View Full Version : Police Dog Bites Nude Man Where It Really Hurts

December 9th, 2004, 07:53 AM
MINNEAPOLIS -- The man was bitten in the genitals by a police dog while being arrested for allegedly running nude and entering homes in a Minneapolis neighborhood.

Police said the dog bit the man in order to protect its handler. Police say the man started hitting the officer and the police dog did what it was trained to do -- protect its human partner.

A police spokesman said police dogs are trained to bite if their partner is attacked. He said the dogs are not trained to bit in the groin area, but that it's likely the dog jumped and bit the man while he was moving around.

The dog, which was still leashed, bit the suspect to protect the officer.

The 19-year-old-man was taken to the hospital for treatment of his injuries.

Police reports said a police canine unit found the nude suspect shortly after noon Tuesday in a house. Police said the suspect began hitting an officer who ordered him out of the house.

Police say the man continued to attack officers even after he was bit. Police used a stun gun to subdue him.


December 9th, 2004, 07:58 AM

December 9th, 2004, 08:15 AM
I bet the police dog was a weiner dog. lol

December 9th, 2004, 08:19 AM
HA HA....HA HA....HA HA....


December 9th, 2004, 08:37 AM
I bet the police dog was a weiner dog. lol

Bad Goose, Bad....

December 9th, 2004, 08:50 AM
He didn't learn cause he kept on hitting the cop...He must have not had alot or I'm sure the dog would have ripped it off.

December 9th, 2004, 09:17 AM
This wasn't Hybrid was it?

December 9th, 2004, 09:23 AM
the whole story if you are interested:

A Minneapolis man wandered naked through residential streets on the city's south side and fought with police before being bitten by a police dog and subdued with the use of a Taser gun, officials said Wednesday.

The man was taken to Hennepin County Medical Center shortly after noon Tuesday, having been bitten by the dog in the groin area, Lt. Medaria Arradondo said. He was reported in serious condition Wednesday night.

Speaking from her home in Milwaukee, the 19-year-old man's grandmother said she was worried about him because she hadn't heard from him since about 9 a.m. Tuesday. She said he had called asking where his father was, adding that the man's father -- her son -- had died two years ago.

Police were called to the area surrounding the 5500 block of Columbus Avenue S. in the Page and Diamond Lake neighborhoods Tuesday morning on a report that a man was running through the streets naked.

On Wednesday, a neighbor, who asked to not be identified, said that when she encountered the man, he was clothed and ringing the doorbell.

"Where's Adam?" the man asked. "Where's Allah?"

She had no answers. But when he asked, "Where's Jesus?" the resident said softly, "He should be in your heart. Now you have to leave."

Recounting the exchange Wednesday, she said that she didn't feel threatened and that the man seemed normal and left without incident.

Moments later and several houses away, residents said, he stripped down, leaving his jeans and a long-sleeved shirt in a pile.

From there, the now-naked man made his way up the block.

Along the way, he pounded on doors, sometimes swearing, and rang doorbells trying to get inside the houses.

"I came to the door and there he sat," Judy Gunnarson said. "He had not a stitch on."

With her husband upstairs, she locked the door, and the man went away.

Another neighbor, Libby Pomroy, said she heard her sheltie, Cassie, barking in the back yard. "I looked out the kitchen window and there was this naked man chasing her around the yard," Pomroy said.

As she called 911, the barking stopped. Pomroy feared something had happened to Cassie, but she found the dog sitting on the back steps unharmed and the man gone.

Police responding to 911 calls encountered the man at Craig Martinson's home on Park Avenue. No one was home, but the door had been left open for his mother, who was expected to come from out of town.

Martinson said Wednesday that although several items appeared to have been moved from the dining room table to an upstairs bedroom, nothing appeared to have been damaged or taken from his home. It appeared, he said, that the man had rummaged through his dirty laundry in the basement.

When police arrived, the man was in the kitchen area, Arradondo said. They called to him, ordering him to come outside.

There, police said, he was met by a Minneapolis canine officer who ordered the man to get on the ground.

"According to police reports, the man lunged at the officer and punched him in the head," Arradondo said.

The dog then jumped to the defense of his handler, police spokesman Ron Reier said.

"Our dogs aren't trained to attack the groin area," he said. "The dog did what he is trained to do. It jumped and bit to protect his handler."

According to police reports, the man continued to fight, and officers from the department's Crisis Intervention Team subdued him using a Taser gun, Arradondo said. After they handcuffed him, he again began struggling with officers and was shocked with the Taser again before being taken to the hospital.

Although police declined to discuss specific injuries to the man, a source with knowledge of the case said the dog bit the man in the genitals.

The dog has been taken off duty pending an investigation. His partner, who suffered lacerations to his head and arm, will continue to respond to calls, Arradondo said.

The 19-year-old's grandmother, Eliza Roberson, said that he had been very close to his father and that his father's death had weighed heavily on her grandson, who moved to Minneapolis in August.

"He would come to my husband and tell him that he was crying loud enough hoping his father would hear him," Roberson said of her grandson.

Once the man, who has not been charged, is released from the hospital, he is expected to be held on suspicion of assaulting an officer and burglary for entering Martinson's home, Arradondo said.

and no it wasnt me.

December 9th, 2004, 10:36 AM
Lies it was too....lol

December 9th, 2004, 11:12 AM

December 9th, 2004, 11:36 AM
omg.. just reading about it hurts.. the fact he kept fighting after being bit and after taser.. that guy has issues to say the least

December 9th, 2004, 11:54 AM
I'm having a hard time sitting in my chair now after readin that. OUCH! Snakebite said it, he must have not been packing much, becuase if the dog even eyes my package, I'm immediately going into the fetal position and yelling for help, MOMMY make the bad dog go away.

|Team Moped| Kripto
December 9th, 2004, 11:02 PM
Tazer...dog hanging from the balls...still fighting ====> Meth
