View Full Version : Little warning for web developers

December 10th, 2004, 09:34 AM
If you noticed my website has been down for the past 6 days due to the fact of being suspended. It wasnt untill this morning that i finnally figured out why. I was using a really sweet script for a picture gallery from http://gallery.menalto.com/ to upload all of my personal pictures etc, well someone visisted my site, saw that i was using that web gallery script, found a backdoor in the program and decided to use it to upload irc hack/spam bots onto my webserver (thus the reason why my site was running so slow). After proving to the hosting company that i had no ideal this was going on, they then destroyed the gallery and deleted all of my images etc and locked the main gallery folders. They then said that if i let this happen again more stricter actions will be taken. The webhosting company that i am using (not for long after this though) is www.surpasshosting.com . Im really ticked off about the whole thing, first im mad that somenoe would do this to my personal website, second im really ticked about how surpassed handled the situation.. they shut down my site after billing me the previous day, didnt inform me that it was shut down, or why, broke my website told me it was my fault and that i would be in trouble if i was hacked again, then gave the site back to me 6 days later unfunctional.

I know no one in merc was responsible, but if someone that visited the merc website and saw my site did this...


guess its rebuilding time for me.

December 10th, 2004, 11:02 AM
Holy s--- that sucks, cause I know how much time goes into build a site, I hate hackers of all degrees, and I personly would love to turn that K9 unit in MN lose on them.

December 10th, 2004, 11:03 AM
wow...sorry to hear man; I know what its like...I had to rebuild a site that took me over 100 hours to build and a hacker found his way in through a php backdoor. We just upgraded php and turned on all the safe-mode restriction and stuff and now I have to try and salvage what I can to rebuild their scripts :(

December 10th, 2004, 12:04 PM
Did I hear a niner in there.

December 10th, 2004, 09:29 PM
sorry to hear that }{ i liked just goin browse through that site man it was really kool.

[sG] Dutchman
December 11th, 2004, 01:55 PM
sorry that happened it was just now I saw you site holy crap is that good.And what better your forums provider or proboards forums?I'm right now looking for a forum that is pretty nice like lamerc or yours, but I don't know what to choose.I just might stick with proboards for now.

|Team Moped| Kripto
December 11th, 2004, 11:25 PM
I hope you had your pictures backed up? That is pretty re-tar-tared of them to blame you for that; if they had decent company they wouldn't treat their customers like children. Some techs think they are the coolest people, when, in fact, they are geeks with a superiority complex.

I run a server for the University of Iowa psych department that runs a handful of online based experiments, it's been hacked 4 times and a lot of the data we collected has been destroyed. Our IT people have turned off our ports, disabling the server, but they always let us know why and how! Most of the time they troubleshoot to find out what happened, they have even gone as far as tracking the hackers down and using the university pull to get some action taken.
