always been a part of every online game. I hate it, but it's not going to go away. and don't think it's just an issue that's on our server...ohh no. There are generaly 3 reasons why teams are stacked - 1. people like to play on the same side as their friends, so if all of them are good that side may be stacked. 2. some maps are one sided, meaning either T or CT is much easier than the other side so people who want the easy side won't go to the hard side, sucks if those people are good, cause it makes the map worse. 3. some people are insecure and need to be part of a winning team or have it easier to get kills or don't want to die every round so they jump on the side that has the best players, usually they will bait the best players and try to get "sloppy seconds" kills, these people are typically cowards and have no real skill to speak of.
I think what we see on our server is mostly #1 and maybe some of #2. just by looking at the screenshot cd posted, you can see all the MERC's on 1 side.
If it starts to tick me off, I just leave and go to another server for a while till either some of those people have left or the map has changed once or twice.

January 3rd, 2005, 10:21 PM
I think what we see on our server is mostly #1 and maybe some of #2. just by looking at the screenshot cd posted, you can see all the MERC's on 1 side.
If it starts to tick me off, I just leave and go to another server for a while till either some of those people have left or the map has changed once or twice.

You also see all of the [[RT]] clan on the other side.. Oh, oh.. thats a #1 .. woohoo, I win!!!

January 3rd, 2005, 10:24 PM
There was a server group I played on for a while that was run by a lot of programmers. they got fed up with the stacking too and tried to resolve it by writing their own script that would enforce team fairness. if one side won more than 3 rounds in a row it would automatically switch at random one of the top 3 players from the wining side with one of the bottom 3 players from the loosing side.
At first it seemed pretty good, but after playing like that for a while, it got old quick. it became worse than the stacking. so after a couple of weeks they took it off since they started loosing regular players on the server.

January 3rd, 2005, 10:25 PM
']That just makes it an issue that has not been succefully addressed. Ragging on the person who humbly brings it up sure doesn't help. I’m interested in meeting some of these people at the lan. I’m wondering if they're the same face-to-face.

LOL MadMax! Thank you. That was kind to say. Actually I don't feel bad in the least. When it sucks (or I suck more than usual) I just leave. I'm just sitting back kind of amazed at what comes out of people sometimes. For the most part, I'm not the shrinking violet type. I'm forty with 2 little ones. This stuff doesn't rate much on my stress meter. It's interesting though.

Don't leave when you are sucking more than usual - what has gradually made me a better player over time is sticking it out when I'm not doing well, and watching the more seasoned players in first person mode when dead, and seeing what they do, and how they do it...

January 3rd, 2005, 10:33 PM
We had a script like that for a VERY shoprt time as well. IT was HIGHLY annoying. You didn't know from one round to the next what team you would be on.

January 3rd, 2005, 10:38 PM
Okey dokey MadMax. And I do watch the best player listed when I die. I only feel bad for the rest of my team. Ya know?

That script idea...glad you mentioned it because that was the first idea that jumped into my head.

January 3rd, 2005, 10:39 PM
We had a script like that for a VERY shoprt time as well. IT was HIGHLY annoying. You didn't know from one round to the next what team you would be on.

AMEN! I agree - that is worse than stacking - especially when you've settled into your groove on a certain team, with access to certain weapons.

Stacking used to bother me when I first started playing, but I finally accepted it as part of playing CS, and learned how to learn from it, and I was cool after that.

January 3rd, 2005, 10:49 PM
Stacking used to bother me when I first started playing, but I finally accepted it as part of playing CS, and learned how to learn from it, and I was cool after that.

That's how I deal with it now too. Sure it's frustrating to be losing 20 rounds in a row, but I've been on the other end too. I just chalk it up to the norm for CS....

January 4th, 2005, 10:38 AM
I really don't let it bother me... I roll with it and die.. When i joined the map b4 20 fighter i went like 6-13.. The thing that makes me mad is I'm usu. the one that switches when asked.. I didn't realize CD was requesting a switch.. Also CD wasn't playing as CD so I had NO idea who the hell he was... If I had a nickle for every smart arse that stumbles onto the server and calls it LAME because of the word filter... or trash because of the AWP restriction.. ect. ect. i would be rich... Since at the time lots of people were complaining about the map, I ASSumed that the "this is lame" comment was yet another b00n crying about the server... AT NO time did I see cd type ANYTHING like teams pls... Now.. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but I don't really pay too much attention to chat in game.. I'm pretty sure he didn't mention anything afterwards either..

Widow.... I am sorry to here that people are rude to ya... I got pretty much the same treatment when I started playing... Being a n00b I asked a lot of questions about setting up cs properly.. I got "...................................." So I ASSumed that noone herd me... upon repeating my questions i got " WHAT DO YOU WANT!?! I was like pffft.. NVM.. When ever I screwed up I got to hear teamates talk about me as if I weren't able to hear them.. It sucked.. It wasn't until I started talking with Toby that I got my cs config right.. He really helped a brotha out... I don't know what the deal is with that kinda behavior... I go outa my way to help people.. Just ticks me of that someone comes here and complains about me specifically... I SUX at this damn game.. i hardly play it any more really.. and when i do I'm usually the first one to switch sides! When asked!

January 4th, 2005, 11:21 AM
When i play, i prefer to play against the stacked side, more of a challenge. As for when i join a map, i always auto and im usually the first person in the nextmap. If teams get out of hand, i usually switch the side thats hurtin, dunno why my side always does so well :dunno

January 4th, 2005, 02:44 PM
Ahh just ignore CD he was just upset cause he's lame and can't pwn anyone...lol jk

January 4th, 2005, 03:11 PM
Ahh just ignore CD he was just upset cause he's lame and can't pwn anyone...lol jk


I switched to PM's since this thread was heading south in a hurry. Funny thing is, my initial post was only my comment to cd, not a complaint for everybody to jump on. This is a very weird thread. I'm also not one to make a quick judgement of something out of one sorry arse experience. Boy, I'm still shaking my head at this thread. (Call the cops...There's been an attempted murder...lol)

January 4th, 2005, 03:40 PM

January 4th, 2005, 04:41 PM
I really didn't mean for this to escalade into anything big. But I believe the script yall are talking about is punkbuster. And yeah, you possibly could switch teams every round or two. If they've not updated it to make it random on who's moved then the only suggestion I have is that since this is a tight knit community. Almost everyone playing at any given time is a regular, just if people had the common courtesy to switch teams. Not just when asked, but if you see that your team is winning obnoxiously, switch.

January 5th, 2005, 07:01 AM
Solution to CS problems : Get WOW


January 5th, 2005, 07:26 AM
Would someone slap this Acid fellow? I think he's tripping on something.

January 5th, 2005, 09:08 AM
guys its a really easy solution. Become admin then just organize the teams as you see fit when you join the server.


January 5th, 2005, 09:24 AM
actually i have a better solution... :D *anticipation*

AMX MOD!! There's this thing called weapon arena.. where you can make everyone have to use one weapon, and they dont have to reload, you can just go around full automatic all the time... it changes the purpose of the game, even if your losing it's fun, and no one pay attention to the objective...

January 5th, 2005, 10:02 AM
and no one pay attention to the objective...

isn't this what normally happens anyway...lol :stick

January 5th, 2005, 11:55 AM
Actully, what is going on here is CD is just trying to make up for his afore mention lack of skills.....<--LOL love you big boy.
