View Full Version : The Glenfiddich House

December 21st, 2004, 09:45 PM
My sister and I went to this adult education class- about how to write good resumes and go on interviews.. anyways- it was set in this huge mansion that General Lee and his commanders plotted about the civil war in. The room we had the class in, was the room where the painting "gods and generals" was painted after, and they sat where we were sitting back in the 1840's.. spooky.. (it was also was the home for the man who wrote the book 'deliverence' for 2 yrs)
anywhoz- at lunch time:
they were talking on and on about the history of the place, and then started talkin about ghosts- and that it's haunted by the General who died of blood loss at the foot of the stairs.. and he is a "friendly" ghost, and the main guy David Miles, says he didn't believe in the supernatural unit one night he completely locked up the place and had this new sensor alarm system installed with him being the only one knowing the code.. the next morning he goes to check all the room, and lo-and-behold there is a short imprint on the bed upstairs of a head and body- which looked to be the same size of that general (who was short.. about 5'4)
freaked him out, and he became a believer..
me = uh huhhhhh, suuuuuure..
so he goes on and says that- whenever there are large groups of people in the house (and i quote) "like there is now.. i hope he doesn't show up today, he doesn't like that and the computers start acting up and getting all screwy! they'll shut off and they don't work"

I politely- but loudy say "you don't happen to have windows 98 do you?
because ghost or not- that's gonna happen"
i got alot of snickers and chuckles which turned into laughter :)

it was an awesome class though- and learned quiet a bit. and i absolutely love the history part.. just not the ghost parts =)

just thought i'd share my lil funny story w/ u guys :D


December 21st, 2004, 10:05 PM
Awww...I thought this was going to be about Scotch whiskey. :(

Good story though.

December 22nd, 2004, 06:36 AM
yeah, I agree with cfh! lol

December 22nd, 2004, 08:29 AM
The same thing here guys... me being a huge fan of scotch and all... bass turds!! funny stuff mind you.... but NOT what i was expecting..

December 22nd, 2004, 11:44 AM
Now are you talking about windows98 first or second addition, lol. Makes a difference. You guys and your Scotch. I'm sticking with my Vodka and Kahlua and Milk.

December 22nd, 2004, 12:13 PM
now I'm thirsting for rum......I think I'll go get some now....:)

December 22nd, 2004, 12:50 PM
Now are you talking about windows98 first or second addition, lol. Makes a difference. You guys and your Scotch. I'm sticking with my Vodka and Kahlua and Milk.

You want a cute pink umbrella for that too? And I got railed for saying gorgeous. :rolleyes:

December 22nd, 2004, 12:59 PM
