View Full Version : Snowboarders?

December 29th, 2004, 12:48 PM
Not sure how many of you guys even know what snow is.. let alone know about snowboarding, but for those that do i am in the market for a snowboard. I am 6'7", and im going to start off with a "small to medium" board according to my size. I think the right height for me is around 180cm (inbetween my chin and nose). Im a Size 12 so im going to probley have to go with a wide so im not getting owned by toe drag. I weight 200ish so a firm board will be most likely needed. I need your opinons on Boards and styles. Im going to start off with just slopes and medium deep mountain downhill snowboarding.

I think Corona uses a K2, any of you guys snowboard and have any opinions on boards?

December 29th, 2004, 02:19 PM
Yeah don't do it you'll shoot your eye out kid. Oh sorry wrong movie there...I don't know anything about this other than it looks extreamly fool hardy and risky. I would suggest extream caution.

December 29th, 2004, 02:20 PM
hey H first you have to figure out what you want to do the most on your board. are you going to be in the park most of the time (freestyle board) or are you going to go down the mountain (freeride board). you also want to look at price range. you can spend anywhere from 600 - 200 on a board. some great brands to look into is burton, ride, k2, salomon, nitro, limited. burton, ride and k2 are some of the best brands.. also a board between your chin and your nose is not a "small to medium" board. you dont want a board taller than your nose... it should go inbetween your nipples to your nose. the shorter the board the faster your going to learn. but a longer board is better of in the long run. my board goes to my chin and its a 162. if your going to be on the slopes more but sometimes go to the park i would get a board more for freeride... go to www.burton.com and check out some of their wide boards... they show you which ones are the wide ones..


December 29th, 2004, 02:26 PM
oh and once you find a board, one of the best places to get one is www.the-house.com they have some of the best prices


December 29th, 2004, 02:38 PM
ok maybe i was confused on the site that i read about the board size. Freeride will be my startoff style, but id like a universal board if its possible.

Before i buy anything im going to rent and try out a few sizes.

December 30th, 2004, 12:05 AM
well if you rent and your still learning how to ride your going to like the smaller boards better. but i would buy one at least to the top of your sholders to your chin.


December 30th, 2004, 12:48 AM
arrrr,damn ur tall,well i been boarding for years in Alpes ,but since ur in the states i suggest a different board type since the snow quality/consistency is way different .i would go for a somewhat wide board since they are just more fun to play around ,since u have large feet that makes sense .And then it really depends on what u wanna do like corona said.freesstyle bnoards are fun easy to ride and learn , so my personnal opinion is get one of those ,but don t forgett !!!!they shoo and binndings are at least as same as imortant than the Board itself .Rather spend a little less on the Board and buy some fine airwalks !!!!!And U don t have to go with burton or k2 ,even though they do make damn Good Boards.have enough time go on e bay and buy something older or used and u will be satisfied if u choose a quality board . I personnaly would never buy a new board because u always pay tons for the design etc. . Boards have not changed in the last 5 - 8 years ,they are just tryieng to sll u new stuff ,u know how it goes.just like cars and so on .
ifg u have the time ,research and buy something rathjer cheap first if u don t know what ur doing anyways !!!

December 30th, 2004, 11:11 AM
well.. if e0b could do it first time at the ski place.. i think you'll be just fine }{..
i <3 skiing.. I'm scared of the board.. seems harder to me.

we had NO clue at first that your height matters.. and just bought some ski's, and they were apprenatly for someone who was about 7 foot 5.. lol soooo I hadda rent theirs and I was proud that I could do it ;) It's really fun.. though I wanna try boarding at least once when I go this winter.

December 30th, 2004, 12:43 PM
well im hoping to go out for my Alpha attempt next week. Im sure Heather will have several pictures of me and my new hobby.


December 31st, 2004, 12:53 PM
i had this ex.... and he tried the hard ski slope and like fell and rolled down the entire hill and met his snowboard at the bottom.

*so* funny.. heather please DO take pics :D

December 31st, 2004, 12:56 PM
I will most definitely take pictures. And I really wish we had a video camera I could take too. Rolling down the hill would be so much funnier in motion rather than still pictures.

January 1st, 2005, 11:42 AM
hey H be careful. its really easy to break stuff... i broke my arm the first time i went out. but hey i never learn... im about to leave to go snowboarding with some friends for 4 days. we rented a place on the slops at snowshoe mountain in west virginia. its going to be sweet. n e way got to pack... bb on the 6th sometime

