View Full Version : Wireless routers

December 10th, 2004, 12:18 PM
Hey guys, I was thinking about going wireless through my house. I was wondering if anybody else used wireless and if so does it effect your ping very much. I've got two computers and an XBox that I'd like to network, just dont want to have cables running around the house.

I've looked at the linksys wireless g routers and then i saw that dlink had come out with a gaming wireless router that was twice as much as the linksys.


|Team Moped| Kripto
December 13th, 2004, 11:16 PM
My house here at school works great. I have a linksys B router that i bought of some girls that couldn't get it to work for 25 bucks. It's nice to not have wires going anywhere. The Router is in my room so i just hooked up both of my lan cards (2 is better then one right?) I've never noticed a ping problem when i did use my wireless card, but a stronger signal means less lost packets. If you do set it up and it has some signal problems you can control which side of the router to send all of the power. Directly underneath is the worst spot, and you can always use an aftermarket firmware update. (i cant find the Maximum pc article about it, but i'll keep looking)

December 17th, 2004, 01:15 PM
I don't care for wireless when I'm gaming. It really made me mad when I would be fragging away and my room mate would turn on the microwave or dryer and I would loose my internet connetion. Gah, made me so mad that I bought a 250 ft cable instead LOL. Now I have 0 problems with my internet.

I'm only going to use the wireless on stuff like my laptop or other mobile gadgets. Too unreliable and a pain in the butt for anything else.
