View Full Version : HAHAHA! Pwned!

December 25th, 2004, 06:39 AM

December 25th, 2004, 06:53 AM
OMG! That's freakin awesome!!!

December 25th, 2004, 07:48 AM
Heh atleast they were going to get something.....i havent gotten a gift since i was like umm lets seee ummm.....9......Kids are lil Weeners hahah No gifts lol

December 25th, 2004, 08:01 AM

December 25th, 2004, 09:06 AM
Oh well :(

December 25th, 2004, 11:04 AM


December 25th, 2004, 09:46 PM

December 25th, 2004, 11:20 PM
Servers the little ungratefull whelps right. I wish more parents would take a stand with their kids and then we wouldn't be subjected to stupid show's like "Supper Nanny" or what ever the hell it's called.

December 26th, 2004, 01:17 PM
Maybe the oldest will keep his mouth shut next time.

December 26th, 2004, 02:01 PM
The other two kids should give him a beatdown for that comment. After Christmas of course.

December 27th, 2004, 09:30 AM
LOL! They have been SOLD!

December 27th, 2004, 10:26 AM
Dude i should sell the tiles on my floor that has a pattern of Jesus on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 30th, 2004, 08:33 AM
Servers the little ungratefull whelps right. I wish more parents would take a stand with their kids and then we wouldn't be subjected to stupid show's like "Supper Nanny" or what ever the hell it's called.
Nanny 911.... heather only get s few tv stations at her house and we watched it one night.. the show is like a train wreck.

December 30th, 2004, 08:49 AM
It's horrible, but you look on anyway? LoL

[sG] Dutchman
December 30th, 2004, 09:18 AM
poor kid... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH suckers omg thats funny! Time to get out the belt! LOL

December 30th, 2004, 09:31 AM
lol, that is something i would do...except I would have just returned the stuff to the store.....good job dad!!!

December 30th, 2004, 09:53 AM
this reminds me of somethign that happened on Christmas here. My neighbors 10 year old son came over with his new RC car. He couldn't figure out how to install the batteries, so I did and he ran it all over the house. Later that evening, he brought it back over and was running it into everything I owned intentionally. I said, "Treigh, that's it. No more running the car in the house." He looked at me and stopped for .000001 seconds. I heard the car runnign again and it ran intot he entertainment center. I said, "Treigh, that's your last warning...no more car in the house." He looks at me and is quiet for another fraction of a second, then I hear the car motor start up. I stood up, walked over to where he was, took the car, walked to the front door and opened it up. I then looked back at Treigh and threw the car out the front door (I threw it into a bush so it didn't break). You should have seen his eyes...they were as big as saucers! Needless to say, he hasn't brought the car back since.

December 30th, 2004, 11:04 AM
lol tech....
remind me not to make you angry.... you child-hater

<3 ;)

December 30th, 2004, 11:05 AM
Well I was flipping through the channels last night and the afore mentioned show was on so I watched just a few seconds of it. Bottom line is this, kids where smarter than parents. Parents didn't have any backbone to stick with any type dicipline and there for as the old saying "The inmates where running the asylum".

December 30th, 2004, 11:15 AM
i believe whole-souled in discipline, I saw first hand how our family turned out.. the first 3 (including me) are not PERFECT, but respectful towards them and *try* to listen.. the last 2 had no control.. and now they don't listen and "run the aslyum" so to speak. soooooooooo yes- hit ya kids when they need it ;)

December 30th, 2004, 11:29 AM
when they NEED it...

My parents didn't get that part. LoL

JP, I wasn't THAT bad. ;)

December 30th, 2004, 04:08 PM
I've actually had to go out to a domestic dispute one time where a teen age girl called the police because mom took a belt to that butt. Come to find out the girl got caught sneaking out all night and when confronted by mom, the girl told her mother where she could go. The girl thought that the police would take mom to jail for coloring a little bit outside the lines with the belt. WRONG!!!! I not only gave mom a big pat on the back for trying to raise her daughter, I also talked the mother into signing a minors complaint against her daughter. I took her little spoiled butt to youth court, where she stayed for 4 days. I doubt that bratt will ever call us again. I'm all about a parent with a thick belt...
