View Full Version : Ok this crap REALLY makes me sick.

December 30th, 2004, 09:04 AM
Where do we draw the line? Sad to say this is happening in Houma.

HOUMA -- The American flag means something special to Glynna Witt, whose 24-year-old son was shipped to the Iraq war in October.

The supportive mother has two small flags and a large banner fixed to a 10-foot pole planted in the dirt around the entrance to her Bayou Gardens apartment.

For the Witts, the American flag represents support for their military son, Brian, who is serving as a Navy medic in the war.

For the owners of the west-Houma apartment complex where the family lives, however, the flags have been called an eyesore, a nuisance and a distraction. It’s curb unappeal, and the property owners have given the Witts to the end of the week to remove the "unsightly" display of patriotism.

"They could be given 30 days’ notice," said Edith Johnson, the apartment-complex manager. "We hate to lose good residents, but the owner thinks it’s unsightly and this is private property. He can do whatever he wants."

The American-flag altercation started over the summer when the apartment complex’s owner, Dalton Truax III of Wagner and Truax Real Estate Management in Metairie, paid a visit to the property.

Truax did not return calls for comment Tuesday.

But Johnson said her boss raised immediate objections to the Witts’ flag. He argued the flag should be removed for several reasons.

For one, the couple’s apartment sits at the entrance to the Bayou Gardens complex, so the 10-foot pole with the 3-foot American flag is hard not to miss. Johnson said Truax thought the flag detracted from the apartment complex’s beauty. Upon closer inspection, she said the owner also found the flag oversized, in poor condition and simply not good taste.

"Curb appeal is crucial in this business," said Johnson.

Truax ordered the Witts -- through Johnson, the mediator -- to remove the flag. The couple refused. Their determination to keep their front-door display intact was reinforced last fall as their youngest son was dispatched overseas.

The flag disagreement came to a head last week when Truax told Johnson to send the Witts a letter ordering them to take down their 6-month-old banner by the end of this week. In the letter, the Witts said Truax cited a stipulation in their rental contract that states no political materials could be posted on apartment property.

Glynna Witt, a hairdresser, is afraid of getting evicted. But her husband, Gary, supports her belief that the American flag should never be considered a nuisance or an objectionable political statement.

"I could never see the American flag being an eyesore," said Gary Witt. "It’s an American flag. To me, I don’t see how it’s harming anyone."

While Truax may oppose the size of the display, Johnson said the apartment owner would be OK with a smaller flag.

"They could put up 20 of them as long as they’re not taking up all that room and they look good," Johnson said. "It’s not about patriotism, it’s about the size and condition of it. It’s too large for where it’s located. It’s huge and it’s tall, and it keeps hitting against the building."

The Witts say they have never been presented with such a bargaining position. They said all along it has been either get rid of the flag or risk getting evicted. And that threat is not something they will take sitting down.

"I think this is important," Glynna Witt said. "My son is in Iraq, and I don’t think I should have to take down my flag."

The Witts have until the end of the week to remove their flag. After that, Johnson said it is up to the owners to decide the next step.

Senior staff writer Kimberly Solet can be reached at 857-2209 or at [email protected].

December 30th, 2004, 09:10 AM
Ok, that's just wrong. How is the American flag considered political material?! I mean, if you were in some apartment complex in some third world country like France, I could understand the desire not to have the flag displayed. She should do like I did and hang the flag inside the windo of the apartment. It's inside, so it's not anyone's business but her own.

If I lived there, I would move. Just on the principle of the thing.

December 30th, 2004, 09:22 AM
I agree Scott. It is really disheartening to see people act the way that the landowner is acting. Maybe that person will go broke when he loses all of the residents of his complex.

December 30th, 2004, 09:34 AM
I hate the way this country is heading...that's it I'm going back to Canada....

not really, but I feel that way sometimes.

December 30th, 2004, 09:52 AM
I hate the way this country is heading...that's it I'm going back to Canada....

not really, but I feel that way sometimes.

lemme come with ya? lol
yeah, id really like to dropkick that owner guy

December 30th, 2004, 10:55 AM
Stupid.....if its a tattered mess, she should replace it but be forced to remove it is BS. I'm sorry but the flag is NOT political material. It is a symbol...THEE symbol of this country.

BTW....LMAO @ France = 3rd world country.

December 30th, 2004, 11:24 AM
What is with our country nowadays? I would never consider OUR OWN SYMBOL OF FREEDOM an eyesore! Too many lives have been lost protecting our freedoms; soldiers have literally died while trying to hold the American flag up. It's really upsetting to see this happen.

I really wish we could drop people like this in France...outta a plane with no parachute, of course. ;)

December 30th, 2004, 11:40 AM
Ok, I went ride by there during work. That flag is by far not an eyesore. It is slightly weathered but not a shredded up or anything.

December 30th, 2004, 12:09 PM
Ok, I went ride by there during work. That flag is by far an eyesore. It is slightly weathered but not a shredded up or anything.

Was that a typo???

December 30th, 2004, 12:10 PM
Ok, I went ride by there during work. That flag is by far an eyesore. It is slightly weathered but not a shredded up or anything.

Wow...sorry for the bad choice in colors....this should be better.

December 30th, 2004, 01:58 PM
I think so..lol
dang Nutria, trying to type with his teeth again.

December 30th, 2004, 04:15 PM
Ooops..... Supposed to be "not an eyesore." I was just so mad. So far they have not taken it down. No it wasn't my teeth either.

December 30th, 2004, 05:54 PM
THis is sad. Nobody should rent from this guy. The flag POLITICAL? Sounds like he's stretching to find something in the rental agreement to give him the power to force her to remove it.
Oh, yeah, I know when I look for apt to live in I always cross of the places with american flags hanging in the front yard. J/K

January 1st, 2005, 05:07 PM
the owner is one of those people who u wanna ask, hows it feel to be a freaking idiot?

just for that im going put a very big american flag in my yard and see if my landlord tells me something.

-FA- ManiacalClown
January 2nd, 2005, 11:07 AM
If the flag's getting weathered, it may be time to retire it, or if it's banging up against a building, it should be either moved or replaced with a smaller flag, but remove it entirely? Bleh.

I figure the owner is just tired of the rampant jingoism that's been going on for a while now, but I don't think anyone could say that's even what's going on here with such a display. Her son's in Iraq for god's sake, and no matter how you feel about our presence there, it should be high on everyone's list of priorities to support those men and women who are over there because it is their duty to do so, right or wrong.

And even if it were in a bit of jingoism, is it really hurting anyone?

January 2nd, 2005, 11:16 AM

How is having a flag out in your yard construed as jingoism (a $5 word that means nothing more than "extreme patriotism")? What's wrong with having pride in your country? What's wrong with putting a flag on your house, automobile or shirt? What's wrong with a mother showing support for her son and the thousands of other sons and daughters of America that are overseas?

Jingoism? No...far from it. Patriotism should know no bounds.

-FA- ManiacalClown
January 2nd, 2005, 01:36 PM
And where exactly did I call it jingoism?

January 11th, 2005, 08:42 AM
i lost blood for that flag...i personally take this offensive. my marines i deployed to iraq the first 2 times together (i got moved to san diego because i was hit with an ak47 in the wrist/forearm and lost alot of movement out of my left hand) are deploying this week back to fellujah. i would take this to court.

January 11th, 2005, 09:23 AM
I posted another thread with an update on this situation.... it has been taken care of.
